Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 3

Welcome to the Old school is Best School Season 3, a contest series created specifically for overclockers that enjoy benching on very old, classic hardware. Each month-long round features five stages, each with unique hardware and benchmarks.
In Round 3 of the Old School is Best School contest we find a chance to revisit Intel’s Socket 478 which means digging out some old Intel Pentium 4 chips. These can be combined with any GPU manufactured by Matrox. Stage 1 of Round 3 is all about pushing Wprime 1024M, while in Stage 2 overclockers are tasked with benching on 3DMark01. Stage 4 involves benching the classic PCMark04. Verification screenshots and system pictures are required for each stage.
- This competition is closed. You can no longer join
- Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 3 is closed since 15 March 2017
- This competition is between teams
Stage 1 -
Wprime 1024M
Stage 2 -
Stage 3 -
Rank | Participant | Wprime 1024M | 3DMark01 | PCMark04 |
1 | 18 pts | 25 pts | 25 pts | 68 pts | |
2 | 25 pts | 5 pts | 15 pts | 45 pts | |
3 | 16 pts | 10 pts | 18 pts | 44 pts | |
4 | 12 pts | 13 pts | 16 pts | 41 pts | |
5 | 11 pts | 16 pts | 14 pts | 41 pts | |
6 | 14 pts | 15 pts | 9 pts | 38 pts | |
7 | 9 pts | 12 pts | 13 pts | 34 pts | |
8 | 15 pts | 7 pts | 12 pts | 34 pts | |
9 | 8 pts | 11 pts | 8 pts | 27 pts | |
10 | 18 pts | 6 pts | 24 pts |
3DM01 would not be a better choice than 3DM03?
I'm asking this because 3DM03 does not run on older Matrox cards like G450 (DX6.0) and it would basically limit the competition to Parhelia/Millenium only.
This might be a problem, we will discuss this
why don't work the competition link? redirected on an advise
Is it still going to be Matrox card of choise in round3?
Cant access the competition site and got an (to expensive) auction ending this evening.
I will leave this decision to Christian Ney. I cannot access the page myself btw and when I go from eocsprts site I get no content...Problem is known for a while but seems there is no solution so far
We will limit cards to DX8 capable or lower DX version, so we rule out all cards that are DX9 capable or higher, seems to be best solution to keep it cheap
What limited to DX8 I have already got a M9140 for this and at the last second its not going to be allowed.
On this competition page it says in Bold any Matrox GPU.
OC eSports
I give up.
I might as well not compete at all.
You can still discuss this with Christian Ney and Massman, I did propose dx9 and lower which wwould cover more cards. The main problem remains how we can keep cost low, for me this is a smaller problem because I do not have to buy 500 euro card^^
Ok thanks Michael.
I sent Christian a message proposing that the C series be banned they are the expensive ones that no one will buy and have a Radeon GPU and GDDR5 memory.
I payed $80AU for my M9140 which isnt too much.
this is like you cant use any other card than a geforce 7 series in the last round for RB, when it clearly does not say you cant use any other card, and using the "can be coupled with a geforce 7 series card" as the answer for an excuse for it is a poor excuse, it does not say in the limitation that no other card can not be used, for icestorm it clearly stated a geforce 7 series card to be used, therefore a submission for the RBENCH with another card of any kind is legitimite and a legal submission and SHOULD be allowed
this changing cards for the matrox is the same princple same as some intel cpu costs, if you cant buy the hardware then dont go on a whinge complaining about it and dont go in the competitions..its that simple ....the section stated any matrox card for this section, what about the people that have already spent the money and bought the card , already spent hours testing, modding, whatever with it...what do they do with it now ???, sell it ??? where, the stall down the street ? or smash it with a bloody hammer
Good that I waited... I thought about buying a parhelia 128MB, but also manged to talk a friend into letting me have one of the C680s they use for a week
Now I can tell him, that i don't need the card anymore 
I am pretty sure it was meant for "Old School" Matrox. I did not even know Matrox was still "making" 3D Graphics Cards, I thought they were only releasing 2D capable graphics cards.
It's incredible how little information there is about their graphics cards. Even on their own website they dont say anything about 3D. Except for the C-series they advertise DirectX 12.
DX9 and lower will that do?
EDIT: Looks like if we limit to DX9, the most recent cards will be the M series from 2008/2009. Lets do that.
Please dont forget , to change the wallpaper.
Those R1 and R2 markings were not followed as a rule in the earlier round.
I believe we need some actual more obvious change for the wallpaper.
Let's eliminate every chance of someone benching earlier than others.
Thankyou Christian for the card Clarification.
