HyperX OC Takeover 2014 EMEA Qualifiers
HyperX is looking to bring ten of the world’s best overclockers to the HyperX OC Takeover (HOT) World Finals for a live extreme overclocking competition held during CES 2015.
Three spots to the World Finals are to be won in the EMEA online regional qualifiers. To receive an all-expense paid trip to CES in Las Vegas, NV, and compete for the USD $15,000 prize pool, contestants will need to finish in the top two of this qualifier. One lucky draw winner will be pick at the end of week 1 and at the end of week 3 (2 lucky draw winners in total). Mid-contest benchmark leaders will be announced at the end of week 2 (3 winners in total). Check the rules for more info.
- This competition is closed. You can no longer join
- HyperX OC Takeover 2014 EMEA Qualifiers is closed since 29 September 2014
- This competition is between members
Stage 1 -
MaxxMem Read Bandwidth
Stage 2 -
SuperPI 32M
Stage 3 -
Rank | Participant | MaxxMem Read Bandwidth | SuperPI 32M | XTU |
1 | 25 pts | 25 pts | 25 pts | 75 pts | |
2 | 18 pts | 16 pts | 18 pts | 52 pts | |
3 | 16 pts | 15 pts | 16 pts | 47 pts | |
4 | 15 pts | 14 pts | 15 pts | 44 pts | |
5 | 13 pts | 13 pts | 13 pts | 39 pts | |
6 | 11 pts | 11 pts | 12 pts | 34 pts | |
7 | 10 pts | 10 pts | 11 pts | 31 pts | |
8 | 14 pts | 14 pts | 28 pts | ||
9 | 9 pts | 9 pts | 10 pts | 28 pts | |
10 | 8 pts | 8 pts | 9 pts | 25 pts | |
11 | 12 pts | 12 pts | 24 pts | ||
12 | 7 pts | 7 pts | 8 pts | 22 pts | |
13 | 18 pts | 18 pts | |||
14 | 6 pts | 4 pts | 7 pts | 17 pts | |
15 | 5 pts | 3 pts | 6 pts | 14 pts | |
16 | 4 pts | 2 pts | 5 pts | 11 pts | |
17 | 3 pts | 1 pts | 4 pts | 8 pts | |
18 | 6 pts | 6 pts | |||
19 | 1 pts | 1 pts | 3 pts | 5 pts | |
20 | 5 pts | 5 pts | |||
21 | 2 pts | 2 pts | |||
22 | 1 pts | 1 pts |
Can we get a max Mhz for xtu i don't want to killing Golden cpu's
Lol keep dreaming brother
WOOHOO! 1 month is too long
You'd rather have 2 weeks of benching time ?
F*** you vivi we need time to bin mem
I thought every decent ocer has high binned, ruling Kingston in drawer?
- So easy to find on retails - not 
Hahaha quick make qualifier one week before zollio finds mem
how about 10 minutes long
Hey guys, a heads up for the XTU scores. In addition to the existing rules, you must also enable the frequency monitoring and use the latest version. You can download the latest version here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24075&lang=eng
Just to clarify the situation, we are looking at the logs to see if we can find any entry showing Uncle Fester submitting before the submission deadline.
The current ranking is therefore preliminary
why dont we have to show our memory serials in image?
I think because there is no restriction on IC this year. anything go's as long as it is HyperX
i think it was to prevent sharing and spd flashing last year.
and this year?
weekly prize, gratz stratogossan and 8pack.
Gratz Vivi also
Gratz us all!! Nice rag!!
yep, crazy scores!!
Making the 8-pack tweak public. Tweak: actual memory picture not required by contest rules.
Happy flashing
Kingston slipped up on that rule, we really need it
Too late now
why you give 1600c9 SPD no one will believe good clocking from that kit
LOL, you talk about believable in a Kingston contest?
1600C9 is actually for advanced people. Some of the kits were made with BDBG and some of the kits used same PCB as "the other RAM maker".
I saw 1600c9 Gskill do 2660 6-9-6 at wc on computex, so what´s the problem? Mems were retail, approved by judges
Popcorn time
The rule was not set at the beginning of the competition so we can't/won't add it now. Doesn't make sense now that only 1,5 weeks is left.
the rule doesn't effect benching though, its not like change in benchmark version and someone has to re-bench. its additional photo verification which is totally acceptable i think, get people to show serials that match to the spd in their screenshot. if you are 100% legit why would you have a problem with it, just take picture and go to vegas!
"I already sold the kit and never took pictures because that was not required"
giorgioprimo 5.1 ghz from xtu score ?
hey guys , did any one know where the picture of the memory have gone??? =)
can i flash my gskill's SPD and join competition ????
There most definitely was a picture up before, wonder when it got removed?
dear administrators please pay close attention regarding cheaters...!!!
is SPD flashing allowed in this competition ???
