MSI MOA 2014 Class A AM Qualifier
- This competition is closed. You can no longer join
- MSI MOA 2014 Class A AM Qualifier is closed since 31 July 2014
- This competition is between members
Stage 1 -
SuperPI 32M
Stage 2 -
Stage 3 -
Heaven DX11
Rank | Participant | SuperPI 32M | 3DMark03 | Heaven DX11 |
1 | 25 pts | 25 pts | 25 pts | 75 pts | |
2 | 18 pts | 18 pts | 18 pts | 54 pts | |
3 | 15 pts | 15 pts | 16 pts | 46 pts | |
4 | 13 pts | 14 pts | 14 pts | 41 pts | |
5 | 12 pts | 13 pts | 13 pts | 38 pts | |
6 | 11 pts | 12 pts | 12 pts | 35 pts | |
7 | 16 pts | 16 pts | 32 pts | ||
8 | 14 pts | 15 pts | 29 pts |
MOA starts in one DAY! EXCITE
The War is began~~
Competition background:
Access Denied
Hm, cache issue.
More like missing "g" issue.
Oh, right. Fixed.
The link on the competition page is correct though;
There aren't even any place holder scores.
And then we complain there's no audience
Post a score someone!
I see no the order of the points... how can MSI choose?...
1° 50 points, 2° 43 points, 3° 37 points and so on... will be confused without this
Ah, good point. I'll add this to the competition page!
Haha - I thought it was only Aussies that sandbagged
I still think there should be 1 or 2 elimination points over the course of the month, would at least flush out the participants and keep the scores flowing....
Yeah, good point.
Combining multiple elimination points with an earlier release of the competition details like contest background should work. Especially since people need to prepare for competitions (acquire hardware, get some competition results, etc).
That will require some long-term planning though
There are two other possibilities as well that could work:
Average score through four weeks (best score of each week) builds your final score. That would make everyone push it hard all the time.
Or maybe announce and release the wallpaper with one month in advance but make it just one week to submit scores with some elimination point in the middle of it as well.
I like that idea, Iuri!
Maybe Average is not the right metric (it's always skewed towards the lowest score). Best of three would work I suppose. Definitely something to investigate!
Complicate more qualifier, great idea.
Considering bunnyextraction hw availability, great support of competition hosts (like giving special soft/bios in the middle/in the end of competition) and considering most of ocers work for living, during summer time a lot of guys plan vacations... add to this ln2 costs... and also risking golden samples of very rare hw like good Haswells?
The only good way of making people to post results during whole qualifier are weekly prizes, good prizes, like in HOT qualifier last year. Not some other crap, cause more stupid/complicated rules will demotivate ocers.
Tell them XA!
Crickets in this b1tch
haha - fair enough XA - I agree it shouldnt be overcomplicated - but waiting a month for people to show their hands doesnt help the competition either - last years elimination round after 2 weeks I thought worked well - but of course cash works better!!!!!
If people are doing this for the cash or need an physical incentive to post scores then they are doing this for the wrong reason. Sure, you will get more people submitting if you get away but, only to win something they likely already have. (remember MSI giving away MSI hardware and requiring MSI hardware to complete?).
I actually liked the requirement to submit by the halfway point. It doesn't even have to be an elimination but a line in the sand saying there will be X number of players in this competition. Odds can then be set by the boys in Vegas and then we will have a race.
If anything the incentive could also be two points per bench, those points could be the difference between 3rd or 4th if someone submits a sandbag score at the very end.
no potato prizes or potato rules
yes agree! weekly prizes bring out scores soon, and also newer people get involved cause they can count on some pro's that wont submit early and sneak in a early bird score.
look at catzilla contest, only 3 ln2 results, cause there was only a first place prize. so people didnt bother posting unless they thought they were gonna win
If you want to know who/what your up against in a comp.. isnt the best strategy to go cold and post results? You have to jump out and lead for others to follow... No point on posting place holders unless they are the 'best' placeholders you have from said cooling method and session.. otherwise comp becomes compilation of bunny scores until the last week/days ..
I agree CL3P20, but I don't have any scores yet. Even on air.
Not that I have any chance with that bunnyextractionty cpu. Trying 32M now.
We will see the scores from the aisan guys in the end and it will be game over for me anyway
Should we speculate when the rest of the scores will come in? Last day? last hour? last 20minutes? Kinda sad to have a month long competition only start right before it ends.
