3DMark11 Physics Hall Of Fame

As 3DMark11 Physics can make use of multiple processor cores, the rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.
Motherboard Cooling
Records per Page
Rank Score User Cores Frequency Hardware Cooling GLP HWP
1 14505 Points 4 5200 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 18.0
2 14238 Points 4 5000 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 0.0
3 14089 Points 4 5000 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 0.0
4 14056 Points 4 5115 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 4.6
5 13909 Points 4 5000 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 0.0
6 13909 Points 4 4997 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 0.0
7 10524 Points 4 5100 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 4.8
8 7778 Points 4 3717 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 2.6
9 5689 Points 2 5250 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 7.0
10 5585 Points 2 3643 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 10.0
11 3914 Points 2 3335 MHz ASUS Z87-A 0.0 4.0