Submission Details
92690 GFX
54343 CPU
590.73 Chapter 1
483.98 Chapter 2
479.00 Chapter 3
512.59 Chapter 4
523.54 Chapter 5
569.47 Chapter 6
562.27 Chapter 7
473.29 Chapter 8
385.15 Chapter 9
Nice work , damn now you have 480Lightning too
Thx, but I just killed my 3770k
Benched this morning and everything went fine.
Shut the system down but forgot to set the cpu speed back to stock settings.
De-iced the card and motherboard.
Cleared the bios several times an booted the system with another GPU.
6400mhz at 1.8v on air was the last thing ive seen on the screen.
Unplugged the PSU asap and cleared the bios again several times.
Now I only see an 00 code on the debug led and a quick reboot.
My guess is the cpu is dead...
Motherboard boots fine with a G530 CPU.
Stupid me, although that bios reset button should have done his job from the start.
That's why you should never trust the clrmos buttons lol. I always plug the battery out and press the power button a couple of times with psu off.
Damn Gamer:( I also unplug my Battery out of Mobo after finish benching;)
Never had Problems so, but damn on your Chip, was an good one:(
i hope you find good chip on 1150.
now i have to start to not trust a button too!
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