06.01.2012 00:00 +0000
07.09.2012 23:59 +0000
Count me in,
Yeah Z77-OC
lol, official announcement is computex right is board is ready ?
so edit your post in 4 days
mhmmhm... let's go!
*cough* GA-Z77X-UP7 *cough*
Top 3 gets this super board? This is the best competition ever.
Is the ES sample allowed?
if hicookie uses ES yes
Usually for hwbot competitions only use retail hardware and ES not allowed, so blame massman if it's not in the competition limitations
wprime 1024 ...
why ?
May be Hicookie wants that all his concurents will kill theirs cpu's
My mistake, I didn't read stage limitations
btw I see no official background
Cause massman still has to add the stage for most creative background.
Then i can win something
How to overclock Gigabyte motherboard ?
Once I am under cold the motherboad won't boot, only after CLR_CMOS
What temperature?
The key is often to raise the BCLK over 104 to get it booting under cold.
Yeah I know but either motherboard is weird or cpu is or I am, so many issues. Fuck overclocking getting too complicated, will be back to Pentium days.
FYI, updated the prize list!
Fresh boards!
fuck, need to score first
Uff... was my first experience with Ivy. I get coldboot after system hang on some hard-stressing benchmark with 1,7V+. Maybe weak PSU? Who knows.... But it was fun anyway. Nextime I must pick better 3770K.
you need to try higher bclock > push past 110
Did you use a <300W PSU ?
dinos22: Hmm, most of the time I used 105-108 BCLK. Thanks for tip!
Massman: I have single rail 850W Corsair but only with about 70A
Receive my new cpu on saturday
It's really, really not your PSU ...
Sweet - sitting here with backups to get 3rd place, I want that ud4 with ps/2
Because of your results I am first now and actually I wanted to be 2nd to get the UD5 
Yeah i seen my points affected the ranking a bit
Yea haha
Well this will be my first steps into socket 2011 haha 
haha, maybe splmann will swap you boards
I will just mess up the rankings, just got LN2 an new cpu
Like this now Roman is happy and got the UP5 Z77
@ Roger, sorry man, you asked me to compete, so I did
wtf christian? I'm still first and the competition has been closed since yesterday?
Looks like the ranking hasnt been updated
2 points. So close!
Nop !
Christian this is bullshit, I watched this competition down to the last 5 minutes your submissions were not in.
I had backups I could have dropped for wprimes to keep me in third.
Your a moderator and if your engine is faulty that is not my problem. Once the competition was over your submissions were not in competition engine.
Please fix this crap.
Competition closed at 2200 on the 29/6/2012 your submissions were not posted until the 30th,
And your post about getting a new CPU to mess up the rankings was after the competition was closed
Yes I did submite them on the 30th as the competition ended on the 30th and I benched this day too:
I don't see what's the problem.
Furthermore even if I am a moderator, only admins have the rights to edit/moderate/submite/whatever submissions after a competition ended. Moderators can't compete against hwbot's competition engine.
Bullshit christian , ask der8aur it closed exactly as i put my post up. me and der8aur were watching it tick down to 0 then it said closed.
Did watch the tick down and it ended the 30th at midnight 0:00 here
So only for you timer clicked down 1 day late, me and der8aur seen it was closed since 29th ???? WTF.
If it was still open for us i would have submitted backups, your scores were not even viewable until 1/7/12 , something is not right here.
Even in your own screenshots right there it states " you can submit benchmark results BEFORE 30th" before mean prior to the 30th , you submitted on the 30th.
Check all other competitions, the end date written is the last day for submissions so you can still submite this day as it has always been.
I guess something went wrong with the tick down, I didnt check the comp page on the 29 or even before to be honest. I saw it was ending the 30 so I took my saturday to bench.
Will check that with massman maybe the top page tick down started one day earlier than the tick down at midpage.
Please do, as me and der8aur seen it was closed to us.
I submitted with 5 mins to go , sandbagging as usual.
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