You've Got The Xtreme Power!

06.01.2010 00:00 +0000
06.30.2010 23:59 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • You've Got The Xtreme Power! is closed since 30 June 2010
  • This competition is between members



Rank Participant SuperPI 32M 3DMark Vantage Performance
1 10 pts 10 pts 20 pts
2 5 pts 8 pts 13 pts
3 8 pts 8 pts
4 4 pts 4 pts 8 pts
5 2 pts 5 pts 7 pts
6 6 pts 6 pts
7 0 pts 6 pts 6 pts
8 3 pts 3 pts
9 0 pts 3 pts 3 pts
10 1 pts 2 pts 3 pts

First Position

20 pts AndreYang


May 21, 2010 at 3:16:10 PM UTC

hi is ES hardware allow or not there is lot different between retail and Es hardware and ....

May 21, 2010 at 3:21:41 PM UTC

I dont think they will allow ES Hardware for Competition. More fair for everyone ^^

May 21, 2010 at 4:50:50 PM UTC

Xtreme Power isn't avaiable in italy

May 21, 2010 at 9:03:03 PM UTC

There's no ES restriction in the extreme competition.

May 22, 2010 at 11:00:25 PM UTC

:o looking for 6.5 GHZ or more Chip :P

May 23, 2010 at 5:20:07 PM UTC

There's no ES restriction in the extreme competition.




Are you sure Big Bang XPower is available everywhere before starting of this competition?

May 23, 2010 at 5:26:21 PM UTC

Okay, let me be clear


There is NO restriction with regard to the ES.

May 23, 2010 at 5:47:09 PM UTC

got it...thanks :)

May 23, 2010 at 10:42:55 PM UTC

What on earth were they thinking while writing the rules? Competition starts in one week and MSI Big Bang XPower boards are not yet available! How is one supposed to compete? :o

May 24, 2010 at 10:00:41 AM UTC

What on earth were they thinking while writing the rules? Competition starts in one week and MSI Big Bang XPower boards are not yet available! How is one supposed to compete? :o


haha sounds like typicall MSI fail :D

I smell another fail competition... :o

May 24, 2010 at 10:39:05 AM UTC

I think it's safe to say that my article can now be enriched :P

I honestly can't understand those people.

I bet I wasn't the only one telling them not to do it this way, and of course not launch a competition before people can actually buy the board... yet they did it again.

May 24, 2010 at 12:21:22 PM UTC

I think it's safe to say that my article can now be enriched :P


Yah it is :D

May 24, 2010 at 1:47:12 PM UTC

Man these competitions.... When are we going to get a decent one?? Always an issue.. Was thinking of entering.. changing my mind though... Anybody hear any news on the release to North America?

May 26, 2010 at 3:19:56 AM UTC

At the start of competition, Xpower is not available in market yet. but "During" the competition (around June middle), you can buy XPower in many regions around the world, so you can have 2 week to win over others.


btw, XPower is already sold in Japan, soon in other regions.

May 26, 2010 at 8:19:43 AM UTC

And what about the unfair competition on the graphics field Garrett where only 1 person has the cold slow bug fix for the GTX 480 ?

When only 1 person can hit 1200+ MHz GPU Core on the 480's while the rest can't pass 1170-1190 due to the cold slow bug ?

May 26, 2010 at 8:35:08 AM UTC

How is it unfair to know more than others? That's how overclocking goes ... someone has more knowledge than someone else.

May 26, 2010 at 8:58:33 AM UTC

How is it unfair to know more than others? That's how overclocking goes ... someone has more knowledge than someone else.


Actually it's knowledge ( or should I say step by step guides ) that people HAND OVER to you and only you.

May 26, 2010 at 9:32:20 AM UTC

how Is It Unfair To Know More Than Others? That's How Overclocking Goes ... Someone Has More Knowledge Than Someone Else.


Quote ...

May 26, 2010 at 11:22:12 AM UTC

Actually it's knowledge ( or should I say step by step guides ) that people HAND OVER to you and only you.




It's not like people find thoose things during the compeition - we often had situations where it was a special bios or mod that was non-pub...I consider that as "unfair".

It is surely different if somebody figures it out himself on it's own, keeps his knowledge during the competition and shares afterwards...but that's not the case with things around tweaks/mods/bios sometimes...

May 26, 2010 at 12:02:09 PM UTC

What if a BIOS mod was done by yourself or for someone personally, from a more experienced guy? I don't see anything in using tricks that others don't know. If only the ways they were achieved are unequal - for example when a guy gets a special NDA BIOS or smth.

May 26, 2010 at 12:06:13 PM UTC

When a manufacturer gives a special BIOS to only 1 person, and that BIOS gives him an unbeatable advantage, this is definitely not fair.


If you figured the mod out yourself good for you, you can keep it to yourself or share it with the community.


But when a manufacturer gives a big advantage to only 1 person and organizes a competition that that 1 person will win no matter what because of that private modification is a BIG FAIL and a discriminating action against the oc community.

May 26, 2010 at 12:54:42 PM UTC

But when a manufacturer gives a big advantage to only 1 person and organizes a competition that that 1 person will win no matter what because of that private modification is a BIG FAIL and a discriminating action against the oc community.
Yep, totally agree. Manufacturer support is like a BFG against others. Maybe even a BFG combined with a quad damage. :D

May 26, 2010 at 3:31:21 PM UTC

When a manufacturer gives a special BIOS to only 1 person, and that BIOS gives him an unbeatable advantage, this is definitely not fair.