I'll be in (at least try to be in), filled a dewar, picked up a z97 board & just need to find some benching time, hopefully tonight. Haven't really been online the last couple months or benching anything so it was more than half over before I noticed.
Jesus Christ are we really going to have this conversation again... Talk about a circle jerk.
If people want to sand bag let them. Its peoples choice and right to bench and play the game how they choose to. If you want to drop your best scores early go for it and no one is bitching at you, but don't bitch when people want to only submit last day.
THIS IS A HOBBY !!! Everyone who takes this shit seriously needs to take a chill pill.
Whoa! ^^ lash out much?
dammit, finishes 5.30am local time, need to see the last 20mins - after a month of waiting it should be interesting
@BOB i think its going to be anti-climax, but i am very excited to see!
drop my bombs tomorrow
Per the expected. be sure to highlight the time and date so we know how long you have been sitting on them
waiting waiting........
Splave bombs always destroy more.
Lucky for me that should remain a place.
Splave... Gunslinger... Mike... Nacho... Ftw and more guys can still sandybagging atm.
But the fight is more important in Brazil... since we have 1 per Country, and good OCCkers like gnidaol, Guerreiro215, brothers schenckel, pxhx, Nom$, Joe90Br... can bring some good surprise in the end...
Emotion time.
Waiting for the movie!!
hahaha Billy!
come guys...time to submit... hwbot could go offline anytime for maintenance
in on this with popcorn
Still working on heaven, it's hating me. Trying to give the board a quick dry off & try again...
congrats to all winner's
Splaveeeeee, where are you brotha?
Congrats to the winners!
No heaven score for me, couldn't get it to finish at stock...
The Splave bomb has dropped. and dropped hard!
Well done to the 4 winners, have an awesome trip to Taiwan
Last time i heard gunslinger said he wont be able to go (maybe),
that means gnidaol is next, but he is brazil so he cant go, next is redmax but he is idaho so he cant go, next is darkvenom but he is brazil so he cant go, last place is ftw and he is the only person eligible to go lol!
see you at MOA again ftw / you got lucky bro haha (if gunslinger pulls out)
lol, if Gunslinger won't be able to go then anyone from non-US, non-Brazil could upload three scores at stock clocks, get 10+10+10 points and outqualify FtW for the finals
I can hope, it would be about the luckiest ticket ever...
In a perfect world Gunslinger should be able to vote an alternate, of course assuming he couldn't got. but hey it is what it is. Congrats everyone!
My '03 sub is deemed invalid according to the rules, so that will drop me below several people.
My October work schedule is pretty busy right now, so I really didn't put forth a very strong effort to qualify. Things could change, but I'm not planning on it.
Here is Futuremark's response to my validation file:
Begin quote:
Yup, everything looks OK.
Official sounding text:
Futuremark validation of 3DMark03 score for Mike Gorius:
229976 3DMarks
Due to these scores being run with a currently unsupported older version of Futuremark's System Info component, they cannot be uploaded to the website and validated automatically.
These two scores have been manually verified on July 30, 2014 by Pasi Virtanen ( ), the manager in charge of the result database and benchmark score validation and verification at Futuremark based on the result files and screenshots showing the system configuration with CPU-Z and GPU-Z information.
The scores were run with a valid installation of 3DMark03 version 3.6.0.
Settings used:
Resolution 1024 x 768 , Anti-aliasing: none, Texture filtering: Optimal, Max Anisotropy 4, Vertex Shaders: Optimal, Repeat Tests: Off, Fixed Framerate: Off
Main hardware components for both runs were Intel Core i7-4790K (@5698.67 MHz) and MSI brand AMD Radeon R9 290X (GPU Clock 1400 MHz).
According to Futuremark's analysis this scores is valid and corresponds to the system details shown in the CPU-Z and GPU-Z screenshots and there is no indication that the scores wouldn't pass the validation of website and database if a new System Info component was used.
The System Info component has no effect on benchmark scores, so based on this manual investigation these scores are comparable to any 3DMark 3.6.0 score shown as valid on the Futuremark website.
Hope this helps!
:end quote
Congratz to the winners. IMHO the qualifiers may be to select the best overclockers (or even hard workers) in any region.
