Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not CherV's Best CPU Frequency Submission
Global Rank
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Team Power Rank
Very,very nice;)
Nice one girl:)
When you bench you did greatfull jobs!
how many did you bin?
AMD binned, not her. She doesn't know how many they binned
No - AMD's been seeding binned chips. I think the media samples are, in general, pre-scanned too.
why did I find better FX8150 in retail than the sample AMD sent me?
- processes mature
- you having a bad chip from AMD doesn't disprove them pre-scanning
nice work, congrats...
More important comment: Congrats on passing 8.35GHz milstone!!
Less important comment: If you are sent pre-binned hardware direct from the company, maybe it is time to move to Pro league.
Very nice!
wonderful result, well done lady
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