If you figured the mod out yourself good for you, you can keep it to yourself or share it with the community.


But when a manufacturer gives a big advantage to only 1 person and organizes a competition that that 1 person will win no matter what because of that private modification is a BIG FAIL and a discriminating action against the oc community.


Sorry Bill but you are waisting your breathe here. That doesn't mean that you are wrong though. ;) We are just going to have another fail competition with very few participants.

May 26, 2010 at 3:56:39 PM UTC

hope to get one board for review, because here there isn't any preorder for msi xpower

May 26, 2010 at 4:04:42 PM UTC

First of all, more than one person has the necessary modifications for the competition. Maybe you don't have ... but then you'll just need to find a way to get them. Unless you consider overclocking as something where everything has to be available at your disposal at the very moment you think of it?


Secondly, there are more than one stages in the competition. If you can't win in the 3D one, go for 32M. I always hear people being happy when this benchmark is included in a competition. It's tweakable, right?


Thirdly, I also noticed that most of those who complain haven't been competing in ANY competition in the recent past. A lot of noise and a lot of complaining for sure ... but never actually trying. Maybe it's easier to blame the competition in the beginning than not being the winner at the end?


Fourth, if you read the rules carefuly, MSI is the first manufacturer to not limit the VGA card brand for the 3D part of the competition. This was a HUGE problem in previous competitions and made a lot of overclockers go mad. Sadly enough, when a manufacturer does an effort to solve the problem, the noise-makers fail to see this.


I'm learning a lot from these few replies already ... " ;) "

May 26, 2010 at 4:14:36 PM UTC

First of all, more than one person has the necessary modifications for the competition. Maybe you don't have ... but then you'll just need to find a way to get them. Unless you consider overclocking as something where everything has to be available at your disposal at the very moment you think of it?


Secondly, there are more than one stages in the competition. If you can't win in the 3D one, go for 32M. I always hear people being happy when this benchmark is included in a competition. It's tweakable, right?


Thirdly, I also noticed that most of those who complain haven't been competing in ANY competition in the recent past. A lot of noise and a lot of complaining for sure ... but never actually trying. Maybe it's easier to blame the competition in the beginning than not being the winner at the end?


Fourth, if you read the rules carefuly, MSI is the first manufacturer to not limit the VGA card brand for the 3D part of the competition. This was a HUGE problem in previous competitions and made a lot of overclockers go mad. Sadly enough, when a manufacturer does an effort to solve the problem, the noise-makers fail to see this.


I'm learning a lot from these few replies already ... " ;) "


I noticed the lack of limits for VGA. I also notice it just says "Please use MSI X-power";) Honestly my jaw dropped when I saw this. Kudos go to MSI for that one.



You gotta realize it only takes one crappy competition to put a bad taste in people's mouths. I'll say no more, and no I have never competed in a hwbot contest other than your 01 contest, which I'm not done with. :)

May 26, 2010 at 4:26:49 PM UTC

First of all, more than one person has the necessary modifications for the competition.


Yeah, it's 3 :D

A common secret shared between 3 friends.


Maybe you don't have ... but then you'll just need to find a way to get them.


Yeah, since it's not something we can figure out ( it's a combination of software & hardware mod ) we'll just hire a hot blonde chick to blow our way to the mod.


Or... maybe we should all hook up with somebody in a manufacturer to obtain things that others can't.


Secondly, there are more than one stages in the competition. If you can't win in the 3D one, go for 32M.


Stage 1 is taken away from the very beginning, that I can guarantee you.

The second stage is a more plausible competition, but we all know that the big guns with the cold slow fix also happen to be lucky to have crazy clocking CPUs that make things pretty easy to hit a top 5 spot in the 32M stage too.


Can't wait to see the outcome of this contest ( yeah yeah :D )


Thirdly, I also noticed that most of those who complain haven't been competing in ANY competition in the recent past.


I refuse and boycott unhealthy competitions, so that is correct, I didn't take part in a contest held on HWbot as of yet.


Maybe it's easier to blame the competition in the beginning than not being the winner at the end?


Some people feel the desire and feel like they always have to be the winners, so yes some will not participate in a contest they feel they won't win.

Other people just don't participate in contests that seem to be or just are unfair and flawed.


Fourth, if you read the rules carefuly, MSI is the first manufacturer to not limit the VGA card brand for the 3D part of the competition. This was a HUGE problem in previous competitions and made a lot of overclockers go mad. Sadly enough, when a manufacturer does an effort to solve the problem, the noise-makers fail to see this.


Sadly they FAILED once again, since the requirement of this contest, the motherboard isn't available in most places on this planet and might not be available even after the competition ends.

Also the fact that:


1.Some ( non-sponsored ) people can get the board earlier than the rest is an unfair factor, as you need time to learn the motherboard and its pecularities


2.A lot (?) of people already have or will get a sample from MSI shortly ( and it might as well be a "cherrypicked" sample too )


Before I get misunderstood, it's not about who's the receiver of the "private" goods and mods from the manufacturers, I couldn't care less about the person who's taking that advantage.

I'm against that action from the manufacturer ( giving something that really sets an overclocker apart from the rest ).

May 26, 2010 at 4:54:26 PM UTC

Sadly for you, more than the '3 friends' are in the know.


