HWBOT OC Challenge June 2011
06.01.2011 12:00 +0000
06.30.2011 23:59 +0000
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HWBOT OC Challenge June 2011 is closed since 30 June 2011
This competition is between teams
PCMark04: AMD K6 |
PCMark04: AMD K7 |
PCMark04: AMD K8 |
PCMark04: AMD K10 |
PCMark04: AMD Vision |
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Awarded Season Points
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Active Members
No points have been awarded in this competition
I knew it! While wondering what would be the next challenge I came into conclusion that it would be good if it is AMD only. Feel kinda sad that the benchmark is PCMark, but I'm in.
Massman, could you post the current top 10 in each category if it's not much time consuming for you? Otherwise I could browse the results on the cpu compare page.
I wouldn't mind a list of processors that make up the 'AMD Vision' Family. Does it include the other levels of AMD Vision (Ultimate, Premium, etc) or just the basic level? Mobile only? Apparently desktops are getting AMD Vision lablel now as well.
As for applicable hardware, you can always check out our (old) hardware overview: http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareProcessors.do?cpuSubFamilyId=203
If we need to add hardware, just let us know!
Will do!
Most records are ancient
- 669 Turrican with K6-3 450mhz at 567.00
- 610 1BadMoJoe with K6-3+ 450mhz at 604.90
- 580 1BadMoJoe with K6-2+ 500mhz at 604.90
- 561 Turrican with K6-2 500mhz at 619.00
- 553 1BadMoJoe with K6-3+ 450mhz at 630.00
- 540 orange with K6-2 450mhz at 575.00
- 523 orange with K6-2 500mhz at 600.00
- 477 1BadMoJoe with K6-2 500mhz at 577.50
- 472 1BadMoJoe with K6-2 475mhz at 550.00
- 469 1BadMoJoe with K6-2 533mhz at 549.90
- 5345 BenchBrothers.de with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 3208.90
- 4892 funkflix with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 2789.00
- 4723 Lippokratis with Athlon MP 2800+ at 2124.00
- 4659 Aleslammer with Athlon XP 2700+ at 2638.00
- 4516 Exlua with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 2770.60
- 4509 maxine with Athlon XP-M 3000+ at 2618.00
- 4509 Xevipiu with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 2606.00
- 4488 Freakezoit with Athlon XP 3000+ at 2606.00
- 4469 BenchBrothers.de with Athlon XP-M 2500+ at 2806.00
- 4416 LostInSpace278 with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 2676.00
- 10073 maverik-sg1 with Athlon 64 FX-60 at 3500.00
- 9925 maverik-sg1 with Athlon 64 FX-60 at 3480.00
- 9871 maverik-sg1 with Athlon 64 FX-60 at 3490.00
- 9864 maverik-sg1 with Athlon 64 FX-60 at 3450.00
- 9663 BeerKing with Athlon 64 5000+ X2 BE at 3529.00
- 9524 DAZEB with Athlon 64 5000+ X2 BE at 3410.00
- 9454 mtzki with Athlon 64 4400+ X2 Toledo at 3100.00
- 9427 koziro with Athlon 64 5000+ X2 BE at 3311.40
- 9346 sacha35 with Athlon 64 FX-60 at 3205.00
- 9342 topdog with Athlon 64 4050+ X2 Brisbane at 3244.00
- 14626 S_A_V with Phenom II X2 560 BE at 4212.00
- 12622 Vialet with Phenom II X2 555 BE at 4320.00
- 12056 Vialet with Phenom II X2 555 BE at 4340.00
- 12025 Vialet with Phenom II X2 555 BE at 4214.00
- 11572 PCTwin with Phenom II X4 970 BE at 4332.00
- 11273 S_A_V with Athlon II X3 435 at 3600.00
- 11007 DeRtoZz with Athlon X2 5200 at 3795.00
- 10453 Gunhead with Phenom II X4 940 at 3797.00
- 10206 MaToP with Athlon II X3 435 at 3922.60
- 9644 slagsmal with Athlon II X3 450 at 3989.00
AMD Vision
- 5680 Christian Ney with Fusion E-350 at 2000.18
erm...you do know that the download link is dead...right?
can you fix that?
I'll upload it to our own server and change the download URL then.
a mirror would be good:)
any idea on how get this thing working on win7?
Worked for me without problems, let me arrive to home and give you the answer.
I feel obligated to warn everybody that after our heart crushing last minute (literally) defeat in May, we are after blood in this one!
