HWBOT OC Challenge September 2011
09.01.2011 12:00 +0000
09.30.2011 23:59 +0000
This competition is closed. You can no longer join
HWBOT OC Challenge September 2011 is closed since 30 September 2011
This competition is between teams
3DFX 3DMark01 |
3DLabs 3DMark01 |
Intel 3DMark01 |
S3 3DMark01 |
Matrox 3DMark01 |
Sis 3DMark01 |
1 |
8 pts
10 pts
5 pts
8 pts
31 pts
2 |
3 pts
4 pts
6 pts
10 pts
23 pts
3 |
6 pts
6 pts
5 pts
5 pts
22 pts
4 |
1 pts
5 pts
10 pts
4 pts
20 pts
5 |
2 pts
10 pts
6 pts
18 pts
6 |
10 pts
10 pts
7 |
10 pts
10 pts
8 |
8 pts
8 pts
9 |
8 pts
8 pts
10 |
8 pts
8 pts
11 |
6 pts
6 pts
12 |
4 pts
4 pts
13 |
0 pts
0 pts
Awarded Season Points
Season Points
Active Members
No points have been awarded in this competition
I'll put a list of all graphics cards of each vendor that we have in our database. I might not be a complete list, so if you have another card, please don't hesitate to ask us to add it to the database
- Voodoo Graphics
- Voodoo Rush
- Voodoo2
- Voodoo3 2000 AGP
- Voodoo3 2000 PCI
- Voodoo3 3000
- Voodoo4 4500
- Voodoo4 4500 PCI
- Voodoo5 5500
- Voodoo5 5500 PCI
- Voodoo6 6000
- Wildcat VP560
- Wildcat VP570
- Wildcat VP760
- Wildcat VP870
- 82810 Integrated Graphics
- 82815 Integrated Graphics
- 82830 Integrated Graphics
- 82845G Integrated Graphics
- 82852 Integrated Graphics
- 82855 Integrated Graphics
- 82915G Integrated Graphics (Desktop)
- 82945G Integrated Graphics (Desktop)
- 82945GME Integrated Graphics (Mobile, Atom)
- GMA 3000 (946GZ, Q965, Q963)
- GMA 3100 (G31, G33, Q35, Q33)
- GMA 3150 (Pineview)
- GMA 4500 (Q45, Q43)
- GMA 4500MHD (GM45)
- GMA 500 (UL11L, US15L, US15W)
- GMA 865
- GMA 900 82915G
- GMA 950 (GM945 Mobile)
- GMA HD (mobile)
- GMA HD 2000
- GMA HD 3000
- GMA X3000 (G965)
- GMA X3100 (GM965)
- GMA X3500 (G35)
- GMA X4500 (G43, G41)
- GMA X4500HD (G45)
- i740
- G100
- G200
- G400 (16Mb)
- G400 (32Mb)
- G400 MAX
- G450
- G450 PCI
- G550
- Millenium II
- P650
- P750
- Parhelia 128Mb
- Parhelia 256Mb
- Parhelia APVe
- Parhelia-LX
- Chrome 430 GT
- Chrome 440 GTX
- Chrome S25 DDR2
- Chrome S27 DDR2
- Chrome S27 DDR3
- Deltachrome S8
- Deltachrome S8 Pro
- ProSavage 8A26
- ProSavage8 DDR
- S18 Pro
- S3G
- Savage 2000
- Savage 4
- Savage 4 PCI
- Savage IX
- SuperSavage/IXC
- Trio 3D/2X
- Twister
- Twister K
- UniChrome Pro
- VIA Chrome9 HC IGP
- Virge
- Virge DX/GX
- Virge VX
And a list of the current records, in case you really get into it this month:
- 4466 by delly with Voodoo5 5500 at 190.00 / 190.00 MHz
- 3860 by Freakezoit with Voodoo5 5500 PCI at 193.00 / 193.00 MHz
- 3720 by Turrican with Voodoo5 5500 at 180.00 / 180.00 MHz
- 3696 by cUsLs with Voodoo5 5500 at 190.00 / 190.00 MHz
- 3572 by cUsLs with Voodoo6 6000 at 166.00 / 166.00 MHz
- 3394 by Winterwind with Voodoo5 5500 at \N / \N MHz
- 3311 by PCGH_Carsten with Voodoo5 5500 PCI at 190.00 / 190.00 MHz
- 3282 by max1024 with Voodoo5 5500 PCI at 196.00 / 196.00 MHz
- 3243 by max1024 with Voodoo5 5500 PCI at 196.00 / 196.00 MHz
- 3200 by Mome with Voodoo5 5500 at 191.00 / 191.00 MHz
- 9070 by Turrican with Wildcat VP870 at 230.00 / 170.00 MHz
- 3616 by slngsht with Wildcat VP760 at \N / \N MHz
- 1776 by Alexandeer with Wildcat VP570 at 163.00 / 163.00 MHz
- 618 by jim62 with Wildcat VP570 at 164.00 / 164.00 MHz
- 38326 by Ross with GMA HD 3000 at 2000.00 / \N MHz
- 37202 by SAMBA with GMA HD 3000 at 2300.00 / \N MHz
- 36623 by SAMBA with GMA HD 3000 at 2100.00 / 1808.00 MHz
- 36536 by S_A_V with GMA HD 3000 at 1950.00 / 1832.00 MHz
- 36142 by SAMBA with GMA HD 3000 at 2100.00 / 1808.00 MHz
