Submission Details

79293 GFX
36838 CPU
432,2 Chapter 1
359,02 Chapter 2
357,14 Chapter 3
396,46 Chapter 4
372,83 Chapter 5
426,29 Chapter 6
418,92 Chapter 7
348,82 Chapter 8
329,89 Chapter 9
22 Nov 2012
enthusiast League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not Mat_Agnesi's Best Aquamark Submission
10.0 Points
Global 3 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
AMD  3x Radeon HD 5770  Team Power Rank
5.5 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 2600K Sandy Bridge Cooling Air (Custom) Cores 5,050 MHz (+48.53%)


Product Crucial Ballistix Tactical Type DDR3 SDRAM


Model 3x AMD Radeon HD 5770 (Juniper) Cooling Air (Custom) Speed 1,021 MHz (+20.12%) / 1,300 MHz / MHz (stock) buy on amazon


Model GIGABYTE G1.Sniper M3 Chipset Z77



Power Supply



November 22, 2012 at 8:19:31 AM UTC

3-Way Crossfire on micro ATX Board by using a PCI-E 16X Extension Cable.


The 3 cards stay very cool even at over 1GHz GPU Clock..


Thanks to Andrix for Aquamark Optimization

November 22, 2012 at 8:38:15 AM UTC

And in a microATX cabinet :D

Great job bro!!

November 22, 2012 at 9:06:32 AM UTC

If you see the picture you notice that there is also another Card in the case, a dedicated hi-fi PCI Audio Card on the top of the case :D


Connected by PCI to PCI-Ex Adapter, and by a small PCI-ex 1x Extension Cable to the last free slot of the motherboard, the Black PCI-e 1x SLOT.



November 22, 2012 at 8:26:00 PM UTC

Nice run Mat...With your ram you can try 2133 MHZ CAS9-10-9-28 1T...Ballistix Tactical are good ram, I have had them!

November 22, 2012 at 9:33:26 PM UTC

Why should one do this? Cause he can! Very special "solution", i like such things. Very cool. :)

November 22, 2012 at 9:54:54 PM UTC

Hey!!! My cup!!???


Lol nice trick and good efficiency on your run :)

I have no backup and noway to improve cus not every card to do it.


I still have 3 but 2x Hawk (just 1x CF connector per card) and 1x VaporX (2 CF connector)

My setup was built with 2x VaporX and 1x Hawk in 1st slot...


With higher CPU clock you can easely go higher ;) Keep pushing!!

November 23, 2012 at 11:03:17 PM UTC

Mainboard does not have official support for 3-way SLI/CFX, but it works and works incredible well with these 3 gpu ! Very smooth, without stuttering, and Never hang up during tests.


After All benchmarks the max TEMP is only 59° on VGA #2 (The VGA on the middle).

GPU Core freq can be raised more, but to do this I need to volt mod the VGA 3#. (It's the only unmodded card and does not support software voltage control!)



P.S. Why MSI put only one CFX connector on the 5770 ?

November 23, 2012 at 11:07:32 PM UTC

With the PCI-e Extension cable, I can make a 2 way CFX/SLI setup with a huge 3 slots space between cards, (I'm Using a very long CFX Cable) or I can make a 3 way CFX/SLI

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