Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Dinos22's Best 3DMark2001 SE Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTX 275
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Core i5 2500K
Sandy Bridge
Single Stage Phase Change
5,728 MHz

Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 (GT200) Series Lightning Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,350 MHz (+108.33%) / 1,440 MHz (+30.08%)
Only 2500K!
don't knock my little battler
Great job even for a Fosters drinking parent
Sharing NATO COSMIC TOP SECRET is NOT allowed PJ in our team, I'll have to inform the team captain about this incident
3DMark01 war there
nice score dinos
wow time to put old hw back in the top
2500k on a SS at 2600k speeds
well done
WR Congratulation bro~!
Great job Dinos
01 battle continue... but Vince is lurking haha!!
unbelievable this 01 war
, nice score!
unbelievable this 01 war
, nice score!
unbelievable this 01 war
, nice score!
Nice work
thanks guys
Great work dinos. Excellent score indeed!
nice work dino!
congrats on the WR!
Gratz mate! Nice 20-th place global also!
way to go Pedro!!
Impressive score,congrats Dino:)
cheers fellas
nice work wr man! nice hardware lol
amazing work mate, now go hunt for a good cpu :-)
like it very much! Would love it if it has be done with E8600!
Is it a postponed challenge request here Hollywood ? Someone to shoot over 6,6G again ? Who's next ? ...
Nah, not rly. I just rly love that platform. REX and E8600 still is my favorite!
Its so much fun to bench.
I will do my last session ever in a couple of days.
On REX, an E8600 and a shitload of lightnings.
I am sure, i will never get somewhere in the top 5, but i love to bench that setup.
I worked so hard on a good result.
To bad, that i have to stop benching at all.....
Woah, surprise! Dinos, how much do you loose by using 2500k? Binning cost is severely higher with 2600k lol
It's been a long, a long time comin' ...
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