I also notice that you're already certain you can't win and won't compete. Why you are trying to make a lot of noise here, I don't know. Also, I appreciate that you confirm what I mentioned in another thread over at XtremeSystems (and was heavily argumented against):


2) "Average joe would compete if competition is more fair"


Not really. The main incentive for people to join a competition is when they think it's possible to gain something from it, or: that they are convinced they can win. Perfect examples can be found in this competition: Elmor states the system isn't maxed out because of the 31k scores, Hipro5 didn't submit as well as Gomeler who states that Andre binning 36 cards in the GBT HQ is too much for him. I don't believe anyone who states that he would compete if the playing field was more fair. Yes, they'd compete, but only if the percepted playing field is unfair in their advantage.


From what I see it, only those who will not want to put an effort in the competition will have an issue here. Let's say worst case scenario: the board lands on your desk 5 days before the end of the competition. If I were you, I'd make sure both CPU, memory and VGA are pretested on a different mainboard in the three (well five actually) weeks before the end of the competition. This way, you can mount everything up and use similar settings to max the board when it arrives.


Again, the only thing I read from your posts is the next-in-line overclocker who wants to win big by doing little effort. I've been around the OC community for years now and I can see a growing trend of overclockers making pitiful excuses not to join a competition. Either the competition wasn't good, or the hardware was 'the worst ever', or engineering samples did the trick or any other reason that just doesn't matter. I find it funny that in times where some people are shouting as loud as possible that overclocking is just to have fun, they are also making the excuses as if they were professional athletes.


You can be angry, annoyed or hurt by what I'm writing here, but at least I'm giving a honest reply here.

May 26, 2010 at 4:55:43 PM UTC

BZ +1 to everything you say

May 26, 2010 at 5:08:31 PM UTC

Sure it's just me.

Can I win ?

Let's see...

Let's assume that I managed to get ahold of a decent 980X that is capable of running 3D Mark Vantage at 6GHz and SuperPi 32M at 6.3GHz.

Let's also assume that everybody else sucks at tweaking SPi32m and I'm the Buddha of tweaking, so I manage to get a good position ( 2nd, 3rd, 4th ) [ unless you think that there's a chance of a guy with a 6.3GHz CPU beating a 6.55GHz CPU :P ].

Vantage is pretty much a hit & run benchmark, and the few things that can have a little effect on the score are common knowledge between the overclockers ( I'll be surprised if the good benchers don't know these ).

So... I have a CPU disadvantage ( let's ignore the fact that it doesn't really matter in a single socket & single GPU configuration ) and also a VGA disadvantage ( 1100 - 1150MHz GPU vs 1200+ GPU ).


Now, honestly do you think I can win ?


The point is that you don't get the point.

I really don't care about winning a contest and its effin prizes. They can have them, I really don't give a sh*t.

I also don't give a rats as* if Andre ( nothing personal dude ) or Jen Hsun or MSI's owner wins the competition.


But I can't become a hypocrite and pretend that I understand that this competition is fair.

Fact is I wouldn't take part in this competition no matter what, even if I could win without breaking a sweat.

So if you're looking for personal motives & reasoning, there are none to be found.


p.s. I took part in GOOC 2009, 3D Mark2001SE, it was nice and unlimited on all ends, and despite the fact that I could choose to have a go at the Multi-GPU stage where Hipro5 wasn't competing, I went after the single-GPU stage for the sake of competition, fun and showing & learning stuff.

And I've even decided back then to let Hipro5 go even if I ended up on top ;)

Having doubts ? Ask him if I gave him a hint to catch up with me after finding something interesting ;)

May 26, 2010 at 5:10:31 PM UTC

Sadly for you, more than the '3 friends' are in the know.


I also notice that you're already certain you can't win and won't compete. Why you are trying to make a lot of noise here, I don't know. Also, I appreciate that you confirm what I mentioned in another thread over at XtremeSystems (and was heavily argumented against):




From what I see it, only those who will not want to put an effort in the competition will have an issue here. Let's say worst case scenario: the board lands on your desk 5 days before the end of the competition. If I were you, I'd make sure both CPU, memory and VGA are pretested on a different mainboard in the three (well five actually) weeks before the end of the competition. This way, you can mount everything up and use similar settings to max the board when it arrives.


Again, the only thing I read from your posts is the next-in-line overclocker who wants to win big by doing little effort. I've been around the OC community for years now and I can see a growing trend of overclockers making pitiful excuses not to join a competition. Either the competition wasn't good, or the hardware was 'the worst ever', or engineering samples did the trick or any other reason that just doesn't matter. I find it funny that in times where some people are shouting as loud as possible that overclocking is just to have fun, they are also making the excuses as if they were professional athletes.


You can be angry, annoyed or hurt by what I'm writing here, but at least I'm giving a honest reply here.



Why is it when K|ngp|n throws a competition, other than his Dominance cooler one, that plenty of people compete? Sure its a low clock, but he puts no cooling restrictions on. Usually he doesn't allow ES either. No manufacturer restrictions......and on and on. His last 01 comp had TONS of activity until the last half which was expected. All the guys who maxed their personal scores out were forced out due to scores and the strong were left standing to battle.


What's hilarious about his competitions is that he offers ZERO money for them. I also don't remember anyone crying "unfair" either. Face it man, you guys are not throwing the competitions with the rules the community wants. That doesn't mean everybody wants the rules to swing in their favor. :)




PS: Sorry for bringing your name into this K|ngp|n, but you are the best example I got. :)

May 26, 2010 at 5:26:52 PM UTC

I edited my last post ;)

May 26, 2010 at 5:40:35 PM UTC

hmm...interesting ideas here.


fair competition=share how to mod cold slow



I know BZ will hate me to submit crazy gpu clock.:D

May 26, 2010 at 5:44:04 PM UTC

Fair competition =


If you want Xpower only move the date so everybody can get one and have a few days to pretest it and insulate it properly.