- 30843 by dRweEz with GMA HD 3000 at 1900.00 / \N MHz
- 30442 by ovme with GMA HD 3000 at \N / \N MHz
- 29674 by Hikaru with GMA HD 3000 at 1800.00 / 1866.00 MHz
- 27337 by ovme with GMA HD 3000 at \N / \N MHz
- 26867 by leeghoofd with GMA HD 3000 at 1950.00 / 1066.00 MHz
- 13168 by poparamiro with Parhelia 256Mb at 333.00 / 395.00 MHz
- 12534 by poparamiro with Parhelia 128Mb at 310.00 / 390.00 MHz
- 10030 by 512bit.net with Parhelia 128Mb at 250.00 / 300.00 MHz
- 7676 by Kolian with Parhelia 256Mb at 230.00 / 325.00 MHz
- 7588 by PCGH_Carsten with Parhelia 128Mb at 217.00 / 271.00 MHz
- 4581 by 512bit.net with P750 at 250.00 / 250.00 MHz
- 4313 by PCGH_Carsten with P750 at 250.00 / 250.00 MHz
- 4249 by ZM with P650 at 225.00 / 260.00 MHz
- 4224 by Joker with P650 at 195.00 / 283.00 MHz
- 4200 by TiN with Parhelia APVe at 300.00 / 300.00 MHz
- 31856 by Turrican with Chrome S27 DDR2 at 650.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 29653 by Turrican with Chrome S27 DDR3 at 702.00 / 662.00 MHz
- 29340 by Turrican with Chrome S25 DDR2 at 500.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 25637 by Bull with Chrome S25 DDR2 at 500.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 21073 by Turrican with Chrome S27 DDR2 at 650.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 20884 by Turrican with Chrome 440 GTX at 725.00 / 702.00 MHz
- 20551 by furor with Chrome S25 DDR2 at 665.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 19001 by UE50 with Chrome S25 DDR2 at 500.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 18924 by Schrotti with Chrome S25 DDR2 at 500.00 / 400.00 MHz
- 18860 by Turrican with Chrome S25 DDR2 at 500.00 / 400.00 MHz
If needed, I can also look up what members have used this card before. Might be interesting for the large teams so they can contact this user?
WOAH! thats a mega-cool competition!
but 3d-mark 01 is impossible on a voodoo 1 or 2, right? .__.
yeah due to hardware limitation, but I think with an ''SLI'' it's possible to have 32bit
EDIT: With SLI it's possible to have 1024x768, but still 16bit unfortunately
but the voodoo 1+2 are not "stand-alone" cards, whats about a gtx580 + voodoo 2? (hope thats not allowed)
there should be a limitation for the other card.
it´s a pity, but i have just one voodoo 1 and one voodoo 2 card
oh massman, you forgot one stage: sis
i guess there might be sis-cards, that are able to do the 3d-mark 01, right?
i think 2 Voodoo2 SLI are still 16 or maybe 24 bit.
Well, i have a Canopus Voodoo2 (100 Mhz EDO Vram!) and some Voodoo3000 or the sorts... The Voodoo3 has no cooler fyi.
i´m nosey how many results there will be by such seldom hardware
Probably not that much. Luckily, the HWBOT OC Challenges are just for fun ... it's not a big issue if there's not that many participants in one competition
but it´s much more interesting than always the same: sandy @ 5.x GHz
i like competitions like that =)
good idea massman
That's why these competitions are so great, it's not the same, boring HW all the time - but more exotic and unusual parts:)
lol, so finally i'm allowed to upload my 3dfx scores from 3dmark01 again?
nope, just benches made especialy for this competition
i bet you have a lot of cards for this competition, right? ^^
Yes, there are.
lol, so the "non comfirm" voodoo2 scores get removed afterwards again?
i have cards for every stage, but just my ancient scores are uploaded.
the best would be to drop intel, but add sis.
I'm in favour of adding a sixth stage (SIS), but not dropping one.
Anyone against it?
then also add XGI ?
