Rankings and Points
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
GeForce GTX 690
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 (GK104) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 1,010 MHz (+10.38%) / 1,652 MHz (+9.99%)
yeah buddy
You urgently needs extreme cooling dude !!
yeah but i want to get a little more experience on the vga side cause the 690 was the first
NVDIA card i actually touched (i always had AMD ).
and the other thing is that my parents wont allow me to bring a giant can of LN2 to my attic
but thanks to you i learned a lot (don't know if you remember me
The pretty blond girl with big lungs ? Ofcourse, your name was Marina. How can I forget
hahaha nope srry not blond and not a girl
i was at Tones oc academy III and IV .
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/66364457/TonesOCACADEMYIV/IMG_2433.jpg (the guy that won the V gene Motherboard)
Cool to have you onboard man ! plz add me to MSN grampsjr10@hotmail.com so we can keep in touch and maybe get together for some more hardocore stuff...
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