Limit the GPU clocks to lower than cold slow & OCP frequencies so everybody can have a go.


There it goes.

People will buy the Xpower.

People will think they have more chances to win.

Nobody will have to share the cold slow mod.

May 26, 2010 at 5:48:00 PM UTC

Why is it when K|ngp|n throws a competition, other than his Dominance cooler one, that plenty of people compete? Sure its a low clock, but he puts no cooling restrictions on. Usually he doesn't allow ES either. No manufacturer restrictions......and on and on. His last 01 comp had TONS of activity until the last half which was expected. All the guys who maxed their personal scores out were forced out due to scores and the strong were left standing to battle.


What's hilarious about his competitions is that he offers ZERO money for them. I also don't remember anyone crying "unfair" either. Face it man, you guys are not throwing the competitions with the rules the community wants. That doesn't mean everybody wants the rules to swing in their favor. :)


You're using a flawed analogy.


What you are describing are community-based competitions. The ones organised by Vince are the same concept as the monthly OC challenges we have here at HWBOT: the point is not to win, but just to have a bit of fun pushing each other to post better scores.


For some unknown reason, things change when manufacturers are involved. Suddenly, things have to be as fair as possible (note: nothing has to be fair in community competitions) and any disadvantage will be called in to explain a loss.


The irony here is that on the one hand, people state that they will not part-take in a competition organized by a manufacturer because the financial input outweighs the gain when winning, whereas they are willing to spend the same amount of money on a community competition. Strangely enough, the outcome is mostly the same in both competitions: you will probably not win any money. So what is different?


For your information, and this is probably the most ironic of all, I've heard tons of people say that "they would compete if the prize money was much bigger" as that would make the input smaller than the possible output. Turns out - this is just another excuse for not competing.


I can think of a few reasons why people refuse to compete in manufacturer competitions, but I should keep those for myself as it will (again) upset a few people. I do think, however, that some people have to start putting things in the right perspective.


Now, honestly do you think I can win ?


It's my point exactly ...


Limit the GPU clocks to lower than cold slow & OCP frequencies so everybody can have a go.


Limit the clock frequency?


Let's not waste LN2 then and just say stock VGA clocks. That should be fun, yeah! Also, it will perfectly display the act of 'overclocking', yeah yeah! Ah, yes, and this will not make people cheat and run at higher clocks, yeah yeah yeah!


Excellent plan.

May 26, 2010 at 5:49:07 PM UTC

Fair competition =


If you want Xpower only move the date so everybody can get one and have a few days to pretest it and insulate it properly.

Limit the GPU clocks to lower than cold slow & OCP frequencies so everybody can have a go.


There it goes.

People will buy the Xpower.

People will think they have more chances to win.

Nobody will have to share the cold slow mod.



fair enough , but Limit the GPU clocks is not a good way. Some guys will cheat gpu clock, especially this is a "money" contest.:)

May 26, 2010 at 6:03:22 PM UTC

How bout we just share the slow cold fix like sharing usually happens?


Sounds like a great idea :D

May 26, 2010 at 6:03:28 PM UTC

fair enough , but Limit the GPU clocks is not a good way. Some guys will cheat gpu clock, especially this is a "money" contest.:)



May 26, 2010 at 6:19:19 PM UTC

You're using a flawed analogy.


What you are describing are community-based competitions. The ones organised by Vince are the same concept as the monthly OC challenges we have here at HWBOT: the point is not to win, but just to have a bit of fun pushing each other to post better scores.


Wrong.. Your monthly overclock challenges are on ancient hardware. Vince's comps are as modern as the manufacturer contest. Vince puts up some pretty nice prizes, but if you got to buy the hardware thats best, the prizes aren't worth the purchase. The point is the rules attract people. Plus Vince is a manufacturer of ln2 cooling equipment. :)


For some unknown reason, things change when manufacturers are involved. Suddenly, things have to be as fair as possible (note: nothing has to be fair in community competitions) and any disadvantage will be called in to explain a loss.



I can't speak for everybody so here is my take. There is a thing called fair and IMHO if the competition is sponsered by a manufacturer by god it should have fair rules. For hwbot comps, fair isn't limiting clocks. Fair is 1.) The hardware is available by the start date of the competition. 2.) No freaking ES gear!! How hard is that? 3.) Employees of said sponser shouldn't be competiting for winnings.


Lemme use Andre for example. The reason why is because he is known for spending HIS money to extensively bin CPU's. So you restrict to the stated rules above. If Andre finds a 6.5ghz 980x through his binning process to win the comp. Who can bitch? Well lots of people, but they are gonna bitch anyways because they envy anyone who can buy things they can't. Was it a fair competition? Yes it was. Everyone played the same lotto to find a good CPU. In my example Andre just happened to buy more tickets. ;) What isn't fair is if a manufacturer gives a bencher a tray full of ES CPU's and a stack of ES cards to win the comp they are throwing. Really that's just shitty business ethics.


The irony here is that on the one hand, people state that they will not part-take in a competition organized by a manufacturer because the financial input outweighs the gain when winning, whereas they are willing to spend the same amount of money on a community competition. Strangely enough, the outcome is mostly the same in both competitions: you will probably not win any money. So what is different?


For your information, and this is probably the most ironic of all, I've heard tons of people say that "they would compete if the prize money was much bigger" as that would make the input smaller than the possible output. Turns out - this is just another excuse for not competing.


