Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
GeForce GTX 480
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X Gulftown Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 6,300 MHz (+89.19%)
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 (GF100) Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,150 MHz (+64.29%) / 1,200 MHz (+29.87%)
Well done George...
I believe its not the last...
Great job!
well done!
respect...tsan power
Always a pleasure to bench with you George !
Not bad for your last post
Well done George!!! The fact that he teamed up with Mr. Jinx (aka Sofos) makes that score even bigger!!!!
George is one of the best o/cers around. If he keeps his word and stop benching then it will be a great loss not only for HOT. Though, I am pretty sure that he will not stand staying away from the o/cing scene...
Respect to a genuine hall of famer!!!
respect to Mr. Tsan
Nice score George!! Well done!! You have done excellent job all these years and I hope you will not stop now.
Very well done!
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