Submission Details
40368 hardware
2646 physics
3438 fur
2700 fluid
1508 raymarch
9129 loading time
I knew it...that's the way to go!
also i was waiting something from you Ian...great score man!!
zombiefied dc2
Yes Coolice 2K as 8BackUp!!!!
Nice one man! Well done on all subs for Pro!
Hey Coolice is that Avatar based around me??
Congratz for the first spot!! LIQUID!!
I'm known as the strong body, it must be about me
Nice work dude
Packed Zombie!!!
Congratz mate... greattt score
great !!
nice!!! Congratulations.
Hahaha, the most high end rig in the world, and look at the chair
Thats the second PSU support man
Congrats Ian!Awesome as always.But you need to get a new desk man
Score reported for being too extreme for this webpage !
lol!!! Cant beat em!!! Report em!!!
well done liquid
its alive!!!! nice mate!
Interesting that you found that particular memory strap the most efficient for you. Nice benching as always my friend.
Thanks all.
Yes Carl!!! Its alive and ready for rag rag ragging
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