ROG OC Showdown Team Edition

ROG OC Showdown Team Edition is a new competition aimed to teams of enthusiasts overclockers. Everyone, from every league is welcome to join and a ton of cool prizes are up to grab for both teams and individuals overclockers.

The competition is open from April 14th and June 5th. To have more chances to win, you will have to co-work with your teammates and submit your best scores. Make sure to check out the competition rules and per stage limitation.

Get your rig ready and start benching!

04.14.2017 12:00 +0000
06.05.2017 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • ROG OC Showdown Team Edition is closed since 5 June 2017
  • This competition is between teams



  • Only 1 HWBOT account per overclocker is allowed
  • HWBOT and ASUS reserve the right to reject any entry
  • Employees of MB/VGA/MEM/CPU/PSU manufacturers are not allowed to compete
  • No hardware sharing is allowed (cf HWBOT 3.2.E)
  • It is not allowed to remove submissions once it has been submitted
  • After the end of the competition no more submissions or rectifications will be allowed
  • We expect fair play and team spirit from everyone
  • In case of a tie, the fastest GPUPI for CPU - 1B score will be the deciding benchmark


  • Must use commercially/retail available components. ES or server hardware are not allowed.
  • We reserve the right to ban specific products
  • Only use ASUS Motherboards
  • Both Intel and AMD CPUs allowed
  • Only ASUS VGAs are allowed for stage 5


  • The best score of each overclocker will contribute to one stage at a time
  • Per stage, the team average scoring is based on the top scores with unique hardware
  • All submissions must have the official competition wallpaper (Download), except Stage 1
  • Submissions must include a picture of the rig (MB, VGA, memory, CPU cooler) during use, except Stage 1


Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5
BenchmarkXTUX265 4KGPUPI for CPU 1BReference clock3DMark Time Spy
Hardware Limitation4x coresNo X99//Single GPU
No Titan X or 1080 Ti
League LimitationRookies, NovicesRookies, Novices, EnthusiastsRookies, Novices, Enthusiasts, ApprenticeRookies, Novices, Enthusiasts, Apprentice, ExtremeAll
Cooling LimitationAir / Water, 25C IDLEAir / Water, 25C IDLE///
Average scoring / team3 scores5 scores2 scores3 scores2 scores
Unique Hardware / team*CPUCPUCPUChipsetGPU
Points repartition50-48-46-44-42-40...50-46-44-42-40-38...50-44-42-40-38-36...50-42-40-38-36-34...50-40-38-36-34-32...

*For each stage, overclockers from a same team will have to use either different CPUs, chipsets or GPUs to count in the Average scoring / Team. I.e. For Stage 1, the average top 3 scores for Team A is calculated as:

  • Team A: Overclocker 1 uses i7 6700K
  • Team A: Overclocker 2 uses i5 6600K
  • Team A: Overclocker 3 uses i7 7700K


Winning Team
  • 1x ROG Maximus IX Apex
  • 1x ROG Crosshair VI Hero
  • 1x ROG Strix 1050 Ti
  • 2x Seasonic PRIME Platinum 1200W
  • 1x G.SKILL TridentZ DDR4-4133 2x8GB
  • 1x G.SKILL Flare X DDR4-3200 CL14 2x8GB
  • 1x EK-KIT P280
  • 1x Open Benchtable
  • 5x Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut 5.5g
  • ROG T-shirts
  • 1x ROG Maximus IX Apex
  • 1x ROG Strix GTX 1050 Ti
  • 1x Seasonic PRIME Platinum 1000W
  • 1x G.SKILL Trident Z DDR4-4133 2x8GB
  • 1x EK-KIT L360
  • 1x OpenBenchtable
  • 5x Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut 5.5g
  • ROG T-shirts
Most Valuable Player
  • 1x ROG Maximus IX Apex
  • 1x Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut 37g
  • 1x ROG T-shirt & goodies
Stage 1 Top Score
  • 1x ROG Maximus IX Apex
Stage 2 Top Score
  • 1x ROG Strix GTX 1050 Ti
Stage 3 Top Score
  • 1x EK-KIT L240 (R2.0)
Stage 4 Top Score
  • 1x G.SKILL Trident Z DDR4 3600MHz CL16 2x8GB
Stage 5 Top Score
  • 1x Seasonic PRIME Platinum 1000W

Overall Team prizes will be splitted among the overclockers of the winning team. The team has the choice between a common agreement or a random lucky draw among the team members.

The most valuable player will be awarded to the overclocker that accumulates the most points over the 5 stages.

For each of the stage, the overclocker with the best submission will win an individual prize.