The correct, and the rules inform that is needed to have a validation link.
For me, if Gunslinger (better, Futuremark) can comprove the score is valid, he did effort himself to go, and got the scores to go.
But if MSI and HWBOT keep as mandatory, and cannot accept the score without validation, the place NEED to be from gnidaol.
He got the best scores, and made more effort to go.
Sorry, but is completely non sense get one per country in that situation.
There are plenty of mistakes (imho again).
Why 2 places to USA and 1 to other countries?
Why MSI undervalue the brazilian overclockers.
We have rbuass,, and more gnidaol, Joe90Br, Darkvenom, and we sent more scores and more people joined the competition.
What stupid rule can give a place to the last one???
And please. If Gunslinger get a place, what I think is correct because he worth, IS NOT FAIR he choose who will go.
Simply. Or MSI and Hwbot aceept the Gunslinger score, or Gnidaol is the right guy to go.
Brazil had 151 points and 4 members
USA had 136 points and 4 members
why USA had 2 places and all other countries just 1?
Ok... the rule is valid, but IF there are no valid score to MOA.... THERE ARE NO RULE to replace the competitor.
I do not understand why yours have two waves only for USA, and all others country have only one place, if the organizers do not accept the result because outside the rules, I see no reason to put a person who was in the 6th place in a country that has been divided into two. It would be nice revise this part of the rule.
Congrats to everyone!
I had my issues this year, it was impossible to get a lightning on time here in brazil (ok it would be possible by paying $2.299 USD) and the gaming edition has its MAX clocks limited to 1340/1625, no bios support from msi on this (they actually told me to that the "gaming app" should be more than enough for me if I was going to use a gaming edition VGA
). I still participate not just because it's maybe the only contest that still allows me to participate, but because I want to support the overclocking as a sport.
I still think that if there's gonna be a rule of one person per country only, why it still separates the qualifiers by regions?
If you are supposed to battle just the people from your own country everyone should fight together and the TOP 15 countries get qualified its top overclocker... It's a national MOA not a regional, but in the end your country should have scores good enough to get into the finals (Something like the olympics where you need to reach a certain time, high, distance, grade, etc to get to participate).
FTW is a great OCer, it will be great if he could make it again to the finals, he beat my 03 score with great efficiency (maybe the lightning has a greater power limit than the gaming one, maybe his System info not detecting the card let the drive works better, or maybe my card just s... very hard or I wasn't smart to disable the systeminfo VGA detection as well), but definitely, if gunslinger can't really make it to the finals, everyone else should also have the opportunity to join it regardless of the country.
Anyway, great job every one! I really hope that some of you can do really great on the finals this year and keep our "supposedly" four spots for next year. I wish I could battle in the finals again this year, but regardless of that I wish you all that made it good luck there! Lets keep overclocking and enjoying this fascinating art.
Thanks MSI, not for the great support or for the killer hardware (IYKWIM), but for keeping the MOA through the years and because of that to end up motivating many overclockers to push it a little harder at least once in a year.
Congratulations to all winners!
I do not understand why U.S. can have two vacancies and the remaining countries have only one for each.
This is very unfair...
If the Gunslinger is not rated to go - it's not fair to pick someone to go in his place - the correct would follow the ranking score and let go Gnidaol in place of Gunslinger.
It is a very stupid rule...
The Brazil has the same number of participants that the U.S.
Because MSI and HWBOT are underestimating overclockers in Brazil?
Easy guys, twice the population twice the participants. Imo they should not have limited it to any amount per country. The best should go regardless of race. But to change the rules after the competition won't happen. Why don't we wait till they confirm all the scores.
Congrats for qualifier guys
Guys, stop throwing oil on fire.
Either post about facts or don't post at all. There's no need for personal attacks.
George - the staff is on it my friend, let them analyze it...
Ronaldo - relax my friend, this kind of stuff happens. It can all be checked and cleared out, no need to get pissed.
What I am trying to say is that stuff like this will always happen and it will always get sorted out. It is normal for people to point at results that are out of the ordinary in a competition and it is normal for people who worked a lot for those results to get pissed. The ideal thing to do is to let the staff check it and don't put more unnecessary gas on the fire.
