Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not knopflerbruce's Best PiFast Submission
Core 2 Quad Q6600
47.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core 2 Quad Q6600
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Core 2 Quad Q6600
Liquid Nitrogen
4,950 MHz

Nice one Knut!! Don't have a heart attack with all those points at once......
lol, you've taken one of the hardest 2D records at your bootup clocks and hardly any tweaks
got any backups?
No backups, but I'll rerun it later on a better OS (this one is beat to death, and I don't think it was well tweaked to begin with...). THEN I'll have backups
Fought for 2h trying to get #3 spi1m, but the one time I got it I got a BSOD before I could save the screenshot:(
Edit: It's not THAT inefficient, is it? I'm about 10 MHz CPu speed behind you Sam, and from what I can see you don't have worse memory performance than me at least:p
The chip is easy to work with though, FSB-wall is pretty hard. I know what it can do, and I know what it can't... hehe.
damn you are as lucky I am
Really good job knut
very nice
Thank youuuuuu:D
which ram did you use on RE ? I tried few BBSE or PSC no, but no way! Hyper, or nothing else than Micron D9Gxx?
I think OCZ Blade for this one. Used some CSX Diablos before, just thought I'bd see if the hypers worked well, too.
good info bro....thanks
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