HWBOT Team CUP 2022 - AMD

- This competition is closed. You can no longer join
- HWBOT Team CUP 2022 - AMD is closed since 15 October 2022
- This competition is between teams
Stage 1 -
Cinebench - R11.5 - DDR1
Stage 2 -
Geekbench3 - Multi Core - DDR2
Stage 3 -
HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k - DDR3
Stage 4 -
General Rules
- General and benchmark specific hwbot rules apply
- Desktop hardware only (no server parts) unless explicitly allowed at stage rules
- No ES, nor unreleased hardware
- One bencher can only contribute once for each stage
- For the stages that require several results, different CPUs / GPUs / MEM types are needed (example: LGA1150 cpu bench with three results needs 4790, 4770K, 4690, if three different benchers submit three results with 4770k only one will count to the ranking)
General Verification Rules
- 2D scores require CPU-Z tabs for CPU, Memory and Motherboard
3D scores require CPU-Z tabs for CPU, Memory and Motherboard and GPU-Z for each graphics card
2D Memory Stage scores require CPU-Z tabs for CPU, Memory, Motherboard and SPD for each Dimm. - Competition Wallpaper is mandatory for participation
- Standard verification rules remain applicable, check them out here (click)
- HWBOT Team Cup 2022 - AMD
- HWBOT Team Cup 2022 - INTEL
- HWBOT Team Cup 2022 - AMD GPU
- HWBOT Team Cup 2022 - NVIDIA GPU
- HWBOT Team Cup 2022 - Memory
- HWBOT Team Cup 2022 - Integrated GPU
Each sub-competition consists of mutliple stages. Check the stages for specific rules.
The point distribution of each stage is: 50-47-45-43-41-39-37-35-33-31-29-27-25-23-21-19-17-15-13-11-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Art design by DaQuteness
Rank | Participant | Cinebench - R11.5 - DDR1 | Geekbench3 - Multi Core - DDR2 | HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k - DDR3 | 3DMark CPU PROFILE MAX - DDR4 |
1 | 45 pts | 50 pts | 50 pts | 45 pts | 190 pts | |
2 | 50 pts | 45 pts | 45 pts | 47 pts | 187 pts | |
3 | 43 pts | 47 pts | 47 pts | 43 pts | 180 pts | |
4 | 47 pts | 43 pts | 37 pts | 50 pts | 177 pts | |
5 | 39 pts | 39 pts | 41 pts | 41 pts | 160 pts | |
6 | 35 pts | 37 pts | 43 pts | 39 pts | 154 pts | |
7 | 31 pts | 35 pts | 39 pts | 35 pts | 140 pts | |
8 | 41 pts | 31 pts | 29 pts | 25 pts | 126 pts | |
9 | 29 pts | 25 pts | 31 pts | 37 pts | 122 pts | |
10 | 37 pts | 41 pts | 25 pts | 7 pts | 110 pts | |
11 | 33 pts | 33 pts | 33 pts | 99 pts | ||
12 | 25 pts | 27 pts | 27 pts | 9 pts | 88 pts | |
13 | 33 pts | 29 pts | 62 pts | |||
14 | 35 pts | 23 pts | 58 pts | |||
15 | 23 pts | 27 pts | 50 pts | |||
16 | 29 pts | 17 pts | 46 pts | |||
17 | 31 pts | 31 pts | ||||
18 | 23 pts | 5 pts | 28 pts | |||
19 | 27 pts | 27 pts | ||||
20 | 21 pts | 4 pts | 25 pts | |||
21 | 21 pts | 21 pts | ||||
22 | 19 pts | 19 pts | ||||
23 | 15 pts | 15 pts | ||||
24 | 13 pts | 13 pts | ||||
25 | 11 pts | 11 pts | ||||
26 | 8 pts | 8 pts | ||||
27 | 6 pts | 6 pts | ||||
28 | 3 pts | 3 pts |
Stage 3 - HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k - DDR3 Opteron 1389?
It's socket am3, so I guess Opteron is allowed. I mean it won't change anything so I'm for it
this stage seems to be possible to submit to now .
i uploaded this score but it says:
If you want to participate, make a submission with the same hardware for SuperPi - 32M with BenchMate.
i have to manually upload the file via the competition page. i worked it out. XD
I always sub from comp page
I do as well, but in this case I was subbing directly through benchmate.
AMD Phenom II X4 955 or BE I'm lost, seeing a lot of multi's way above 16 posted in the locked version. Know CPUz looks the same for both and I forget how x265 handled it.
HDZ955FBK4DGM Black Edition
HDZ955WBK4DGM Locked, 16 max multi CPU World
I thought the locked version was hdx not hdz, but either way if cpuz detects the same then x265 would as well and need to manually select the right one based on ihs. If the multi is wrong it probably was a mistake on the side of the one subbing so report and it will be moved. I'd say 90% of people probably don't have the locked one.
HDX, C3, Both BE's
Typically the stepping is at the end, gi is c2 and gm is C3. Hdz vs hdx typically is locked vs unlocked if you look across all the chips. Didn't look like 955 was different when I looked
Stage 3 - HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k - DDR3
two separate rules so is it allowed to use a 1090t with only 4 cores on?
Nope you can't use a 1090T as it is a 6 core CPU for the database....
It says AM3 cpu's only. Is there no chance of using FM2+ based systems like an 860K? My FX's motherboard is long dead and my FM2+ system is the only DDR3 based AMD system I have knocking about.
The time to change stages is far far gone lol, comp ends on the 15th.
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