Let me tell you why I don't and then won't compete in these competitions. First, and the one that really matters is the fact I don't have the money to play the game right now. If I was going to go out on a limb and borrow money/sell stuff to enter, the prize that I have a CHANCE of winning better be greater than the money spent. LN2 included..... Until then I'll never take part in a competition unless I already own the required gear.


Second, I won't compete at hwbot competitions because of these very rules we have discussed in this thread and countless other on the forums. The likely winner is already picked by the manufacturer..... Until that changes I wouldn't compete if I was a millionaire. Its a principal thing.


I can think of a few reasons why people refuse to compete in manufacturer competitions, but I should keep those for myself as it will (again) upset a few people. I do think, however, that some people have to start putting things in the right perspective.


That's probably a good idea. Your perspective seems to be off center from the majority. ;)




Limit the clock frequency?


Let's not waste LN2 then and just say stock VGA clocks. That should be fun, yeah! Also, it will perfectly display the act of 'overclocking', yeah yeah! Ah, yes, and this will not make people cheat and run at higher clocks, yeah yeah yeah!


Excellent plan.


Why must you be so arrogant towards everyone? A low clock challenge with modern hw wouldn't be a bad idea for the hw challenge. :)


Definitely you can't limit clocks in this competition so I gotta agree. It however isn't fair to have access to the cold slow mod and compete in this competition. That's my smallest gripe though and I could live with that being allowed.





Why do I waste my time discussing things with you Massman? You're right, I don't compete in these competitions. I care about the community and its growth. Shit that goes on here discourages tons of up and comers who are just getting into this hobby. I don't know about you, but I'd like this thing to grow. Stuff like these competitions just give them a bad taste. That taste can be hard to wash out.....

May 26, 2010 at 6:36:59 PM UTC

Wrong.. Your monthly overclock challenges are on ancient hardware. Vince's comps are as modern as the manufacturer contest. Vince puts up some pretty nice prizes, but if you got to buy the hardware thats best, the prizes aren't worth the purchase. The point is the rules attract people. Plus Vince is a manufacturer of ln2 cooling equipment. :)


I'm quoting you m8, but the reply is for massman's previous post comparing Vince's competitions and the community competitions with the manufacturer's competitions.


Well, here's the key.

We spend money on both competitions, but in the community competitions you can buy whatever you want, and usually that's something that you keep and gain from purchasing it in the future.

For example, if I had to buy a X58 motherboard for extreme overclocking and of course to participate in Vince's competition for example ( which has no brand restrictions ) I would buy the eVGA X58 Classified since that's the best motherboard in my opinion and I would like to have it to bench for HWbot in the future and in general.


In the manufacturer's competitions that we've seen as of late we are forced to buy a specific motherboard of their desire.

Will that product be of any benefit to me after the contest ends ( regardless if I win the contest or not ) ?

Most of the times the answer is no.

So why should I spend the money to buy the Xpower in example and money on LN2 and "work hours" for a slim chance to win the 1st prize ( which usually is money, and to be precise just a little bit over what you're required to spend for the competition ) ?


You know, the majority of the overclockers out there are not seighs, millionaires, and pimps.

They are usually poor or just "economically ok" people who can afford to spend a few bucks on hardware/ln2 each month.

So if they're going to spend some money they'd rather spend them on something they'll use and benefit from everyday, not just for 1 day, a single competition.


Its a principal thing.


Right on mate, sadly there are far less people with principal and ethics nowadays.


And also right on about the way the newcomers and forthcoming ( possibly, if they don't get discouraged & disgusted by the mess we go through lately ) feel when they read these things.


How bout we just share the slow cold fix like sharing usually happens?


Sounds like a great idea


Not gonna happen ( I can fix that, give it to me and I'll leak it :D )

May 26, 2010 at 6:42:36 PM UTC



I hope you understand that the attempt of disproving the insight that competitions run at Kingpincooling, OCXtreme or any other global or local overclocking forum is not correct. To begin with, the OC Challenges are not just on ancient hardware because it's a characteristic of the series, it's because we want to keep the cost to join as low as possible. Not making it hugely expensive just to have something different that the hwboints each week. In addition, what Vince's doing with his competitions is, unlike manufacturers, not an attempt to create exposure for his own brand. He runs it on his forum, again, just to have a bit of fun. If I were Kingpin, I wouldn't like it if people considered me a manufacturer, to be honest ...


All in all, those competitions are community based. Definitly different from what manufacturers are doing; very, very different.


I can also see that you're using the same arguments as Benchzowner when it comes to not competing. Again, this is exactly as I pointed out on XtremeSystems, although there I was not lightly 'attacked' because of the analysis. But, okay, since you ask so friendly, let me point out this: the competition that was heavily under fire not so long ago (not mentioning the competition out of respect for MSI) was one where ES samples were explicitly forbidden. It's ironic that although the ES was forbidden that none of those who make loads of noise managed to submit one score. I heard a lot of excuses in the end ... yes. Having the ES or not makes virtually no difference in the outcome of the competition as those who are really into extreme overclocking (and willing to spend the hours necessary) are mostly on top. You can call that elitism, I call it reality.


Just in case you also didn't notice. During the Xpower competition, there's a more mainstream competition running for those who don't want to spend loads of money and still want a shot at a nice prize: It's really simple: lga1156, bclk and no ES.


Regarding the arrogance - I never try to be arrogant. I actually don't even consider myself arrogant. Sometimes I might use a bit of sarcasm to point out a flawed reasoning. But ... I'm really working on not using sarcasm again.


