Submission Details

10 Oct 2010
elite League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not Lucky_n00b's Best 3DMark Vantage - Performance Submission
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 480  Rank
41.0 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 480  Team Power Rank
32.0 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X Gulftown Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 5,474 MHz (+64.38%)


Product Adata XPG + Cooling Air (Stock) Type 6144 MB DDR3 SDRAM PC3 15000Speed @ 855 MHz Timings CL7.0 9-7-20 1T


Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 (GF100) Series Lightning Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,404 MHz (+100.57%) / 1,202 MHz (+30.09%) buy on amazon


Model Big Bang-XPower (MS-7666) Cooling Air (Stock) Chipset X58



Power Supply



Lucky_n00b commented on his own score:
14 year and 7 months ago – Lucky_n00b & Coldest ( GTX480 Lightning Test with CRAPPY CPU
October 10, 2010 at 7:37:26 AM UTC

Nice run!!

October 10, 2010 at 7:44:40 AM UTC

Great score my friend!! what about the difference of 1.3b8 and 1.3b6? :)

October 10, 2010 at 11:05:44 AM UTC

I agree wth pro :D

October 10, 2010 at 11:11:23 AM UTC

Impressive clocks.


Same card as in the MOA final?

October 10, 2010 at 2:38:28 PM UTC

Nice run!!


Arigatou ne Gyrock-san :)


Great score my friend!! what about the difference of 1.3b8 and 1.3b6? :)


Thanks m8, btw I never tested the 1.3b6, just got the 1.3b8 right out of the box..


i think you need to remove noob from your name ;) maybe the lucky can stay!


I agree wth pro :D


Impressive clocks.


Same card as in the MOA final?


Thanks for the kind word fellas, but I guess this score proves that I'm still a n00b, since this was the very same card that me & my teammate bench'd at the MOA Final (in which we only got 1256Mhz at the event :D).


I still got a long way to go to make my way as a 3D Bencher , but I think this would be a good start ;)


2k3 Coming soon! :D :D :D

October 10, 2010 at 10:04:55 PM UTC

Lucky.... your killing me brotha...... Kick butt job.... Any tips with the card? Insulation? temps? Lets see some more scores..... with that cherry card...

October 11, 2010 at 1:28:57 AM UTC

AWESOME! erase the n00b from your name ;)

October 11, 2010 at 1:37:33 PM UTC

nice run dude


October 11, 2010 at 9:58:10 PM UTC

nice run :) did you use the " famous" thermal paste for the gpu ?

October 12, 2010 at 1:17:58 AM UTC

I know I have been using that paste for a while.. its great for cpus.....

October 12, 2010 at 1:35:01 AM UTC

Lucky.... your killing me brotha...... Kick butt job.... Any tips with the card? Insulation? temps? Lets see some more scores..... with that cherry card...


AWESOME! erase the n00b from your name ;)


Thanks bros :), the setup was nothing special:

- the switches I turned on was voltages(Vgpu,Vmem,Vpll switches), and the 2 XtremeCool Switches. OCP Unlocker and PWM Tuner doesn't seem to help.

- Voltages via Afterburner was +375mV for the vGPU, +300mV for the mem, and +300mV on the PLL

- Insulation using thick dielectric grease all around the card, with kneaded eraser covering only the GPU Chip on the back

- 1800W hot air gun(set at medium, 1100W,450C) used to keep the VGA Backside warm at all time

- Optimal Temperature for benching was -160C, somehow the VGA failed to run the vantage at -170C


nice run :) did you use the " famous" thermal paste for the gpu ?


Thanks sir :), I only use ArticCooling MX-2 paste since that one is the only one available at my place..will try to get OCZ Freeze later, but it's difficult to get that here :(

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