Awarded Season Points

# Team Points Participants
1 50 pts satikcz, PKBO, Sheppix, skodvid, expiryDate, cagej, Elkim, FearTop, Azentar, Python.P, havli, Kraken19834
2 44 pts DR4G00N, Noxinite, MrBreeze, davestarrr, DarkRaptor, DanKadr, weezywitasneezy, mus1mus, J4net, yosarianilives, Kuivamaa, dirtyred, jpmboy, Darthresin, lascuciprian89, chencohen213, Gadfly, niobium615, KedarWolf, kimir, vladvel, shar00750, kimandsally, Spectre-, aceofspades, Seven7Thirty30, kjjweber, Samsarulz
3 39 pts leeghoofd, 5erveD, Damien--, Geoff44, jastas, Oldscarface, PeeWeeNaar, 12AX7, Tibom2000, MacCleod, Dressed4succes, Zyprexa-LWD, That's IT Computers
4 35 pts Nate152, meankeys, Axloc, kuno7, ferrisbueller, XxxMysticxxX, Exefx, Menthol,, Mystic6, XxMysticxX, gamecrazeddork, rbsthh, jab383, Chino, nyotekk, gupsterg, Omega Centauri
5 32 pts thepeasantryhut, Squirrel_Master, Skwurrl_Nutz, jgreever, nitro_wv, Lebelzunce, ALFAMike, justinmcslappy, patrickoh1, Barranomaly, topyoyoguybest, stankykey
6 30 pts astoria, Kisin, Philibert03, Martin White, Kaptain.Ka, Poggo, nicegab
7 28 pts GRIFF, OnisA, antome, MMarcio, alexmx, TheRedBaron, matteobalestri78, meiyo
8 26 pts iji, Xom
9 24 pts StingerYar, FoX_UA, Mykolay3ack, Da__rk, freedom2686, TyphooNick
10 22 pts TheInfernoX, dethtek10891, john_dvorsky, bbettale, quiltparade, edknuff, sstrong5356, Timbers, Kamandi, Cedboy, axelakos1994, statue, 9thwazard, keithsander1, BuckYoMomma, JMat58, Erim91, linquiste, Gazalite, StLCards, xDriven, Seryog, Droost, Deadstrike5, Ghettochild_2600, mazshah, paulhusar90, Thylle, babucat, dbaca83, rrusch24, nochemno, rammar, vragg, TheGoodTimeMan, sinole, cutiedmt, detrix250, serafini16, Bazeman, mwaters777, imallterrain, alehound, Murilo69, Bewst27, Wolvierne, Nyteshift, Shane Blakely, reyvan, goodey200, jonasnickdrews420, vladsion, Medico, Candydan, mohsendoraghi1, SilentbutdeadlyD, dushyantcn, sarang920708, xXCRAWF0RDXx, hemalpatel2990, lickDEEsnuts, jdsconsult, Wildturkey10121

First Position

208 pts Alza OC


June 3, 2017 at 8:40:46 AM UTC




Tried submission several times but the CPU validation link not accepted. Any help/insight be welcome, thanks.

June 3, 2017 at 7:58:57 PM UTC

I think it's the 'https:' Try entering the link without 'http://' or 'https://' and let the bot insert that part.


Thanks for working on that stage. I did challenge you to beat my score, now i have to live with it.

June 3, 2017 at 8:01:10 PM UTC

It usualy is already enough to remove the s at https

June 3, 2017 at 10:44:19 PM UTC

jab383 I tried that and I tried Chino's suggestion on ROG forum of using:


This is the error I get again same as before the night I ran the bench, then same following morning when trying again. I did have the screenie/system rig images in sub but those get removed after the error.


Done subs before on OC-Esports / HWBot never had this issue :/ . I'll try another run and get another validation and report back.

June 4, 2017 at 4:08:17 AM UTC

For some reason you are missing the http AND https from your submission. It should have an "http://" before the URL so it looks exactly like this: "" instead of ""


If you remove the https:// you would think hwbot would interpret it as http:// but if that logic isn't written into the web application then it's going to interpret as it being incorrect.

June 4, 2017 at 8:37:04 AM UTC

jab383 I tried that and I tried Chino's suggestion on ROG forum of using:


This is the error I get again same as before the night I ran the bench, then same following morning when trying again. I did have the screenie/system rig images in sub but those get removed after the error.


Done subs before on OC-Esports / HWBot never had this issue :/ . I'll try another run and get another validation and report back.


OK, I took your link, I removed the s from https and it works. If this doesn´t work for you, clear cache and cookies or use another browser

websmile`s Reference Frequency score: 475 MHz with a Rampage Extreme

Will delete after you checked, so please give me a heads up :)


P.S. Please all check your results, tomorrow is deadline :)

June 4, 2017 at 12:17:14 PM UTC

Thank you all for help. Just to make sure I was not nuts I tried just a straight up CPU Frequency sub on HWBot. Copy and paste of address of sub then equals fail on submit.


This included https://, I then changed only url from to it worked. So did sub here same way and all AOK. It was more hard work getting the sub done then gaining the OC :o .

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