But, this is HyperX RAM, kingstone?
Not monitoring anyone anymore?
A person with TridentX Ram test
These are Kingston values, with psc
- I had a kit that did 1200 7-11-8-28 1,66v 32m air, 1250+ c6 on cold is no big hurdle for these, I see no reason to have doubts as the SPD, the picture and the result match perfectly
you ask people to rebench on skype but you can't ask them for a picture of their memory?
We're currently discussing this again. It's just complicated to change the rules during a competition if we want to stay 100% fair. Will let you know once there is a final decision.
I'm not really competing for the top scores ....
Got thse value ram with PSC IC and joined for fun.
Websmile already gave you a crystal clear answer.....
And it is crystal clear that you don't have a lot of experience in RAM binning and RAM IC .....
In addition to that, how will anyone know if that is actually the memory that was benched that gets photographed. that is the other issue
suspect scores need third party verification almost, going to get complicated...
SPD have Serial number ......
Not allowed
(Chanted with a yorkshire accent at a football match) Hes not number one ............ Hes not number one........Hes Tapakah and hes not number 1 and that's the bottom line because 8 Pack said so!!
Marmott this is two sticks from the several mostly working RMA sticks that I got when I started working at OC UK. Several months even before first HOT comp.
To add and clarify I saw many others posting random heatspreaders here and there so I added a pic knowing it was not a requirement of the only stick I never removed IHS from many moons ago. Why because its DOA.
The rule was to show a picture of the heatspreader last year and nothing this year prevents us to ask for the same thing at the moderators discretion.
Last year there was no issue so why all of a sudden this year there should be? Same for the LATAM and APAC qualifier this year, everything went okay.
I feel a lot of it is personal and has nothing to do here. Now I will let the HWBOT moderators do their job, they've proven in the past they are more than capable.
We will clarify the rules for the NA qualifier.
Crickets churping lol
What's the deal with this, who is pazza and what does it have to do with this thread?
pazza316 = 8pack
The rules are to use Kingston memory. Whether or not it is directly stipulated in the rules, why would they not be able to request proof of that? If there is any doubt, Kingston and hwbot should be able to request for any reasonable information necessary to remove that doubt. Not rocket science.
Really? That's from 2008!!
How is it even remotely related to a contest qualifier taking place 6 years later?
wolf can change his coat but not his character
My friend, you cannot understand my order!
I said, is this a memory (Kingston HyperX) ?
While it is said that in the contest rules, must get used to KingstonHyperX memory.
Please, about people,don't judge quickly.!?!
Good luck my friend
My memory is KingstoneHyperXFury(1866MHz)
With the chip used AS AFR (bad chip).
from the rules page:
Brand restrictions
Kingston Technology and HyperX for the memory.
Oh, sorry my friend.
ok now compatition time is over
and 8 pack's maxx mem read screen shot dosen't mach with score what he submited .....!!!!!
33936mb/s in picture but he submited 34137mb/s
as i remember by following ruls his submition must be removed or edit to 33936
what is going on here ???? you think im Stupid and can't see what's he doing ???? !!!!
why he Removed his last XTU sumbition ????
I think its not good when people not submit scores to get an friend qualified
Just my opinion.
8 Pack's XTU wasn't valid cause he forgot to put background, that's why score was removed
I mean that he did not submit his 32m, only after contest.
and what about this one ???
he removed this super pi too
I really appreciate you iranian guys but if there is one thing to learn from this sport is that it is like evert sport on planet.If you are within rules then fairplay is not necesary.As far as i know each participant can submit and remove his submission by free will,there is nothing to be done against that.
If you don;t like it then don;t participate.Justice?How do you define justice in this game?
Really great maxxmem submission from varand!
8pack maxx mem score mis match with picture
The first thing that comes to my mind is the World Cup games where both teams tied and they went together in next phase of the competition.Same here.
I see wrong score at 8 packs maxmem - screen shows 33936 - two points less at the score board, he is out, what´s the problem?
You are right, already corrected my mistake, result still is the same and excatly what you wrote
Normally, when entered value for submitted score is incorrect, it is corrected by a moderator to represent the score submitted.
There isn't any verificational issue (as far as I can see) so no additional screenshots after competition has ended should be accepted.
As we know, the hwbot is very well known for clarity in their judging, and holding best competitions in the field.
Unfortunately, last match was unfair, and two of the members ( vivi, 8pack) have submitted manipulated test results. We can provide you with the documents clearly showing their cheating in this match.
We would really appreciate hwbot administrators if they follow our complaint.