And drop Intel
hmm no, that would a bit too much stages imho.
but intel is much "newer" than all others, that's why i thought of removing intel and add sis.
One newer is okay, maybe it'll trigger some people to submit their Intel score and then look for the other cards
maybe you could limit the intel to chipset graphix (no sandy-integrated gpu)
i guess that might make the stage much more interesting instead all points on hd3000-submissions
including sis is a great idea
xgi might be cool, too. i don´t think that 7 stages would be to much...
+1 for SiS.
Okay, added SIS. XGI will be for another competition, 7 stages is quite a lot in one month. Even 5 is already pushing it ...
the more stages, the more fun
thx for adding sis. it´s a pity i don´t have stuff to bench for this competition except of course intel and maybe a weak s3 (is the virge able to do the 3d-mark?)... but it would be interesting to see, how many of these old "exotes" are still existing ^^
haha, pretty funny you want more stages but don't have stuff for more than 2.
more than 1, virge can't run 3dmark01
if there were less stages, my chances wouldn´t be better to win the competition
my intel-result would be good for 0 points and my s3 would only give points when there are less than 5 submissions at that stage
edit: hey, i´ve a super savage at my old thinkpad
so there will be still two stages for me chris
and maybe there will be something benchable at my stack
nice, i'm loooking forward to it.
the intel run is in progress ^^
so i have some points at the beginning of the competition
and maybe some team mates have stuff for this competition, too... one have had a voodoo i gues...
Just make your way to the local electronics recycling place. At least here in Canada these things are everywhere, ask nice and they let you go through the stacks of old cards they crush for the metal. $2 a piece can't go wrong. Going to see what I can find today!
actualy i´ve found a lot of old grphiccards in my stack. one might be a voodoo3
some i don´t know, but matrox ore sis might be possible...
but i have a problem: most cards i can´t identify because there are no label on it
i´m afraid that it could kill my system because of wrong agp-standart. the stupid vendors uses at most cards the ultimate agp-port so u can´t see what agp-version it is. is there a chance to find out, what agp-version it is without destrouy the system? ^^
just use the cards one an old agp 2x system (k6 or p2) and there should be no problem. you can't fit the very old cards (agp 2x) in a agp 8x board anyway.
most 3dfx cards (voodoo3 xxxx, voodoo 5 5500) are for sure agp 2x.
this one is a agp 1.0 .__.
does anybody know, if the sis 6326 is able to do the 3d-mark 01?
how much video ram does the card have. with less than 8mb it's not possible to run 3dmark01 with stock setting (1024x768)
doesn´t matter any more, found a sis 315
and gues what? you can choose the agp-standart of that card by jumper
btw. you write standard with "d" even in german.
oh thank you
hey the 315 is not bad
when do you submit your first results? i ´m nosey what hardware you have
edit: looks like i have killed my agp-port with an unknown agp-card with universal-agp-port >.<
I have some 6326, and I haven't manged to run 3DM01
can you add new vga, hope i will have it next week in the house ???
Hey Pieter ,
That one From delly (3DFX 5500 - 4466) is bugged he used 16bit color rendering not 32 bit as it should be (Look @ karls & mine and the other ones)
Ill try to fight in that Category , maybe with watercooling & Vmod or ill meet matti and put 2 SS on that baby
@Chiller: nice card
do you use it for work?
@christian ney: my 6326 seems to be damaged. it works just at the beginning of boot-sequence, but already the menu where you choose the os doesn´t appear. thats interesting, because there is no driver loaded before you have chosen the os, right?
i´ve tried on 3 pcs and with win xp, win7 and ubuntu...
I had to use Windows 98, and you need specific drivers, for exemple I managed only to run 3DMark99, and DrSwizz managed to run 3DMark2000 too
it´s a pity, because it is a pci-card. on a sandy it could make some points
do you have more cards for this competition? i bet you have^^ when we will see more results of you?
i have to do my benches one more time because scotty will see the details ^^
I think the only card I haven't is the 3DLabs, I have all other manufacturers but maybe not the high end cards.
As for 3dfx I need a voodoo5 cause my voodoo3 can't run default settings of 32bit.
Got i7 2600K(HD3000) too but I need a Z68 board, let's see if my friend can send me one
a voodoo3 would be enough to participate, but i gues you´d like to win the stage
My voodoo3 2000 PCI can't run 3DMark01 in 32bit mode
oh it´s a pity. a result on a sandy would be interesting
I need an SiS 760/964 onboard added to the database please. It's on a Asus K8S-LA board. Thanks.
plz. post everest "gpu" screenshot with the specs, then i can add it.
also cpu-z link so the mobo can be added.
/edit: ok, board is there.
I guess according to everest it's a mirage 2, so I guess it doesn't need an update? I should have looked at everest first and not cpuz. Gpuz didn't recognize it at all.
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