Of course, by "we" I mostly mean Opty. I'm going to take a crack at K6-2 and 462 though.
Arrgh, I keep getting "Initialization failed, test skipped" on DivX Video Compression test.
I had to install WMP + WMEncoder, IE and DivX on my bare XP, but the divx test keeps failing.
Tried various divx codecs without any success.
I can collaborate this month, waiting for mobo for K8 CPUs and start to bench
Download windows media encoder 9 from here: http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Windows-Media-Encoder-Download-1393.html installed it and run the program.
AMD Phenom II X3 N830 also AMD Vision
Okay ... how to categorize this cpu?
cpuworld says k10 ?
Acer Aspire 5551G
AMD Vision ?
Can't wait.
This is why I was getting confused because I have 3 different ACER laptops at work that all have AMD Vision stickers on them. None of them carry chips that are currently in the Hardware Library as AMD Vision despite the sticker. One is the same as you the Tri-Core 830. After some research I decided what they actually meant was the E-series of newer chips released by AMD. Especially since I see they put the Vision sticker on desktops as well, some that carry processors like Athlon dual (x2 250) and tri cores.
Does the Vision sticker meant that the technology is actually Vision?
Maybe the correct term is Fusion instead of Vision? Or did you mean "anything different than desktop/server"?
Btw, description (author comment) for submission is not shown, just tested with a new one for the competition.
Now AMD is putting ''Vision'' everywhere even if the cpu is not vision architecture.
Better to change vision into fusion for this challenge and also in the database, you will add Vision when bulldozer is out ?
Don't believe it does, but it makes for a great deal of confusion especially since even googling which chips are AMD Vision turns up almost nothing. Finally found this article which coincided with the HWBOT hardware listings.
Cpu-world.com doesn't give any listing for Vision but does count the E-series they do have listed as K10.
So I just left it as I have no idea and wouldn't pursue benching it unless I could find one of the chips listed in the Hardware section.
back on topic: is there anybody with experience using a Soyo 5EHM mainboard and K6-2 400 Cpu? Also: does PCMark 2004 takes graphics much in consideration to calculate the final score? e.g.: instead of using my trustworthy Geforce mx2 i could use something more powerfull.
only the last 2 tests take use of the graphics card.
hmm, i think a k6-x cpu is to weak to take an advantage of a stronger card than your geforce 2 mx.
Damn, i was thinking using a 7600GT OC't to 640 Mhz
oh good, my k6-166 doesn´t have any agp-slot. maybe my gf2 pci is good enough
i don't think the agp8x 7600gt would fit into your agp2x board. the "cut" on the card is on the different side as on the board.
My best AGP card that can fit in a AGP2x slot is a GF FX 5600
I think i have something like that, and a Radeon 9200. Perhaps that i'll install the pc tonight
a fx5600 for agp 2x?
i have a gf4 mx440, that is allready agp 8x!
some agp cards are backwards compatible, but not all.
is there a way to find out, wich card is backwards compatible and wich is not except google for each card?
All AGP4x cards will fit in
will fit or will work?
is agp 2x compatible to agp 4/8x or to agp 1x?
If 8x/4x card fits in 2x slot it will work, because it's designed to be universal.
From my agp cards: FX5900Ultra and Radeon 9800Pro should work, 9550, 3850 and X1950GT - not. But I don't have K6 platform.
that´s usefull
the mx2 is dead, enter the voodoo3 3500
, the K6-2 managed to post at 500 Mhz instead of 400 :-). Searching for that Nvidia FX card. But where did i put it...
good work
which of the two settings should be faster:
5.5x multi x 100 Mhz FSB (550 Mhz CPU-speed), with memory set at 100 Mhz.
4.5x multi x 112 Mhz FSB (504 Mhz CPU-speed), memory set at 112 Mhz.
i guess the first one, cpu-speed might be more important than ram-speed.
but why don´t you try both settings? it´s the best way to find it out
I had a really big problem running PCMark04 on dual-cores. The Multithread Test 3 failed on Grammar Check, and no give me a score, only running at "single core mode", and it naturally down my score dramatically. What the solution for this problem? Affinity? Dark spell? lol
Affinity, yes.
I think that is affinity or you haven't installed WME 9.
grammar sucks - wait until you try and try and run ATI cards...everyone I have had so far as caused me problems.
Since Opty won't spill the beans I'll let you in on the secret so you can catch him. Register your PCmark04 and simply run Grammar Check first by itself (its under CPU tests) and then run the regular System Suite and it should work.
