MSI MOA 2013 "Class B" Worldwide Online Semi-Final
- This competition is closed. You can no longer join
- MSI MOA 2013 "Class B" Worldwide Online Semi-Final is closed since 31 July 2013
- This competition is between members
Stage 1 -
3DMark Vantage Performance
Stage 2 -
Stage 3 -
WPrime 1024M
Rank | Participant | 3DMark Vantage Performance | 3DMark03 | WPrime 1024M |
1 | 120 pts | ||||
2 | 22 pts | 23 pts | 19 pts | 120 pts | |
3 | 111 pts | ||||
4 | 21 pts | 23 pts | 103 pts | ||
5 | 27 pts | 25 pts | 35 pts | 103 pts | |
6 | 20 pts | 21 pts | 21 pts | 93 pts | |
7 | 92 pts | ||||
8 | 91 pts | ||||
9 | 90 pts | ||||
10 | 31 pts | 31 pts | 25 pts | 86 pts | |
11 | 82 pts | ||||
12 | 20 pts | 81 pts | |||
13 | 80 pts | ||||
14 | 78 pts | ||||
15 | 28 pts | 35 pts | 18 pts | 76 pts | |
16 | 24 pts | 28 pts | 22 pts | 74 pts | |
17 | 25 pts | 24 pts | 27 pts | 73 pts | |
18 | 35 pts | 27 pts | 31 pts | 72 pts | |
19 | 69 pts | ||||
20 | 69 pts | ||||
21 | 19 pts | 20 pts | 17 pts | 68 pts | |
22 | 67 pts | ||||
23 | 65 pts | ||||
24 | 65 pts | ||||
25 | 23 pts | 22 pts | 24 pts | 62 pts | |
26 | 56 pts | ||||
27 | 28 pts | 54 pts | |||
28 | 52 pts | ||||
29 | 51 pts | ||||
30 | 42 pts | ||||
31 | 41 pts | ||||
32 | 38 pts |
Can I use a ATI branded 2900xt to make a zombie for the 560ti? It's the same as the msi card exept for the sticker on the cooler and my card is already missing the cooler...
If you don't tell them it isn't a MSI branded reference PCB, how would they even know?
It actually could be, I bought the card without cooler and untested for about $8 a few years ago.
i'm having a problem uploading my 3dmark03 saved result
What's the problem exactly?
who shows 1500?
go tolsty go!!!
Well what happened was I used a non legit key for the 3dmark03 and made a saved result from it. Now using the free version of the 3dmark03 and submitting the saved result online. Futuremark system won't validate it hehehe...I thought its going to work, DARN....
This is the score that I made and submitted here online :
*Grabs popcorn*
This is getting very interesting , nice overclocks and numbers in here , waiting for the last minute scores , Good Luck to everyone ! and as Oliver used to say keep pushing ...
can somebody telle me ho to submit score ? need a password ??
please correct the allowed people to enter I'm cische- not cische. I cannot submit my score cannot see the tab "partecipate to the competition"
This is the score that i would like upload:
cant submit 3dmark 03
have an error :
Oops. Something went wrong.
We could blame this on you but it`s most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this.
I got that too when I tried to submit and it seems like it´s something with the size of the pictures or something. When I removed all but the screenshot and the rig pics it worked.
Fixed it. Also linked the scores to the contest.
Still a problem? Had issues before?
Picture size might be a problem indeed.
i dont thing 1500 is a problem with zombie
who shows 1600 and 180,000
Things are moving. Zzolio, are you waiting to post scores last minute or are you out?
I have scores but I do not have a good cpu
I need to bench vantage again found more GPU speed
why stop every stage 2 hours before competition stops?
Can you also please link mine
All stages and contests end at 2013-07-31 20:00:00 GMT+0.
I noticed one contest had it wrong - fixed that now.
you`ve just stolen 4 hours of benching)))
Stage timers were all correct, contest timer wasn't.
i was looking at contest time(
thank you very much ^^
Good luck too all in the last few hours. I have posted my best and after messing up my zombie there was no way I could go higher. I spent 20l of ln2 on monday trying but my Mpower gave me nothing but problems...
i have problem with me 3d03 file it will not upload
can some one help me tjek the file?
And I screwed up today and showed up too late for refill of LN2 lol! Will post my best 3d11 score now, it's still with orig bios with -60 cold bug...
solved my problem
1500 done
Congratulation to the winner and runner up! Amazing scores and a great job by everyone who posted!
congratulations for all winners !
this is the right link for vantage
why nobody used thuban for wprime1024 ?
zzolio, Cische- - why so high clocks in 03 and so low in vantage ?
the card died before I could rebench vantage at high speeds
it was the first yesterday I got it to run 1500
Congratz to the winners...
MSI board would have killed it.
Congratz ...
Epic serie B battle... and great Vivi's way to bench.
High level on the finals
Just imho, next time, must join Americas, APAC and EMEA and at least 4 places to serie B. The guys earned.
my PE card cant go 1400 mhz .. but both ref cards can easy do 1400 .. was no time for playing with cards .. i burned 2 ref cards .. and i didnt use more than 1,45V .. ln on mosfets i use only today ..
That's an emergencial benching session at deadline...
Congratz ... you nailed
my 03 run with 1530MHz is with 1,32V
thanks Ronaldo)
zzolio - i dont play with card .. so i increased voltage and clocks .. cause mpower work very bad with sandy .. and every reset is full crap ..
lol probably true
Yeah, mpower was my biggest problem, I probably could have gone higher with less voltage but every reboot took about 10min beacause the board refused boot past code 60 or A3...
And that sucked most of my ln2 and my energy.
Congratz to all the winners, kick ass in Taipei city !!
My deepest respect for the winners on Class B, extremely fierce competition!!
know what you mean
there is a small tweak that works
clr bios
set everything up but stay multi 40
save and exit
if it is on 60 wait it will restart itself
go to bios change the multi to 45
if it boot straight in then you can run max speed
otherwise go multi 50 and try again
I should always double boot with 2600K but then it worked fine
That's it...
Everytime we got post 60... it will back itself... was just enter at the bios and light a lit bit the settings... re enter in the bios and will work...
At least here also works...
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