Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not chew*'s Best 3DMark2001 SE Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Radeon HD 4290
Team Power Rank
Nice dude). What sideport real clock?
Think I already offered more than enough info by my current screens for others to copy.
Other than that I might as well come over and just OC some ones system for them.
You will just have to actually tune your system to find any more gains like I have been doing all along
Final score will have all details if I have time to bench on ln2.
I have reviews and other more important things to tend to currently.
omg )) Ok, ok))
No offense but a competition is a competition, have no problem sharing all details after comp is over
Dont worry about this, a have all information about settings before your first result
Its only my interesting, not for share settings ))) Ok, wee will sharing all details after competition is over))
And no offense either, but this is a friendly competition with no prizes, from my understanding
It's just a "have fun" and "ePeen" booster 
Side note: Wish I was at home to enter in new scores since I have a 555BE waiting for me that does 4.2GHz on air
Oh well though haha I was happy to have 3rd place for a day on a 250u (ultra-low voltage, 1.6GHz stock) @ 2.8GHz =}
Cpu power has nothing to do with this contest. To win this contest you must treat it like a low clock challenge......
Nick if you knew all the settings before contest started.....no offense but your score would be far more effecient per clock.
A competition is what it is regardless if there is a prize to be had.
Competition is a contest between individuals, groups, nations, animals, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources... It arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared
yeap! the prize is fun and knowledge
chew*... I'm just a passive observer but can't help but comment on the fact thatt you are acting like a jerk 99% of the time I ever see your name.
Care to elaborate?
If busting my ass to get a effecient result makes me a jerk......guess everyone that is competitive on bot is a jerk then.
If not sharing my settings makes me a jerk.....well that makes 75% of people on bot a jerk then.
If stating the obvious and facts makes me a jerk well your not ready for the real world.
Now if I took a pop shot via a comment at the guys on air when I benched on ln2 and you called me a jerk I would say it is a warranted comment, but i'm not the one that did that here.
If showing some of the AIR guys that they to can be competitive against ln2 guys makes me a jerk well to bad.
I would not pay attention to those kind of comments Chew* I really appreciate that you were kind enough to post your score early so I was able to learn a lot from them. You put me on the right track now it's up to me to show if I have some skill! Thx again dude!
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