Submission Details
3084 GFX
25262 CPU
62.6895 Chapter 1
17.4983 Chapter 2
40.7039 Chapter 3
19.491 Chapter 4
29.5073 Chapter 5
39.2301 Chapter 6
43.1955 Chapter 7
29.0778 Chapter 8
20.2549 Chapter 9
What tweaks did you use? I'm getting half the gfx score with seemingly the exact same settings and driver on that board.
oh man, it is about the right fsb and ram coefficient. i tried a bunch of different cpu on the same board to have various fsb and ram. I guess the chipset timings when available are important too
here is for instance a case where I can t figure out why he is scoring better than I do whikle my fsb, cpu frequency and ram frequency are higher or equal but the ram coefficient is different...
another "strange" thing: how can the GFX and CPU scores be much lower in his case while C1-c9 scores are about the same as me, and yet the aquamark score is higher than mine? I dont know how the CPU and GFX scores are calculated.... but I guess the overall score is based on the C1-C9 average fps

Thanks! I'll try some different things out then.
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