Don't take it personal, don't put it to your heart, don't start a fight with other overclockers, etc. We are all people here and most of us are friends. And I know George personally and he is a nice guy, and I also know Ronaldo personally and he is a nice guy. Relax guys, no point in fighting. Please? Just be bigger persons and let the stuff take a look at the situation - this applies to everybody else...
I dont see Problem Ronaldo
I also Run 2400 Samsung first Moa score
First of all I don't want to see a public witch-hunt. We all know Ronaldo and until everything is clarified and approved by the staff please handle this case with respect.
@ Ronaldo: I can really understand that you are angry. Ofc you don't have to show everything on the screenshot or in the result details. However it helps the moderation and everybody else to verify the results. If somebody doesn't know that you downclocked to take a screenshot the performance can look out of line. I think you can understand that aswell.
Let's continue via PM.
Wouldn't cpuz show (x8-x64) underneath actual frequency
I've said what I have to say, and to avoid any situation like this all one would have to do is put the correct mhz in their submission. It's not like there is a wrapper auto filling the mhz field, the user must manually enter cpu speed. When a user chooses to not disclose this they leave themselves open for questioning when said results are completely out of line.
Listing that you down clock in the comments is the proper way to do it, Ronaldo. It's nothing against you personally I would have done it for anyone with an extraordinary result.
And a final note, here is a submission from today on the front page to further illustrate my point.
almost 6.4Ghz and 2750 c9, so when you post a score that is 160mhz less and memory much lower you can see why you get called out.
Last words from me, it's up to the staff now
Well George... You should don't keep talking and spreading about what you don't know, and about what you don't understand.
See you how ridiculous can be accuse people without proof.
Ah... the time still better... because we don't spend too much time in 2D.
I am pretty sure I can improve that score a lot.
Ronaldo, this is a better prove
Good job Ronaldo that's all I wanted to see
What ever clock it was regardless, you ran and finished 32M at some frequency higher than 6216, like I thought originally. I still think the actual clocks are higher than 6318, but regardless I have to say well done. Next time just post clocks that you actually ran in the comments of your submission.
How about next time to avoid all this just post what you actually ran or the just a video of the run and don't write three pages of insults when your result gets questioned.
You can see he ran 6418mhz because cpuz says (x8-x64) underneath meaning down clocked 1 multi on this run correct?
You knew me personally in San Francisco... OC Main Event.
I will tell you...
You can just ask in PM... or even, if you post in a topic, use a "light" way to do it.
You used a meme hater in your first post...
This is not nice mate...
I will not keep flaming... but you and the guys that follow that wrong way, is not doing the right way...
We all are united by a affinity, that very few people know...
If we want to grow as community, we need to keep a good standard to talk with our friends...
The way you posted, encourage people to think I did cheat in the score.
As I told you... we lose few minutes to beat this score... but lose much more to insulate and to reply insults and headache.
I will ask a question ok???
And if my system never more run properly???.... And if my system can not reach same score???... Now... people will tell I am a cheater because this kind of comments.
Is the reason I am thinking serioulsy to give up to post in Hwbot Foruns.
Its all.
Yes Splave.
I added the Command Center in 63 to show in the screen.
As I told... we don't spend too much time to improve that scores... since we used 9X% of the time to run 3D.
Is this Windows PE John Lam edition Ronaldo?
Video silences the crowd.
Back to other topics -> So bro, how many places should be there for China + India + Pakistan + Indonesia??? 20?
Maybe it's by sales. Should be no Romanians then hahaha I kid I kid
More sales...more cheap...more easy to bin hardware.....more places?
Imo it's about country and I see no more people from USA trying.
That's a hard answer ... who will replace Gunslinger spot?
I had same 03 issue, and also request from Futuremark some official validation.
I received email with all benchmark details, and official infos that the score was real...includding settings.
Also it was written the main info (that system info do not affect score).
Then I received MSI official email....talking that the 3dr valid file is mandatory....and regardless FM was not valid.
It is the reason I am pretty sure they will not accept Gunslinger score (that imo should get a place in the finals)...
Now, I believe the best next score should go, because it shows the guy that worked more to go...
@ splave .... attempt they split USA in 2 size, and not by sales.
I am not an active member, but will tell soms important things to consider.
About rbuass case.
The question is?
And if rbuass didn't get the score???... and every hard overclocker knows its usual... because hardware cannot reach the same, or not working or any thing?
Now rbuass has been called as cheater or liar...and it wouldn't be happen.
