Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not chew*'s Best 3DMark2001 SE Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank


Hardware Details


Model AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE Callisto Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Cores 4,272 MHz (+33.50%)




Model ATi Radeon HD 4290 (RV620') Cooling Air (Custom) Speed 1,145 MHz (+63.57%) / 700 MHz (+75.00%)


Model ASUS M4A89GTD Pro/USB3 Chipset 890GX



Power Supply



chew* commented on his own score:
14 year and 1 months ago – Still Big Air tricks on IGP ;),CPU on phase., Last of the AIR on IGP backups. Keep pushing it!
April 20, 2010 at 11:42:54 PM UTC

Nice dude). What sideport real clock?

April 20, 2010 at 11:59:01 PM UTC

Nice dude). What sideport real clock?


Think I already offered more than enough info by my current screens for others to copy.


Other than that I might as well come over and just OC some ones system for them.


You will just have to actually tune your system to find any more gains like I have been doing all along ;)


Final score will have all details if I have time to bench on ln2.


I have reviews and other more important things to tend to currently.

April 21, 2010 at 12:05:50 AM UTC

omg )) Ok, ok))

April 21, 2010 at 12:14:53 AM UTC

No offense but a competition is a competition, have no problem sharing all details after comp is over :)

April 21, 2010 at 12:25:16 AM UTC

Dont worry about this, a have all information about settings before your first result :) .


Its only my interesting, not for share settings ))) Ok, wee will sharing all details after competition is over))

April 21, 2010 at 2:29:49 PM UTC

No offense but a competition is a competition, have no problem sharing all details after comp is over :)


And no offense either, but this is a friendly competition with no prizes, from my understanding ;) It's just a "have fun" and "ePeen" booster :P

April 21, 2010 at 2:32:17 PM UTC

Side note: Wish I was at home to enter in new scores since I have a 555BE waiting for me that does 4.2GHz on air :( Oh well though haha I was happy to have 3rd place for a day on a 250u (ultra-low voltage, 1.6GHz stock) @ 2.8GHz =}

April 21, 2010 at 2:51:00 PM UTC

And no offense either, but this is a friendly competition with no prizes, from my understanding ;) It's just a "have fun" and "ePeen" booster :P


Cpu power has nothing to do with this contest. To win this contest you must treat it like a low clock challenge......


Nick if you knew all the settings before contest offense but your score would be far more effecient per clock.


A competition is what it is regardless if there is a prize to be had.


Competition is a contest between individuals, groups, nations, animals, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources... It arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared

April 21, 2010 at 8:54:55 PM UTC

yeap! the prize is fun and knowledge ;)

April 22, 2010 at 3:41:15 PM UTC

chew*... I'm just a passive observer but can't help but comment on the fact thatt you are acting like a jerk 99% of the time I ever see your name.

April 22, 2010 at 5:58:11 PM UTC

Care to elaborate?


If busting my ass to get a effecient result makes me a jerk......guess everyone that is competitive on bot is a jerk then.


If not sharing my settings makes me a jerk.....well that makes 75% of people on bot a jerk then.


If stating the obvious and facts makes me a jerk well your not ready for the real world.


Now if I took a pop shot via a comment at the guys on air when I benched on ln2 and you called me a jerk I would say it is a warranted comment, but i'm not the one that did that here.


If showing some of the AIR guys that they to can be competitive against ln2 guys makes me a jerk well to bad.

April 22, 2010 at 9:35:24 PM UTC

I would not pay attention to those kind of comments Chew* I really appreciate that you were kind enough to post your score early so I was able to learn a lot from them. You put me on the right track now it's up to me to show if I have some skill! Thx again dude!

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