Oh, and I don't know what this is all about => "I don't know about you, but I'd like this thing to grow". I could use sarcasm again and say reply "no, I don't want it to grow, I just work way too much for a small paycheck because I like it". But I won't. I will just say "I want to make it grow too".

May 26, 2010 at 6:45:02 PM UTC

Let it go, Massman. We provide the infrastructure for manufacturers to hold competitions, we don't make the rules. If we are going to take all critic on manufacturer competitions personally we are going burn out from stress within a year. :)


The fact is that I don't take it personally ... I'm just not fond of people who make a lot of noise and present facts as a very simple (yet very clear) picture making everything they say look valid.


A lot of replies remind me of Belgian politics actually :D

May 26, 2010 at 7:00:35 PM UTC

How bout we just share the slow cold fix like sharing usually happens?


Sounds like a great idea :D


this please I beg you ;)

May 26, 2010 at 7:05:00 PM UTC

For the record, the coldslow modification has been put under NDA by Nvidia rather than the manufacturers. Point your arrows on the correct target.

May 26, 2010 at 7:15:04 PM UTC



I hope you understand that the attempt of disproving the insight that competitions run at Kingpincooling, OCXtreme or any other global or local overclocking forum is not correct. To begin with, the OC Challenges are not just on ancient hardware because it's a characteristic of the series, it's because we want to keep the cost to join as low as possible. Not making it hugely expensive just to have something different that the hwboints each week. In addition, what Vince's doing with his competitions is, unlike manufacturers, not an attempt to create exposure for his own brand. He runs it on his forum, again, just to have a bit of fun. If I were Kingpin, I wouldn't like it if people considered me a manufacturer, to be honest ...


All in all, those competitions are community based. Definitly different from what manufacturers are doing; very, very different.


Perception is reality. The perception by the majority is that these are not fair. I just gave an example of one competition that no one could complain about.


I see the motive in the hw challenge and I don't mean to discredit them. Classicplatforms and many others have a blast with those. Reading my post I can see that it seemed as if I was putting them down. That was not my intentions. :) It would be cool to mix them up a little. But I can't complain if you guys don't change a thing.


I can also see that you're using the same arguments as Benchzowner when it comes to not competing. Again, this is exactly as I pointed out on XtremeSystems, although there I was not lightly 'attacked' because of the analysis. But, okay, since you ask so friendly, let me point out this: the competition that was heavily under fire not so long ago (not mentioning the competition out of respect for MSI) was one where ES samples were explicitly forbidden. It's ironic that although the ES was forbidden that none of those who make loads of noise managed to submit one score. I heard a lot of excuses in the end ... yes. Having the ES or not makes virtually no difference in the outcome of the competition as those who are really into extreme overclocking (and willing to spend the hours necessary) are mostly on top. You can call that elitism, I call it reality.


Well sure I gave you excuses. Valid ones though. Me being broke right now is the biggest. I still stand by them though. Once things get better for me, I may compete, but the rules have got to change and I gotta be able to actually gain something from winning (if I did). If evga ever throws a competition here I'll compete just to make you happy. (I already own a classified :) )


Usually I would agree with you on the ES thing, but GT and Clarkdale re-wrote those rules. There is what, one 6.4-6.5ghz retail 980x in the wild? Please correct me if I'm wrong. How many ES are in that range. I'm talking about 32m here. That's where my analogy of Andre comes to point. There are great retails out there. They are hard to find. Let the people compete and have to find that golden retail. ES are already binned and have been proven to hit those frequencies already and outshine almost all retails. As long as those ES CPU's are still living it will skew the outcome of the competition.



I never said that people with ES aren't deserving. Hell I don't mind as much as most to let them compete in the globals. I'm all about seeing the highest scores out there. Hell I've been lucky enough to pick off some scores from guys I look up to from time to time. It motivates me. Basically man the day to day hwbot ranking in no way are expected to be as "fair" as manufacturer sponsered comps.


Just in case you also didn't notice. During the Xpower competition, there's a more mainstream competition running for those who don't want to spend loads of money and still want a shot at a nice prize: It's really simple: lga1156, bclk and no ES.


Honestly I didn't know that. I'll check it out.


Regarding the arrogance - I never try to be arrogant. I actually don't even consider myself arrogant. Sometimes I might use a bit of sarcasm to point out a flawed reasoning. But ... I'm really working on not using sarcasm again.




Oh, and I don't know what this is all about => "I don't know about you, but I'd like this thing to grow". I could use sarcasm again and say reply "no, I don't want it to grow, I just work way too much for a small paycheck because I like it". But I won't. I will just say "I want to make it grow too".


That's good, but you guys need to relay to the manufacturers what the pulse of the community is thinking. That includes more than the top 10 in the rankings. This hobby is still too small. Focus needs to be given to the small guy too. It will keep that flame going for them.


Massman, I honestly didn't know you guys don't write the rules until Richbastard made that comment. I thought you guys had more to do with the rules.

May 26, 2010 at 9:08:04 PM UTC

Well this seems pretty simple to me. When a competition is anounced read the rules, if you don't agree don't compete. When the overclockers are walking away from manufacturers competitions instead of competing hopefully they take notice.

May 27, 2010 at 12:08:13 AM UTC

We do relay the feedback of the community to the manufacturer, chuchnit, but in the end they still may make the rules of their own competitions. And they are well in their right, they keep the gears turning. :)


Understood. Like I said above I was unaware of the control you guys have over these these, or lack thereof. You guys really do a great job with hwbot so please don't think I was ever implying otherwise. :) Thanks again for clarification.