About Gunslinger
I think the best way is to go the next score, because is quite obvious.
Then, for my recommendation is,
There are no sense to keep 1 place per country, simply because qualifier shoud be to select the best overclockers.
If there are only a Global qualifier, we will see much more scores, much more disputes and much more nice event.
If MSI turn as mandatory a video, it will prevent also all kind of issues.
No more problem with countries
No more problem with hardware sharing
No more problem with scores that don't have official validation
Looks easier that to confront again and again this kind of issues.
Just by curiosity what would be the rule if there wasn't a fourth country participating? Would it be only three spots in the end?
Anyway let's wait the staff to consider everything while checking all scores and validations to get the final positions.
I would like to end up with the 4th place. Although all issues I had I would be relieved that even with all effort maybe not being enough to get me the top spot in my country rank, in the end it could have given me the 3rd best PI 32m and 4th 3d03 and so the 4th place at the AM Qualifiers.
Congrats again to the winners!
let's see how msi will decide the 4th AM spot at the finals, hope it will be in a wise way.
Okay guys, we saw the video and all is good.
I cleaned up the thread a bit too.
Of course we don't go by general population, but by OC population measured at HWBOT.
Well then I guess Asia would still have 20 places and AM 3, right? To bad Europeans won these championships so many times, right? =))
Statistics, pie-charts, etc....let's see the numbers per region (AM, EMEA, APAC).
Posted in the general thread
Region man...region... EMEA is not Germany and France and Italy, it is Europe, Middle East (Western Asia ) and Africa... and AM is not just USA. I am really curious.
The population by continent in 2013 look like this:
Rank Continent Population
— World 7,162,119,000
1 Asia 4,298,723,000
2 Africa 1,110,635,000
3 Americas 972,005,000
4 Europe 742,452,000
5 Oceania 38,304,000
Middle east accounts for >200MIL inhabitants
It would be interesting to make a study compared to the general population (as in how much population a region has and what percentage of that population is active on HWbot).
You can also correlate that with GDP by region in 2013
Rank Country GDP (trillions of $) Year
World 73.98 2013
1 Asia 24.4 2013
2 North America 20.3 2013
3 Europe 18.5 2013
4 South America 4.2 2013
5 Africa 2.6 2013
6 Oceania 1.8 2013
7 Antarctica N/A 2013
The only problem is that in the case of population it is easy to substract Middle East numbers from Asia but it is more complicated to separate it from a GDP point of view (you do have Saudi Arabia, Israel and other productive countries in that area).
I think North America or Europe might have the highest density of overclockers per general population numbers.
However, this still does not mean that any country in this world should be treated differently but that's a different story (it does not matter how much money you make when you go to world cup football or anything like that, you still have a team per country if you qualified). But right now I am curious about statistics...
My statistic, as far as performance is concerned goes like this. If we take into consideration real WW competition where everybody had a chance to participate and it was not a money game (eg bring your own hardware or pay your trip) and the qualifiers were TRULY world wide (just like a normal sport)... the results per regions are pretty simple:
MOA 2008 - Indonesia
MOA 2009 - Sweden
MOA 2010 - Sweden
MOA 2011 - Romania
MOA 2012 - Korea
MOA 2013 - Ukraine
GOOC 2008 - Sweden
GOOC 2009 - USA
GOOC 2010 - Romania
So you have Europe 6 times, APAC 2 times and AM one time... Ok, if you also take into consideration ronaldo's freestyle win in MOA you have AM 2 (one NA one SA)... Inside Europe, you have western Europe winning 3 times and Eastern Europe winning 3 times). So much for population, GDP and sales... And Romania shouldn't even be considered sales wise (right Allen)
Of course you can also look at HWB Country Cup which even if it is not a live event it is still truly worldwide and nation based with tons of people participating... And then it gets even more funnier...
2009 - Romania (EMEA)
2010 - Romania (EMEA)
2011 - Indonesia (APAC)
2012 - Greece (EMEA)
2013 - Australia (APAC)
It's pretty funny that when it comes to contest where money are not involved, a bunnyextractionty small part of the world like Eastern Europe (294 mil population and a bunnyextractionty GDP) won WW live finals 3 times and country cup 3 times. And 4 of those 6 times it was a small banana republic which really does not matter (right Allen?), with a population a little under 20 mil and a GDP smaller than what an arab seic spends on private jets and lambos in a year... Yes sir...funny... but hey, it does not matter, as someone told me in Computex, that was a long time ago
So you are saying emea should have 9 Asia 1 USA 1 based on those stats. Nice bro lol
No, he's saying no country should have advantage. I didn't see the great amount of US oc'ers competing for MOA places anyway.
