Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Doc.Brown's Best 3DMark05 Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
Radeon HD 3870 GDDR4
38.7 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Radeon HD 3870 GDDR4
Team Power Rank
Impressive GPU clock
Did you try to run 05 with xp or vista ? Vista is better for 05, and with this VGA I saw a lot of great score with XP... so, If your VGA is still alive, you can try.
And I know you are cooling limited with the CPU, so keep only 2 cores, you could run highter.Impressive GPU clock
Vista is better, I just had my Vista install corrupted during the bench session, that's why my score is done on XP.
Very nice GPU clock indeed! Push mem higher if possible and you will get some more spots up.
Ok, it's a good reason indeed
For the mem, I know that he tried a lot of thing to improve frequency, Vmod, capmod, heatsink... but no-way
Probably a bad chip or a really bad VRM
Yeah, I used brute-force
Vista or 7 would give me higher score. I will rerun it in the future and I have a second identical card. You could probably try an external VRM
. If it's a bad memory chip, just search for another card (from my experience Sapphire with the dual slot cooler similar to 7900GTX is good)... However I think they are rare, have 2 of these 
Thanks guys
Not tried XP or Vista for the moment,like Wizerty says I had a lot of issue with RAM and they didn't want raising more also with more voltage,it's Hinyx chip and they're hot also at stock frequencies/voltage ...perhaps an ln2 session will be the solution to push them higher.
Did you tried reverse Vmod for mem ? If I remember well, on 8800 serie (not for samsung chip) you can make a Vmod to decrease the voltage, the chip didn't like overvoltage, and you can go highter with less voltage...
No,I don't know how do that
Normally a trimmer between phase and fb pins, instead of fb - gnd.
Ok thank you,I'll try it soon
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