11.04.2009 00:00 +0000
12.24.2009 00:59 +0000
This is the official HWBOT Country Cup 2009 support thread.
Post here if you have any questions or remarks and we will try to respond as fast as possible!!
Hi Pieter, if I understood, for each week of benchmark, you'll take in account the better 3 results for each country... then you'll calculate the average and the first 10 countries will earn points, ordered by their average.
At the end, the country with more points will win the competition, the prizes go to the first six countries... but how will you decide which person/team from that country will receive the ln2 pot?
That's correct. So:
1) people submit results => results are grouped per country
2) the score of a country is calculated based on the average of the best 3 scores of the country
3) per stage, points are awarded to the best 8 countries; 1st = 10, 2nd = 8, and so on.
4) at the end of the competition, all points are added up to each other and we have a finalized country ranking.
From the logs, we see what users have scored the most points. So:
Winning country => top 3 best scoring users get each one prize
2nd country => top 2 best scoring users get each one prize
3rd country => best score user get one prize
Allright thanks!
But... in the competition page it's written that there are 2xF1, 2xTek5.0 and 2xNB-1. So it wouldn't have been rather 3xF1, 2xTek5.0 and 1xNB-1?
If it was possible, we would have chosen 6x Gulftown
Mmhh I didn't understand... I wasn't trying to dispute about the prizes, I was only trying to understand to do an Official thread on HwProject in which I'll explain everything.
My confusion was generated about the numbers... "2x 2x 2x" is 6.
Evend 3x+2x+1x is 6, but distributed in a different way, that was the point I didn't understand
Hehe, I know, no worries
The best user of the winning country will have the choice between the 3 containers, then the second best of winning country, then the third best. After that the best user of the second country ... and so on.
Some people already have a good CPU container, so maybe they want a GPU container instead
Oh, that's good, now it's clear!
So, apart from the prizes, let's clock
Pieter, thanks!
Good idea guys, I agree with you
How do I link a forum topic to my country to appears on "Other competition related discussions and articles"?
Our team: [OverBR] Team Brazil (
Topic on forum (in Portuguese-BR):
The original text was translated to others overclockers in Brazil.
Andrei Voss
As you did: posting it here or via PM
Added the link!
Wow! faster as a good overclock!
Thanks a lot, Massman!
And if more than two participants per country ???
We cut pots...
How do you mean, C3?
wrong topic?
Hey Mass, could you add our link of this competition?
Thanks for advance.
Overclocking Argentina OC team is ready for the battle.
Good luck!
Hey everybody, can I ask something as well ? I'm rather confused regarding which benchmark shall we bench during first week (4-11 November).
Here, as well as here and here, I can see you're talking about SuperPi 1M. That's what I thought as well.
However, according to this newspost, our first benchmark will be SuperPi 32M.
Could you please help me out a bit ? It seems like SuperPi 1M is the one that's going to be benched during the first week, I just want an official confirmation.
I think people will be surprised when they see how little LN2 will be used in this competition.
thks ^^
Hey, i've a question!
When the second stage starts, the first stage ends? or it will be available to submit until 23rd dicember?
I don't see end dates in the microsite :-/ .
There will be a timer running when each stage has started.
I have a question here. One of the rules as you already know is "Retail hardware only. Hardware must be availabe for purchase at the beginning of this competition. Pre-order is not okay." So can hardware which was in retail months/years ago but is not any longer be used ? (Q6600, the single core celerons etc)
As long as you're using a retail variant of an already released product, it's okay
Ok Thanks
How do I link a forum topic to my country Portugal
Our team: [benchX] Team Portugal -
Forum in Portuguese):
Added it to the list
ready to bench, but we think allowing liquid elium is not so good
someone who has access to liquid elium will dominate the competiotion
Thanks jmke! Really you can understand very well my bad English! hehe.
Massman it's a good idea a timer!
mine is not a real complain
i don't know how to say in english but in italian''l'importante è partecipare''
Ah, the olympic spirit
I don't think we'll see that much Liquid Helium. To be honest, if you manage to get liquid helium in one week time, you deserve the win
you're right
we have asked for liquid elium and the bill is about 5000€ for 5h benching, and we have to wait a month to get it
I think liquid helium is accessible to those who have enough money, it's not like you need a special deal of some kind... right?
It's not as easy as getting LN2, Knopflerbruce
Looks like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see if my Q9650 can do anything, we'll see!
May the best tweaker win!
Holy Mozes ... a lot of references here!
q6700 is valid?
ok we have an old q6700, so we are in:)
04/11 - PDT, GMT...?
What is the official time zone for submissions?
Very nice! I want one just to look at
omg, they look very nice:eek: :nana:
Question, submitted the result of an old run of mine with my Q9550, yet I can't validate the checksum at XS and if I enter my checksum here it says it's invalid
Even though that I do have a valid score.
How can I fix that?
I think the checksum has been broken...
How do you mean broken?
As in my checksum not beeing valid, or something else?
Aah, thanks for clearing that up!
Well still wanna brake 4Ghz with Pi, so this is a good motivation to try it
Will definitely be pushing the CPU more if I can....
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