Also 8pack's maxxmem score was mismatch with the screenshot and clearly he's out
With best regards,
Admins all over the world are looking into it guys, keep it civilized and await the final decision...
some impressive scores submitted here, nice one Varandi great tweaking there man :ws:
Please wait until scores are checked and confirmed (by Mr. Head-of-the-Moderation-Ney)
I have to read all the stuff here first.
edit: Just on a note: It might not be the best sportsmanship but it's legal to remove scores during the competition. It's always your own choice to delete results.
Shouldn't you be doing a 5.5 uncore screenshot in the meantime Max ?
thought I posted it but turns out I posted the 3.75ghz one by accident
I agree too Dear Roman
We do Overclocking, just to enjoy it! we like it!
maybe rules do not say anything about Fair play, but as i think any one should respect it!
i am sorry for guys who manipulated results in last minuts that only varand (iranian) be out of top 3, such a weak!
any way I really want to see this words from hwbot adminastators again: "rules are rules" because if rules are rules, 8Pack is out because of worng screen shot and can not be edit after competition as hwbot adminastators said before.
that`s it!
Awesome score varand you are the only winner man, with one mfr kit you showed your skill, very very well done dude.
Mehdi, varand, pejman and other Persian guys just wait and stay calm till these guys do the job and check the s ores, everything is clear but maybe they are checking something else and needs more time.
Agreed, incredible work with limited to no resources
Nice benching guys
Congrats Varand!
Mehdi, varand, pejman awesome benching from you guys
Lam, that doesn't mean much, there could be many reasons there or even different memory kit.
my mems were pretty stuffed by the time I got around to XTU, plus board issues. So I think that statement is pointless.
I'm preparing a news post, so I have two questions:
1. Are results final and approved?
2. Which prizes will get the top-3 winners after qualification round?
No. Like I posted before please wait until Christian Ney confirms the results.
congtz varand...You are the best dude
@iranians, i know you are all furious at me and throwing words around like "cheater" and "disrespectful". I was in a position where i was able to get my friends to help me. As i can see in this thread you guys are a great and strong bunch of friends. So you know how it is to be supported by your allies. Your maxmemm is totally godlike no one can take that away from you. Much respect.
@friends, as most of you know this has been eating me up inside and feel terrible, it was bad sportsmans ship from my side.
Sincerest apologies to the iranians, community, hyperX and Hwbot
@Vivi :
Every one is agree, this is not "fair", but this is not cheating... all your submissions are legit, and there is A BIG difference between "don't be fair one time", and be a cheater...
So don't worry bro, we all have weakness, we are human....
And as far as I know, you are probably one of the most fairplay guy around there.
You trying to help other guy, even in contest, you share knowledge...
We can't forget years of righteousness (this word really exist
?) for only one "bad choice".
Thanks wiz!
The actions i took were not right so i will do my best to try rectify it and pull out of the competition. Goodluck to all competitors especially varand!
Yup, making work of that ASAP :up:
Goddy you accpet your mistake and admit to it! you are a real man
absolutely right! I think many people like me are agree
It takes a true man to do what you did there Vivi... Hopefully this a lesson for all of us...
One word Vivi : Respect.
I wish some other "big guys" had that kind of conscious and balls to admit and stop their dirty playing.
So Vivi makes the tough decision for everyone in the end....Good guy Vivi
Its not a tough decision, its the right thing to do!
Vivi didn't exactly go twisting people's arms to do that sort of thing. By pulling out, he is saying he is the main person responsible and i think that is bigbunnyextraction so it is a tough decision also as he wasn't the main culprit here....
To confirm the winners, here's an overview
It was a good match
Congrats winners
Congrats winners !
Dear winners: Happy OK
Totally awesome.Never expected to win such nice hardware bundle.
Kind regards KimBP(kilobravo)
Well done kilo, nice to see you win something
You still got those killer 5970s???
Post match awards after the final match?
Sorry, what do you mean Aliover?
He means when the hyperx will send the prizes?or it has been sent
He will be contacted.
Cheers, thanks JB!
Anyone recieved their luckydraw Price?
Good time
I have not received my prize.
From Kingston tracking code has not been sent.
Good luck.
We are still working on it, it's not particularly easy to deal with Iran being a US based company.
But you are not forgotten don't worry.
There are a lot of shipping issues to deal with between the US and Iran
How about between Denmark and US?
Memphis, TN, US 11/25/2014 4:42PM In Transit
Package on track.
Glad it's coming your way
Prize well received! Mucho thanks HyperX!!
Good day
Thank you my friend.
Hopefully I get a prize.
Is possible that the prizes will be sent to Canada?
Then sent to Iran .
Also ...
Or the prize will be sent from Taiwan to Iran?
I mean Kingston department in Taiwan.
Good luck
Hi Aliover, trying to answer your PM but I'm getting "Aliover has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her."
Let me know when you allowed PM again.
Package from Kingston well recieved today,so manny thanks to Kingston tech.Now i just need a motherboard from Gigabyte.
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