Well this seems pretty simple to me. When a competition is anounced read the rules, if you don't agree don't compete. When the overclockers are walking away from manufacturers competitions instead of competing hopefully they take notice.


Well in the end that is what will happen, but I just couldn't sit quiet anymore either.

May 27, 2010 at 3:38:36 AM UTC

For the record, the coldslow modification has been put under NDA by Nvidia rather than the manufacturers. Point your arrows on the correct target.


I don't use arrows, just wishful heat vision. Until somebody with a competitive bone in their body decides to be slick and step out from behind their nda shield and start slipping out the cb fix, I'll stick with wishful thinking when riding that -58 thru -61 cold bug.


Its cool, I understand the fear. O.o

May 27, 2010 at 5:03:20 AM UTC



I have only X58A-UD7 Mother Board


MSI FAIL again

May 27, 2010 at 9:35:23 AM UTC

"Cold slow" problem my ass!....I can solve this with a hardware mod...... :D:P

May 27, 2010 at 1:37:44 PM UTC

"Cold slow" problem my ass!....I can solve this with a hardware mod...... :D:P




I am always waiting.:D

May 29, 2010 at 6:21:34 PM UTC

Those who will take part in MOA in Paris have chance to participate in this contest absolutely for free ;)

June 1, 2010 at 9:44:43 AM UTC

"please use MSI board"

so i am not obliged to use an MSI Board ?

otherwise write : "use ONLY MSI Board"

June 1, 2010 at 9:59:54 AM UTC

You can try not using an MSI board, but I don't think you'll be able to submit.

June 1, 2010 at 8:47:10 PM UTC

You can try not using an MSI board, but I don't think you'll be able to submit.


Who does an overclocker communicate with in regards to clarification of these manufacturer driver overclocking events? Is there designated coordinators or is that you Massman?

June 1, 2010 at 8:50:04 PM UTC

I can answer the easy questions. Manufacturer reps are watching the forums in case a more in-depth issue comes up.

June 4, 2010 at 9:01:25 AM UTC

Well this seems pretty simple to me. When a competition is anounced read the rules, if you don't agree don't compete. When the overclockers are walking away from manufacturers competitions instead of competing hopefully they take notice.


That is precisely my take on things as well :)

June 5, 2010 at 9:21:38 PM UTC

ES Allowed, no use to compete.. If retail only, probably would because I have a retail.. Would probably pony up for a board.. SO 1000+ plus for ES.. to win 1000 dollars.. hmmm... will throw the board out after... Not worth it.. If retail only then hey im only stuck to the board... better.. could deal with it.. better chance.


These comps are really just FAIL...


The last and final resort to the competitions is HWBOT. You control the posts and the framework. You could standup for the community and not allow the competition.


I think all mods should be disclosed for all competitions..Whys it fair if someone is holding onto the only knowing Ace in the whole.. Seriously we have even communicate this..


If you can't tell that from all of these competitions are a fail.. look at all the participants... pretty bad.. Kingpins comp did probably better than all of them put together.. food for thought.. and common sense really...

June 5, 2010 at 9:24:19 PM UTC

How about a no mods clause also with no ES.. You would get alot more competition..


Maybe hold some HWbot competition with the most used equipment... You have the queries to figure that out..

June 7, 2010 at 7:55:10 AM UTC



I have only X58A-UD7 Mother Board


MSI FAIL again

:S why MSI Fail? because you only have a Giga Mobo?


Well i hope met you at GOOC Mexico ;) ill do my best.


Nos vemos alli!

June 7, 2010 at 7:57:44 AM UTC

How about a no mods clause also with no ES.. You would get alot more competition..


Maybe hold some HWbot competition with the most used equipment... You have the queries to figure that out..


First statement is wrong. It's been proven over and over again that disallowing ES in competitions doesn't increase the amount of participants. Sounds right in theory, but ain't true.


Most used equipment != most owned equipment. It's very likely that the i7 920 has been used the most, but that doesn't mean a lot of overclockers have this CPU at their home.

June 8, 2010 at 10:53:02 PM UTC

I don't think so man.

I think MSI allows only Big Bang Xpower users to participate in this contest.

June 8, 2010 at 11:48:21 PM UTC

Acutally is says "Please use a MSI Big Bang XPower motherboard."

I have a MSI X58M board... can I submit with that?


I asked this, but no.


Reason is quite simple: the XPower is the only board that has been designed for Gulftown. Not that the other boards would explode and burn down your house, but overclocking results will very likely to almost certainly be much inferior to the XPower.

June 10, 2010 at 12:01:52 AM UTC

no msi bigbang xpower in retail......are we(public) competing against sponsored benchers? lmao


release date in north america?

June 12, 2010 at 6:50:06 PM UTC

It seems like one shop in the Netherlands has it already in stock :

June 12, 2010 at 8:55:44 PM UTC

Nah Salland always does this trick :P but you still have to wait weeeeeeeeks before the board arrives...

June 13, 2010 at 6:41:53 PM UTC

it will be out soon..newegg hinted 299 price...

June 17, 2010 at 5:12:55 AM UTC

well about sharing a good secret with me? i never ask.



June 23, 2010 at 7:13:13 PM UTC

So where's that retail MSI X58 Big Bang Xpower yet MSI ?

We're tired of being breast-feeded with Xtremely Powerful loads of bollocks.

Are you guys going to step up anytime soon ?

June 23, 2010 at 7:54:37 PM UTC

Thats awesome value for money!

June 23, 2010 at 9:03:43 PM UTC

Bench, you don't give up brotha... I hope you watch what you eat.. Your going to give yourself a heart attack.. Just not worth it..


