Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not NickShih's Best 3DMark03 Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTX 580
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Core i7 Extreme 990X
Liquid Nitrogen
6,615.8 MHz

Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 (GF110) Series Direct CU II Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,681 MHz (+116.34%) / 1,300 MHz (+29.74%)
Ohaaa. Monster GPU. congratulations.
Great GPU Clocks, but dude start using Sandy for 03 and you will get 185k+
He only has a 5.5G chip.
OMGWTFBBQ *faints*
Someone pls give Nick a 5.9Ghz Sandy now!
hah, i have 5.5g Sandy only . Any good one for sale ?
congrats nick, amazing clock!! i want to buy a good sb too

Damn Nick, chill out on those card clocks
Go get 'em Nicky...X58 ain't dead yet;)
Sick score, sick card NickShih
Love your 990 speed
Real Vcore for the vga?
very nice one, but with a 5,8G SB Chip, you would have crunched the wr
sick CPU bro
cya in Taipei soon
vgpu 1.7v lol
awesome nick
oholy mama! WOW!
What is that PCB under the mobo ? Looks like other board can't figure out this
I smell a backup...
@GunGod That's probably the pad dedicated to Japan, smth like this http://i419.photobucket.com/albums/pp280/davidextreme/GBj1.jpg
What a gpu.... just insane!
Wooow amazing clock!!
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