Alza OC Cup 2017 - XTU

Welcome to the Alza Cup, an Overclocking contest sponsored by Alza, Europe’s leading electronics retailer. The contest runs throughout the month of August 2017, inviting Europe’s leading overclockers to compete on four stages to win fantastic prizes.

The Alza OC Cup underlines Alza’s commitment to engaging with European PC enthusiasts and overclockers. The contest spans the month of August with four individual stages that will test your skills at pushing raw PC performance to the edge. Based in the Czech Republic, Alza has quickly grown over the last two decades to become Europe’s foremost electronics distributor.

Closed Since 4 Sep


  • XTU is closed since 4 September 2017


  • A screenshot with result, CPU-Z cpu, mainboard and memory tab is required
  • Highest score wins
  • Only use processors using LGA1150, LGA1151.
  • Only members of Europe may participate.
  • No restriction on mainboard or memory brand. Open to all leagues. No frequency limitation
  • Commercially available hardware only (no ES, no unreleased hardware)
  • Must use official competition background: download
  • Only submissions made on or after 2017-08-05T00:00:00 are allowed.


Rank Participant Points Score
1 100 pts 2301 marks
2 80 pts 2292 marks
3 60 pts 2189 marks
4 50 pts 2171 marks
5 40 pts 2160 marks
6 30 pts 2156 marks
7 20 pts 1962 marks
8 10 pts 1910 marks
9 9 pts 1908 marks
10 8 pts 1867 marks
11 7 pts 1848 marks
12 6 pts 1843 marks
13 5 pts 1827 marks
14 4 pts 1792 marks
15 3 pts 1740 marks
16 1 pts 1719 marks
17 1 pts 1615 marks
18 1 pts 1586 marks
19 1 pts 1525 marks
20 1 pts 1492 marks
21 1 pts 1490 marks

Latest Submissions for Stage XTU

Score User Hardware Cooling
908 marks Core i5 4690K Water (Custom)
2189 marks Core i7 7700K Liquid Nitrogen
2292 marks Core i7 7700K Liquid Nitrogen
1867 marks Core i7 7700K Water (Custom)
2178 marks Core i7 7700K Liquid Nitrogen
1248 marks Core i5 6600K AIO Water
1615 marks Core i7 6700K AIO Water
2171 marks Core i7 7700K Liquid Nitrogen
1740 marks Core i7 6700K Water (Custom)
1843 marks Core i7 6700K AIO Water

First Position

2301 marks Rauf

Alza OC Cup 2017 Stages


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