With nearly each submission that you make at HWBot, you the user will be awarded HWBot points. This to allow the user to be competitive, however not only in the specific benchmark ranking or hardware category, but also within the Team and even the Country ranking.
Let us take my profile as an example:
As you can see there's a lot going on. However let us break it down to different segments and start off with the Points first.
HWBot points are divided into 4 different categories. Hardware points, Global points, Team Power points (Global & Hardware) and if you enter an Official HWBot competition you will also get awarded with Competition points.
When you make a submission at HWBot, the ranking and points will be calculated. You might end up with something like the below example:
Now what do these points reflect:
- Global points: Points you get in comparison versus similar hardware for a specific benchmark, e.g. your quad core CPU score versus all other quad cores in Cinebench R20.
The amount of Global points you will receive for your submission depends on the popularity of the benchmark, which gets Global points. Take note that not all benchmarks receive Global points!
7 Global Thresholds have been defined:
- Less than 25 subs: nr1 equals 15pts
- Less than 51 subs: nr1 equals 30pts
- Less than 75 subs: nr1 equals 65pts (2D) or 75pts (3D)
- Less than 125 subs: nr1 equals 90pts
- Less than 175 subs: nr1 equals 105pts
- Less than 225 subs: nr1 equals 125pts
- Equal or More than 225 subs: nr1 equals 161pts (2D) or 169pts (3D) - Hardware points: Points you get when submitting identical hardware type for a specific benchmark, e.g. a quad core Intel Core I7 7700K in Cinebench R20). Thus you get rewarded Hardware points versus other Intel Core I7 7700K submissions.
How many points you will receive for your submission is based on the popularity of the benched hardware. The latest point system is based on passing specific submission thresholds.
Six Hardware Thresholds have been defined:
- Less than 7 subs: nr1 equals 6pts
- Less than 25 subs: nr1 equals 15pts
- Less than 55 subs: nr1 equals 35pts
- Less than 105 subs: nr1 equals 50pts
- Less than 181 subs: nr1 equals 62pts
- Equal or More than 181 subs: nr1 equals 70pts - Team Power points: These are extra points awarded for your Team and are made up of:
- HTPP ( Hardware Team Power Points ): Comparing your Team's best hardware submission versus other Team's identical hardware submission.
- GTTP ( Global Team Power Points ): Comparing your Team's best Global point submission versus other Team's Global points.
The Team Power points are based on a complex algorithm taking into account a high score ratio versus your score. - Competition points: Points you get when competing in an official HWBot competition like the Challenger series, Team Cup,... These are not displayed when submitting a score but are visible on your Profile page.
There are different levels depending on the type of competition you participate in:
- Level 1: First place: 10 Pts, Second place: 8 Pts, Third place: 6 Pts, Fourth place: 4 Pts, Fifth place: 2 Pts
- Level 2: First place: 20 Pts, Second place: 16 Pts, Third place: 12 Pts, Fourth place: 8 Pts, Fifth place: 4 Pts
- Level 3: First place: 50 Pts, Second place: 40 Pts, Third place: 30 Pts, Fourth place: 20 Pts, Fifth place: 10 Pts
Back to my Profile Page, via the aforementioned Point explenation it should all be clearer now.
Career Ranking points: are the total sum of your Top 30 Global points and your Top 60 Hardware points from the moment you joined HWBot till today.
Season points: are the total sum of the Top 10 Competition points, Top 15 Global points and the Top 20 Hardware points starting from the 1st of January till the 31st of December included.
Now where do you find e.g. the Top 15 Best Global points for this season? Scroll down on your profile page and you will find the Points tab.
By clicking on e.g. Top 15 Best Global Benchmark Results 2024 button, HWBot will list your current best Global scores for the ongoing season.
On the above example there arealready 15 submissions that account for Global points. So for Season 2024 if I want my global points to get boosted I need to add a submission with a global score of higher than 61 GL points.
Thus to improve my Seasonal ranking, I can bench more benchmarks that get Global points and/or improve my current scores but you will have to examine closely which GL or HW boints are already listed
One of the most asked questions to the HWBot Staff is: "I benched a lot lately, why doesnt my ranking improve?"
To improve his ranking, the user will need to look into which points are actually taken into account for either his career or seasonal ranking. If he benches he needs to ensure that the new gathered points will be higher than the already listed scores. If not the ranking will not change.
The current Career ranking can be found on the left part of your Profile Page. The Seasonal ranking on the right.
Also HWBot will list the ranking within your Team and your Country.
Now if you just bench for fun and you bench a lot maybe the Hardware Master Ranking is more suitable for you. This ranking is the total sum of all the hardware points you gathered for your 2D and 3D submissions.
The more you bench, the higher your Hardware Master ranking will be!