I just got one in... nice looking board.. Let's see how she clocks...

June 23, 2010 at 9:16:16 PM UTC

So... it's been on NewEgg for 1 week ?

It's 10 days 'til the contest ends.

I'm not in the USA at the moment, and I can't find it in Europe ( no matter where I look, feel free to pick any country ).

June 23, 2010 at 9:53:36 PM UTC

Allow me to have some doubts about the availability at those... shops.

I had a terrible experience with in the past and with 4launch.

Maybe our friends from the Netherlands and Germany can share their experience with those shops.

June 28, 2010 at 6:35:43 AM UTC


is it possible to get the exact date time (date + hour GMT for example) ?

June 28, 2010 at 10:31:49 AM UTC

30-6-10 23:59:00 CEST


The timer on the competition page is always correct ;)

June 28, 2010 at 2:48:10 PM UTC

Nice.. Pros getting into the contest..

June 28, 2010 at 6:18:11 PM UTC

Yeah real nice :(


Wouldn't it be fun if a non super pro could win the ticket...


The compo is now officially over for most... it's between Andre and hazzan now...


Was fun while it lasted...

June 28, 2010 at 6:22:55 PM UTC

Nice.. Pros getting into the contest..


i think this is not TRUE all big ocers join the oc competitions in latest days...


this is not back up wars! :| feel free overclock and submit your results, this is the best mood :)

June 28, 2010 at 6:24:33 PM UTC

I knew I wouldn't be a competition for Vantage, I'm benching 5870.


Wednesday, 32M, just for the fun of it, even knowing I can't win this stage.


Didn't plan my vacation yet, but now I know I have to :)

June 29, 2010 at 4:51:31 AM UTC

ekky is number 2 and he makes headlines? what about 1st place? he aint worthy of the news?


andre is number 1..gets credit


effort in vain?

June 29, 2010 at 5:02:12 AM UTC

let the back up wars commence :P

June 29, 2010 at 7:22:59 AM UTC

Hazzan will get his moment of glory :) Think everyone awaits the pi32m time from Andre and the 3D from Steponz...


EDIT : :woot:

June 29, 2010 at 2:17:46 PM UTC

So where's that retail MSI X58 Big Bang Xpower yet MSI ?

We're tired of being breast-feeded with Xtremely Powerful loads of bollocks.

Are you guys going to step up anytime soon ?


Dont feel bad mate there are none available in Australia at all. I just got off the phone to MSI here and they only just landed in the country 2 days ago and retailers wont have them until atleast next week. MSI couldn't even ship me one directly in time to compete. As well as there are no qualifiers for MOA in Australia us Aussies only chance is at LOC comp.

I will give my best regardless but will be competing against pan asia. :)


Mercedes-Benz Fintail

June 29, 2010 at 3:35:43 PM UTC

retail MSI can be found in german shops bill, pointed Hiwa to a few shops that have them in stock... distribution seems to be a bit off ( to say the least )

June 29, 2010 at 5:31:32 PM UTC

Anyway, if you guys are ok with the boards becoming "available" the last week of a contest, it's ok.

I tend to disagree however.

June 29, 2010 at 5:42:47 PM UTC

I don't agree on anything, I just say there are/were boards available in europe...

June 29, 2010 at 6:38:14 PM UTC

Some sweet scores Andre.. wish I had 20 cpus to bin... I only have 1.. Maybe Ill get another to play some more before tomorrow....

June 30, 2010 at 3:34:17 PM UTC

He just tried 12 :)

June 30, 2010 at 4:13:23 PM UTC

Hehe, I just saw Andreyang's score. I virtually have no chance except if my new 980 is a golden of golden CPU.


However, I will try to beat him :)

June 30, 2010 at 4:23:36 PM UTC

Yep.. looks like im out.. would have been more fun without pros.. oh well...

June 30, 2010 at 6:30:11 PM UTC

Yep.. looks like im out.. would have been more fun without pros.. oh well...

yeah...i'm out too.... fun is over buddy... eventhough i still can catch your spi time :) ... but i dont wanna waste elen 2 ...

June 30, 2010 at 8:03:45 PM UTC

Dead also for me. It could be possible to make 6mn05s and 34k vantage but... no chance.


Suddently, during bench, my LN2 pot just exploded => bad contact CPU / LN2 pot => CPU broken...

June 30, 2010 at 8:26:51 PM UTC

Edit : Not LN2 pot but the fix for LN2 pot

June 30, 2010 at 8:52:26 PM UTC

My 3003B is dead, damn hyperthreading stuff :(


But I can pick up a 3013B on friday, thanks to

July 1, 2010 at 4:30:38 PM UTC

I could have beat his vantage.. unfortunately something was up with the memory on my board.. might have gotten wet... If I didn't have to juggle work on the road and this.. It would have been a different ending for sure... Within the week Ill post the vantage score.. I need the points anyways... :) Time for the next competition....

July 1, 2010 at 5:43:07 PM UTC

hotel overclocking ftw :D

July 1, 2010 at 6:14:28 PM UTC

So who won ? :)

July 1, 2010 at 7:48:21 PM UTC

Looks like Andre is the winner....


Everytime I would bring my 30L through hotel... people would look at me like I had a bomb... lmao....

July 2, 2010 at 9:06:03 AM UTC

Looks like Andre is the winner....


Everytime I would bring my 30L through hotel... people would look at me like I had a bomb... lmao....


Quick! Print a "BOMB" sticker and put it on!

Test the product, and come back with feedback :D

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