Or you could use a program that changes your affinity based on time clock. You would have to time it to get it to run in sync with the Grammar check test and it would automatically switch the affinity between single and dual core for you. Haven't tested to see if this is actually practical though.
Good luck!
I got a problem to run PCMark04 on Win 7, look this:
WME9 installed and is OK, the problem is just with WMP...
Any suggestion?
In other words, ignore the message and run the benchmark.
Works fine for me, brother. See the attachment. Try to run it.
Thanks a lot! I'll do it. X2 4200+ challenge will continue
. With my pretty zoombies HDDs lol
As my brother says: "I loev it".
bummer: xp won't start @500mhz
maybe a little bit more vcore?
Vcore was set at 2.9V.
I can go as high as 3.4V, but at 2.9 the cooler becomes hot to the touch. => +60 à 65°C.
I'll try a rerun with a 500Mhz CPU in a couple of days (have to go and fetch it)
I installed PCMark04 and all the other bits of software it needs on my fresh install of XP, but all i can get is the little PMARK04 popup while the software is supposedly loading. Task manager says it crashes almost as soon as I open the program... No clue whats going on... any suggestions?
What happens if you try to add -nosysteminfo parameter to the shortcut?
did you install the patch (1.3.0)?
How do you do that? Basic knowledge I'm sure but never had to do it before
The download from the Futuremark Site was the 1.3.0 version.
Install the systeminfo hotfix/update. I guess you're trying to run some new generation card.
This will do the trick http://www.3dmark.com/support/systeminfo-updates/ but I installed the hotfix from February 08. Don't remember the exact download location, but you should be able to find it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was what I did in order to make it work.
You can first check what Massman suggests in order to see if the system info is causing problems. You add one space after the quotes and then -nosysteminfo.
Like this: http://www.asrock.com/support/faq/20070803-2.jpg
When I end up with a hang on PCMark04 splash screen you either have to use the -nosysteminfo flag or delete the direcpll.dll that is in the Windows/System32/Futuremark folder. I find this happens most often with ATI video cards for some reason.
Just tried on fresh install of PCMark04. Option -nosysteminfo doesn't work, but second method works.
VGA is HD4890.
So nobody going to spill the beans on how to get grammar test to run multithreaded?
There's a trick for it mate, I will tell ya tomorrow
( but we don't have it used it on our runs either as some think of it as a cheat ) One of the other scores have done it the right way... think we could have breached XXXX K easily with the tweak... maybe later a rerun...
look through the posts already here, it was posted then
If you are able to register the product run the grammar check by itself, first and then run the entire suite
First HWBot win in history for OCF?
The dawn of a great new era?
Classicplatforms very, very nearly got us at the end.
Thanks for this. Was wondering all day how to run the tests one by one, nearly managed to post updated score
Congrats to the winners. Lost the overall 2nd place just right at the end. Nevertheless I have 2 records now
Its hard to fight when running only 3 platforms from total of 5.
Oh...and long live HD4890, one of my all-time favorite cards.
good work Infrared !!
Congratz to the winners and runners up !!
This brutal assault on the AMD vision (fusion) cpu's brought to you by bungie cords
The Ice cream Container Ln2 Pot didn't make the cut for this competition, due to the need for some more k10 benchage at the last minute.
I blame Canada Post for this, their 3 week strike means my K6 and 462 mobile will probably show up tomorrow after 3 weeks in limbo
Great June Comp! Had lots of fun this time around!
Congrats to OCF, you guys really pushed hard and did a great job.
Now that the competiton is over, how did you guys managed such high scores in the Virus scan test?
.......I never broke 200mb/s.
As usual, records were broken during this competition! Here's the list of all new records.
(ps: impressed by I.nfraR.ed's AXP score!)
Old record: 669 by Turrican with K6-3 450mhz at 567.00
New record: 827 by Strunkenbold with K6-3+ 400MHz at 615.7MHz
Old record: 5345 by BenchBrothers.de with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 3208.90
New record: 5723 by I.nfraR.ed with Athlon XP-M 2600+ at 3032MHz
Old record: 10073 by maverik-sg1 with Athlon 64 FX-60 at 3500.00
New record: 10607 by God_bg with Athlon 64 4600+ X2 Windsor at 3520MHz
Old record: 14626 by S_A_V with Phenom II X2 560 BE at 4212.00
New record: 19576 by I.nfraR.ed with Phenom II X6 1090T BE at 5303MHz
AMD Vision
Current record: 5680 by Christian Ney with Fusion E-350 at 2000.18
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