Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not ty_ger07's Best 3DMark05 Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
GeForce GTS 360M
6.0 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTS 360M
Team Power Rank
5.7 Points
Hardware Details
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M (GT215') Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 600 MHz (+9.09%) / 1,550 MHz (-13.89%)
3dmark05 does not show score. At least my version of 3dmark05 does not show score. None of my 3dmark05 screenshots show a score.
This submission should not be blocked / deleted. The submission is legitimate and was accepted. It isn't my fault that futuremark decided to remove 3dmark05 scores off of their orb website. The submission used to be there and was accepted. I should not be penalized for futuremark's decision.
Right was made 2 month before http://hwbot.org/news/important_screenshot_verification_mandatory_for_all_submissions
Checked back.
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