Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
21.9 Points
Celeron G470
Team Power Rank
8.8 Points
Hardware Details
Celeron G470
Sandy Bridge
Single Stage Phase Change
2,200 MHz

Product Corsair Dominator GT Type 3072 MB DDR3 SDRAM Speed @ 1,027 MHz Timings CL7.0 7-5-20 1T
go for gold !!!
Holy crap those timings! Did you try looser to see if score improves that tight? I've too tight cause instability that costs score.
I made 0.617 fps with 6 7 5 with ram at - 30C but the screen has no benchmate and same points. I don't publish it. I try again to do 0.618 ?
Good score Ale.
This chip is non-AVX so Win 7 will score a bit better without the overhead of benchmate
I didn't notice any differences, I opened the benchmate for correctness on the hpet timers
HWBOT x265 doesn't need benchmate anyway, it won't run without HPET
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