The graph shows it. It doesn't take into account the quality or skill of the overclockers. It does however, show there are more overclockers in the USA.
I believe we are talking about QUALITY and not QUANTITY.
According the league we can see:
Russia - 117530 / 1024 = 114.8 points/overclocker
Italy - 101616.1 / 934 = 108.8 points / overclocker
Brazil - 42698.2 / 908 = 47.0 points / overclocker
Taiwan - 10881.3 / 89 = 122.3 points / overclocker
Indonesia - 20453.9 / 557 = 36.7 points / overclocker
As you can see, there are more dispute in other countries then in the USA.
Its "SURE" the numbers do not show the real "hard overclockers environment"... but how is that environment NOW?
Who is the guys in the USA, able to get a place (better written... with more
USA - Splave, Gunslinger, Redmax, Mike and????
Brazil - Rbuass, Gnidaol (4 x MOA), Joe90Br (1 x MOA Vegas)... and we can
see Schenckel Bros, acshenck, Guerreiro215, Nom$, PXHX, Darkvenom,
NeverSleep... and more a couple of guys
We know that the USA had GREAT HARD overclockers... Chew, Fugger, Zeneffect,
Gautam, Mikeguawa, Zeneffect and even more... but according the last years,
they are not going to "competition".... what I mean, they are not active to
try MOA nowadays.
So.. I see no reason... and non sense...
One more fact that can be clear about this...
If we have ONLY one place per country... We will cut best overclockers, bringing a local (country dispute), instead to select the best 15, 16 or even 20 spots...
We see:
Ryba x Xtreme Addict
Smoke x 12 (or Slamms)
Benchbros x Moose83 x Dancop
Phil x Aristidis x Sofos
Hazzan x Alba
And many more hard disputes...(sorry, but fast post make me forget more people... and even top guys like hipro, stummer, me4me and other top dogs that can be raising suddenly to the spots... the same in ALL the world).
I know it will not change to 2014, but they need to think about this for the
next time.
The competition "QUALIFIER" reason is to select the best overclockers to the competition spots.
The way they use for today, the competitors will be SO FAR the guys that reaches the best scores, but the guys will "complete" the spots.
Don't need to be too much smart to check EMEA competition... and Americas competition... regardless I live in America, I know the EMEA competition is hardest than america... and MORE.... Class B can be the hardest ever.
Thats a Global competition...
Then... its pretty sure the best 15, 16 or 20 scored guys worth that places to the finals...But.... why they do not do this way????
The only reason I heard... or I noticed... or I can imagine... is because there prevent HARDWARE SHARING...
OMG guys... hardware sharing is a "non sense" rule, according my point of view... I can show several reasons
1- Because the guys can share the hardware same way... by Fedex, in 2 or 3 days???
2- Because if I borrow my hardware my friend can get my place with better score than me???
3- Because who worth more the score????.... if I share my hardware with a guy and he get better score than me????
4- Because will be MANY more disputes and will be many more competitive this way???
So... is only my point of view... I know that will be many people that agree... and the same... many people disagree...
According the actual issue... who will be the Gunslinger replacer... is just one more proof that instead to get the best scored, they can only "complete" a spot... because there are "missing" one overclocker.
All the best for you
Yes rule with 1 OCer per Country sucks
In germany for example Dancop, Bench Bros and me but only 1 can go
better would be Top 6 overall 
I think emea should get 8 and Brazil 2 and that's it don't you guys agree?
Nice to know a countries quality of skill is measured in moa wins which as we all know is 80% luck of hardware 15% preparation 5% skill
I agree 8 to Europe, more 8 to USA, because there are much more people there... then can split 4 for the rest of the world.
P.S. nobody told the measure of "country quality of skill" is MOA...
Just YOU told the "measure" should be by number of people... that also isn't right.
BUT... if there are a "qualifier", for sure... quality is much more important to quantity (or no?)... or in your way of view, there are more dispute in the USA then in other countries?
