Rookie Rumble #10

Welcome to the Rookie Rumble! We assume you arrived here via XTU and that’s great but the OC world offers much more. The Rumble introduces you to the concept of competitive overclocking. It’s a contest only for new overclockers like you. Good luck!

There are three stages, each with the same hardware restrictions but featuring a different benchmark. The benchmarks are: XTU, HWBOT Prime, and MaxxMem Read Bandwidth. You can gather points by submitting in each of the three stages. The better the result, the more points you acquire and the higher you'll rank overall! Note that the validation process for the benchmarks is slightly different. Check out the rules section to learn more or drop us a message on our forums if you have a question.

09.27.2014 12:00 +0000
10.18.2014 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • Rookie Rumble #10 is closed since 18 October 2014
  • This competition is between members


Lucky Draw Giveaway: 1x Cooler Master Nepton Seidon 120V Plus + T-shirt

The Seidon 120V Plus is the latest AIO watercooler that boasts an excellent value for performance. The compact 120mm radiator fits in virtually every case. Thanks to a premium 120mm JetFlo fan with a wide RPM range, Seidon can operate silently or unleash a powerful cooling storm at your command. Durable FEP Tubing provides the advantages of nearly no moisture absorption, high thermal stability and high pressure tolerance which all contribute to a long operating life.

More information: official website.

To apply for the lucky draw you must make a submission in each of the competition stages before the end of the competition.


Rank Participant XTU HWBOT Prime MaxxMem Read Bandwidth
1 50 pts 41 pts 50 pts 141 pts
2 41 pts 36 pts 41 pts 118 pts
3 26 pts 50 pts 30 pts 106 pts
4 36 pts 32 pts 68 pts
5 1 pts 28 pts 32 pts 61 pts
6 22 pts 1 pts 28 pts 51 pts
7 14 pts 12 pts 24 pts 50 pts
8 32 pts 14 pts 46 pts
9 1 pts 18 pts 26 pts 45 pts
10 30 pts 1 pts 13 pts 44 pts

Awarded Season Points

Rank User Points
1 50
2 44
3 39
4 35
5 32
6 30
7 28
8 26
9 24
10 22

First Position

141 pts daNE


October 10, 2014 at 2:50:34 PM UTC

so all in all i get kinda craped on cos i have win8.1 pro?! Theres no competition to be at, cos all benchmarks exclude win8 results? grrr

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