Cinebench - R20

78812 cb

World record on 21 Nov 2023


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Benchmark Ranking Overview

As Cinebench - R20 can make use of multiple processor cores. The rankings are split up by the amount of cores in use.

Benchmark Score User
Cinebench - R20 - 1 Cores 366 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 2 Cores 2635 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 3 Cores 1144 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 4 Cores 5395 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 5 Cores 2190 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 6 Cores 9536 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 8 Cores 12678 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 10 Cores 10541 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 12 Cores 18057 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 14 Cores 14381 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 15 Cores 4090 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 16 Cores 23585 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 18 Cores 13792 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 20 Cores 20045 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 22 Cores 7133 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 24 Cores 28007 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 26 Cores 24170 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 28 Cores 27057 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 30 Cores 8048 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 32 Cores 31513 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 36 Cores 35706 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 40 Cores 15690 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 44 Cores 35050 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 45 Cores 11465 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 48 Cores 24819 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 52 Cores 20373 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 56 Cores 49728 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 60 Cores 44129 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 64 Cores 58576 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 72 Cores 17932 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 96 Cores 78812 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 112 Cores 30128 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 120 Cores 31479 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 128 Cores 43253 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 160 Cores 17722 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 192 Cores 55126 cb
Cinebench - R20 - 256 Cores 36486 cb

Cinebench - R20 World Record History