In no one place I told about Brazil, but in "all countries", and just Brazil is includded... and even "Romania", where are Monstru and Matose, for example... for a high level dispute.
Don't mistake the fact that "don't need to compete MOA" to be a great overclocker... with... don't need to be good to win MOA.... or even... don't be better to qualifier the best scores.
Yes, yes, let the hate flow through you. Dig up all that unused hatred. USA sucks and everybody hates them. 3rd world economies can just go blunny themselves because of sales. Ronaldo is a cheater... I hate splave or ronaldo just because.... THIS is the spirit boys, hate each other, point fingers, go wild...
OR....maybe this is NOT what I was trying to say? No...actually, taking into consideration how difficult it is to make some fair rules, the guys who divided the world into EMEA, APAC and AM and said x places for each region did a pretty good hell of a job...And I am NOT kidding because it it not easy...
The only thing I questioned was USA getting special treatment (which should not happen for no country ever - what, are you more special than anybody else?!?!?!?!). And I am really curious to see the numbers I requested NOT because I want to say "HA....I was right" But because I am really curious...And please admit that you guys are also...
The place allocation is fine as it is. Seriously... I think it is fair and it reflects the overclocking business as it is now. The other post of mine was an answer to Splave who made fun of my country... Well, you can make as much fun as you wish, this does not change the fact we won 4x more times important championships as americans did... Nobody cares you have more ocers if they don't do nothing in REAL competitions and nobody cares about competitions with 6 people...
Another thing... there are two type of challenges... WR and HWBot rankings, which are up to manufacturers employees, seeded people and people who have a lot of money and can bin sift.... And live events where it is also about luck (like in anything) but also about the skill to make the best of what you have. And that was the only place people from the 3rd world country like me and other ever had a chance.
What, it takes no skill? Really??? I loled so much. That's why people who DIDN'T have the best CPU or VGA always win.... Get your facts straight if you don't know. THAT is not skill and taking down numbers with selected hardware is.... Funny... Keep believing that...
The truth is that this was a hobby for friends, who really respect each other and trusted each other. We did this for fun and we were willing to help each other even in live events. Now it changed. That is why this discussion happened.
If it changed for good or bad you boys decide. I am just telling you that being respected by 200 ppl and 2 manufacturers means shift in the real world. If you want to be a legend and you want people to respect you please have the proper behavior. Benching binned hardware means shift for the bigger base of customers and spectators. Understand that or you will end up wondering why nobody cares about real oc (LN2) anymore.
Msi sucks hard,just make one damn online qualification for everyone,20 seats,with retail available everywhere.
For what? For binners ? Make it as it used to be with country qualifiers and finals, not bunnyextraction online cheap creap... Nice stuff when manufacturers invest 10 times less money and then brag about WW event because the community allows them to....
we need A and B class but yes ww qualifier
Top 3 of 5 teams are usa/Canada based so what's wrong with us getting 2 spots. And yes best hw wins all the time show me when it hasn't.
I hate no-one bro, seems you are trolling allot lately i'm not the only one to notice..what's wrong?
I am not trolling man... I am sad to see where this sport is going and I am seeing it from a very good position in order to understand what will happen in 5 years...
I just said no point in having special rules for a country. Northern America has 23 countries, in case you didn't notice. You can divide americas in North and South if you wish, and have separate qualifiers - sounds cool to me. You can have more spots ( I have no problem with 5 spots for NA and 5 for 5 for SA) - still cool if you ask me. Not cool however to have special rules for one country in an international event - only thing I said
I repeat - the rest of my comments were directed to you because of the fun you made regarding sales. If you can make fun about the sales in my country I see no problem if I make fun about the numbers of wins my country had. Fair enough?
And another hing...
When some 2nd tier oc'er start telling me in person in Computex that what we did is a thing of the past and the times changed and what we did does not matter anymore, excuse me if I get pissed...
Of course you can say whatever you like man I have no problem.
I didn't make fun of sales just stated maybe that's how they decided that's all
I didn't take your comment in a mean way, I just answered the same... Jesus Christ when did you EVER got into a fight with me? Or me with you? You're one of the nicest people I know
Not fighting we are just speaking our sides it's healthy bro Haha
Well...if AM qualifier started so many discussion I am really worried what will happen to EMEA qualifier
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