31 Mar 2012
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not ivanov's Best Reference Frequency Submission
NF7 V2.0
7.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Athlon XP-M 2400+ (Barton) Barton Cooling Air (Custom) Cores 1,708.49 MHz (-5.08%)
Congrats! Very nice
I went up to 2.35V on water, but FSB didn't go up. Had no time to get LN2 this week.
Thanks :-) And the funny thing is, that there was something wrong with the VDIMM mod. Over 3.2V MB didn't boot
We had to resign from Winbond BH-5. But Samsung TCCD on 2.8V did the job pretty well :-)
On this board vtt (v-ref for nb-mem signals) depends on memory voltage. On my one the best settings are 3,15v v-mem and 1,95 v-nb.
I'm waiting for new cpu from my friend but i'm afraid that it's to late
You probably missed the Vtt/Vref mod and the result was that Vtt didn't follow VDIMM/2 ratio. At 3.2V on the ram it had been stuck @ 1.45V.
I have this mod and I know that there has to be VDIMM/2 ratio. Board just didn't cooperate over 3.2V
I have no clue why. Will investigate soon.
I dont really consider it as a disadvantage. vtt/v-mem dependance helped me to reach 282mhz
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