Submission Details

32 min 27 sec 80 ms with Celeron M 550 @ 1995 MHz
27 Mar 2009
extreme League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not LuiGGy's Best SuperPi - 32M Submission
Intel  Celeron M 550  Rank
13.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
Intel  Celeron M 550  Team Power Rank
2.6 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Celeron M 550 Merom-1M Cooling Air (Stock) Cores 1,995 MHz (-.25%)









Power Supply



January 4, 2010 at 1:04:22 AM UTC

to low information


January 4, 2010 at 1:04:24 AM UTC

to low information


January 4, 2010 at 2:12:45 AM UTC

Disculpame, este resultado este validado hace tiempo y yo habia subido bien la informacion,ahora con el nuevo HWBOT seguro quedo mal o le falta info pero no es mi culpa...

January 4, 2010 at 2:20:51 AM UTC

Ademas en el screenshot esta toda la informacion necesaria no se porque decis que hay poca informacion, recien vi un resultado tuyo con el mismo hardware que yo y tu screenshot tiene los mismos programas abiertos que el mio...

tu comentario esta de mas.


Also on the screenshot that all necessary information is not because you say that there is little information, a result recently saw yours with the same hardware that I and your screenshot is open the same programs that mine ...

Your comment is superfluous.

January 4, 2010 at 2:20:52 AM UTC

Ademas en el screenshot esta toda la informacion necesaria no se porque decis que hay poca informacion, recien vi un resultado tuyo con el mismo hardware que yo y tu screenshot tiene los mismos programas abiertos que el mio...

tu comentario esta de mas.


Also on the screenshot that all necessary information is not because you say that there is little information, a result recently saw yours with the same hardware that I and your screenshot is open the same programs that mine ...

Your comment is superfluous.

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