Submission Details

28 Feb 2013
extreme League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not xxbassplayerxx's Best wPrime - 32m Submission
Intel  Core i7 920  Rank
43.5 Points
Global 4 Cores CPU Team Power Rank


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 920 Bloomfield Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 5,376 MHz (+101.35%) REF 248 MHz / IMC 4,474 MHz / QPI 2,983 MHz


Product Corsair Dominator GT Cooling Air (Stock) Type 6144 MB DDR3 SDRAM Speed @ 1,024 MHz Timings 8-8-8 24 1T







Power Supply

Series Corsair Professional Series Gold Power 1200 Watt


February 28, 2013 at 2:32:26 PM UTC

"4th out of 861" - I prefer "tied for 2nd"


Very nice run!

February 28, 2013 at 2:35:28 PM UTC

Thanks man! I actually just started a thread about this in the staff section looking for some input lol:



Right now, a tie on the bot ends up with the user who submitted first taking the higher position. Because this hobby is one that is largely based on competing with old hardware and time is not a very relative metric, I suggest the following changes.


Take this example (me!!) for consideration:





Mothod 1:

For a tie, the points normally given to the users would be added together and divided by the number of users (an average). In the rankings, all users would show as having the same rank.


For example:


(39.8+33.5+29.7)/3 = 34.3 points each


1. 4sec 437ms 49.9pts

2. 4sec 453ms 34.3pts

2. 4sec 453ms 34.3pts

2. 4sec 453ms 34.3pts

5. 4sec 464ms 27.2pts



Method 2:

The other way to divvy points would be to give them all whatever 2nd place normally receives, in this case 39.8 points. The 5th place user would still receive the points that 5th place normally awards.


For example:


1. 4sec 437ms 49.9pts

2. 4sec 453ms 39.8pts

2. 4sec 453ms 39.8pts

2. 4sec 453ms 39.8pts

5. 4sec 464ms 27.2pts



Note that all users receive 2nd place as well as the same amount of points (as is fair with a tie). Each would also receive a silver cup, in this instance.


What are your thoughts and opinions?

February 28, 2013 at 3:44:22 PM UTC

nice work tommy....


February 28, 2013 at 3:50:33 PM UTC

Thanks Mr. Todd!

February 28, 2013 at 4:19:37 PM UTC

Nice work and Good chip :D

February 28, 2013 at 4:51:17 PM UTC

I somehow managed to run WPrime higher than Pi 1M... Time for another session...


As always, this was with the last few drips of LN2.

February 28, 2013 at 4:59:06 PM UTC

Grats on tieing 2nd man!

February 28, 2013 at 5:21:36 PM UTC

Thanks. I thought I actually had first (4.432) but I guess I read the score wrong!

February 28, 2013 at 9:27:32 PM UTC

Well done , very nice benching , awesome cpu there ! Congratz.


February 28, 2013 at 10:33:22 PM UTC

Nice one Thomas.

February 28, 2013 at 11:16:55 PM UTC

Nice one Tommy!

March 1, 2013 at 1:41:16 AM UTC

Very nice run Tom!

March 1, 2013 at 5:55:30 AM UTC

Thanks everyone!

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