I couldn't agree more about the wallpaper there were a few benchers that were using the Round 1 Wallpaper in Round 2 but to be fair to them the R2 was pretty obscure on it and they probably wouldnt of known there was a difference to the round 2 Wallpaper.
I ony noticed it because I put my GPUz CPUz Icons at the bottom left of the screen.
So if the R3 was a bit more larger and clear then no one could plead ignorance.
Reading that part about the R2 wallpaper, I finaly found the R2 marker, damn its well hidden and I must have blocked it in every screenshoot I used in round2..
Atleast I know where it is for round 3 now..
The R3 marking is nice hidden also.
I wouldnt had an argue about the wallpaper as long as everyone could leave clear and visible the screen area with the marking.
It can be done.
I feel like Mr. Magoo when I search for "Rx" marking each round
- will ask Pieter for a microscope for submission check, and a 4k monitor 
A couple more little matters.
1)Descriptions on each stage needs editing.
In some say 3DMark 2001 and in others say 3DMark 2003
... and there is no Stage 4 for PCMark 04 , it's stage 3.
And a crucial matter cause i dont like "playing" with words.
Make crystal clear , that it's 478 cpu on 478 boards.
I dont like to play the adapters game.
The round is limited to 478 cpus, when it was designed adapters were not ruled out. We had this before and it worked fine, what´s the difference now?
I am for the adaptors
this vga:Matrox C900 is allowed?
No, only Dx9 cards, it is written here in the thread and also in the rules.
Normaly by core count means that the system divides the score by the number of cores specified in the database, just my interpretation, an official statement would be appreciated
We handle this same way we handled it for lots of years now, physical cores count, HT is no physical core. If we wanted to divide by threads, we would have written it this way. After years and years we still need clarification? I am a bit surprised
- I hope this is clear now, it is for sure better to ask then have problems if something is not clear for someone
Is there any multi-core s478 cpu ?
No, but it is a standard phrase we use for nearly all competitions, and Mr.Paco explicitly allowed multi socket systems where aplicable, so we better prepare for all options^^
You are absolutely right ! I didn't think to multi socket.
I think it's a good decision from You ! Prefer overclocking, not finding special hardware. Thanks ! :ws:
What kind of compound they used in these Parhelia vga's ???
Is it a compound ? or is it cement ?
Never seen something similar.
I left it work to heat by itself ... no go
I heated it with a heat gun ... nothing
I've ordered a surgical thin razon , to try.
I know this is a round too early, but I can't find the Quadro 2 Pro, or is the Geforce 2 Pro the same card in the database?
If the Geforce 2 Pro is the same, is it allowed to use that card in Round 4 ?
Round 4 is Geforce 2, quadro is not allowed
What about my Matrox SX-900? Allowed?
Can it run crysis?
Why not the Quadro they are easier to find. I Have been looking here in the UK and there are no Ultra's, Pro's or Ti's.
Can we use OEM cards eg Dell, Gateway ETC.
OEM cards are no problem, but no professional cards aka quadros. We had a quadro stage, should be enough, normally we do not allow workstation/server hardware at all
Had this on many old vgas. So far this worked like a charm:
Helloy everybody. For this round alowed adapter socket 478 to lga775? Thanks.
Yes could we clear this up as I've noticed a p35 chip in the WPrime rankings.
Adapter is allowed. The restriction is the CPU has to be socket 478. I'm pretty sure this has been clarified a couple times already.
Would be nice to clarify Socket 478B for the most badass of us
Because there's so many flavors of 478 most do not know about besides 478(M), 478(P), 478C (479). And there are dual-cores among those exotic ones.
Or I know a guy who can win a "socket 478" wPrime competition in a nutcase.
Managed to get one for €15, now it's time to get a G1 P4 because for some reason not one of my 18 Prescott CPUs were G1, all D0 or E0
I just picked one also.
It's alive
Is there any trick to PCMark04? Because I can't get it to run, it allways crashes on the website rendering part, either during inizialization or halfway through... I have tried fresh install of SP2 and SP3, do I need something older because the benchmark doesn't run on IE7?
I am running SP3 with the standard IE6.
Not having any problems.
I see you got a Bulk model , that has lower standard clocks.
It would be interesting to see if they will have anykind of difference in final overclocking with the retail models.
Who knows if they were binning back then ?
Has PCMark04 got a RNG that the score is processed through before displaying as the scores seem to be all over the place. Extra 500 MHz on the core and F m=lower score :-{
Anyone else notice this.
Is anyone controlling the benches ? First and second place at PCMark04 with Socket 775-Boards said as Socket 478 - really ?
Adapters are allowed, it says 478 cpu and it was already confirmed here at the thread that like in lots of other round adapters are an option
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