Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 4

Welcome to the Old school is Best School Season 3, a contest series created specifically for overclockers that enjoy benching on very old, classic hardware. Each month-long round features five stages, each with unique hardware and benchmarks.

In Round 4 of the Old School is Best School contest we have an opportunity to go back in time and bench on the classic AMD Socket A platform (also known as Socket 462). When it comes to graphics overclockers must use an Nvidia GeForce 2 series card. Stage 1 is all about the highest CPU frequency possible (percentage OC) while Stage 2 involves benching the 3DMark01 app. Stage 3 takes us back in time to CineBench 03. Verification screenshots and system pictures are required for each stage.

03.15.2017 12:00 +0000
04.15.2017 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 4 is closed since 15 April 2017
  • This competition is between teams



First Position

57 pts Overclock.net


April 17, 2017 at 2:10:32 PM UTC

Why my last submission disappear?


April 17, 2017 at 3:54:38 PM UTC

It did not disappear, you have not the mandatory screenshot for competition with background so it was removed from the competition. It is explicitely stated you need a screenshot and have to use competition background for this

April 17, 2017 at 6:16:45 PM UTC

Ok, I saw that I forgot to attach this screenshot

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