Cheapaz Chips Season 2

Welcome to the second season of the Cheapaz Chips contest series here on OC-ESPORTS. Once again we invite all HWBOT members to compete using very affordable hardware. In Season 2, it’s all about pushing NVIDIA’s GT 1030 cards.

The idea of the Cheapaz Chips contest is to encourage overclockers to use all of their ingenuity and passion to hardware mod an NVIDIA GT 1030 card for maximum performance. Running from December 15th to January 15th 2018, the contest involves three unique 3D stages. The winner in Season 2 will walk away with a GALAX GTX 1080Ti HOF OC Lab Edition graphics card.

12.15.2017 00:00 +0000
01.20.2018 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • Cheapaz Chips Season 2 is closed since 20 January 2018
  • This competition is between members


Winner Giveaway: 1x GALAX GeForce GTX 1080Ti HOF OC Lab Edition Graphics Card

The GALAX GeForce GTX 1080Ti HOF OC Lab Edition is the flagship Pascal-based graphics card from GALAX. It is the official GALAX GOC 2017 tournament card and was used in the Qualifier. The final will be held in Thailand on November 25, 2017. It comes with:

  • Signature Choco-White PCB
  • Super enthusiast PureOC 14 layer PCB layout
  • 16+3 phasae digital power supply to cope with extreme overclocking
  • G Anti-noise inductance
  • Ultra Low ESR
  • Ultra-low noise operation
  • Bitspower Water Cooling
  • Fitted with three 8 pin connectors, when conducting extreme overclocking to easily deliver OC potential to the very edge of its limit
  • Hyper BoostX OC button.

More information: official website.

The highest scoring overclocker wins a GALAX GTX 1080Ti HOF OC Lab Edition graphics card. In case of a tie, the deciding benchmark is Unigine Heaven Xtreme, then GPUPI 1B, then 3DMark03. Each submission must include a picture of your graphics card in action. The graphics card does not come with international warranty.


Rank Participant 3DMark03 GPUPI 1B Unigine heaven Xtreme
1 50 pts 50 pts 50 pts 150 pts
2 32 pts 41 pts 41 pts 114 pts
3 41 pts 32 pts 32 pts 105 pts
4 36 pts 36 pts 30 pts 102 pts
5 30 pts 26 pts 36 pts 92 pts
6 26 pts 28 pts 28 pts 82 pts
7 28 pts 30 pts 24 pts 82 pts
8 24 pts 24 pts 22 pts 70 pts
9 15 pts 22 pts 26 pts 63 pts
10 17 pts 20 pts 20 pts 57 pts
11 16 pts 19 pts 19 pts 54 pts
12 18 pts 17 pts 17 pts 52 pts
13 20 pts 15 pts 16 pts 51 pts
14 19 pts 18 pts 8 pts 45 pts
15 22 pts 16 pts 38 pts
16 8 pts 11 pts 18 pts 37 pts
17 13 pts 12 pts 12 pts 37 pts
18 10 pts 14 pts 9 pts 33 pts
19 7 pts 8 pts 15 pts 30 pts
20 14 pts 5 pts 11 pts 30 pts
21 9 pts 13 pts 7 pts 29 pts
22 6 pts 6 pts 13 pts 25 pts
23 10 pts 14 pts 24 pts
24 12 pts 1 pts 10 pts 23 pts
25 11 pts 7 pts 4 pts 22 pts
26 5 pts 4 pts 6 pts 15 pts
27 9 pts 5 pts 14 pts
28 3 pts 1 pts 2 pts 6 pts
29 1 pts 1 pts 3 pts 5 pts
30 2 pts 2 pts 4 pts
31 4 pts 4 pts
32 1 pts 3 pts 4 pts
33 1 pts 1 pts
34 1 pts 1 pts

Awarded Season Points

First Position

150 pts OGS


November 15, 2017 at 6:46:41 AM UTC

Find the official discussion here:

December 12, 2017 at 5:02:29 PM UTC

For the users whit a gigabyte 1030 oc

The voltage controller for the vcore is a up1542s.

Same chip on a msi gt 730 " mod from Lucky noob @ jagat oc "


The Mem controler and readout points i don't have fount jet


Edit 1 : I like to add foto , but option is not working


Edit 2 : I found the mem and core voltage readoud point , and i think ( not 100% sure ) the men voltage controller up8801

December 12, 2017 at 5:29:14 PM UTC

Try to make a new post with the picture, it seems nothing works anymore at the forums...

December 12, 2017 at 5:58:41 PM UTC

Try to make a new post with the picture, it seems nothing works anymore at the forums...


Even when i start a new thread in the vmod section i can't add foto's

December 15, 2017 at 12:46:59 PM UTC

Its open now so where is the wallpaper?

December 15, 2017 at 1:13:57 PM UTC

Someone stole the background :-o


Here is the official wallpaper

December 15, 2017 at 10:33:41 PM UTC

Thanks Michael

December 15, 2017 at 10:40:24 PM UTC

I can't download the wallpaper, could you provide a new link websmile? Thanks!

December 15, 2017 at 10:52:49 PM UTC

Copy and paste the link into your browser

December 15, 2017 at 11:30:19 PM UTC

The link should work, as said you can copy the link adress and open it in your browser if it does not redirect you at first.

December 16, 2017 at 1:20:36 AM UTC

I have a quick question.


I see its live now but there are no stipulations about the CPU or platform. So should I assume I could use an ES CPU on the X299 platform? Thanks.

December 16, 2017 at 1:43:33 AM UTC

Silly question but how do we bypass the 4gb vram requirement for superposition extreme?

December 16, 2017 at 4:01:14 AM UTC

Superposition Extreme needs 3Gb of Vram.

The best you can run is Moderate with 2Gb of Vram.

We will have to wait for the mods to change the bench to Moderate I think.

At least they know now once they read this.

December 16, 2017 at 7:03:53 AM UTC

Right on i thought maybe there was some sort of workaround for it since there are gt1030 subs for it,thought I just needed to use some elbow grease lmao

December 16, 2017 at 9:04:25 AM UTC

I see half a dozen of extreme results 1080 for 1030a with 2GB ram? So I think it should work, maybe casanova can tell who already ran it

On the cpus, we have 5g limit and no restrictions

December 16, 2017 at 11:07:59 AM UTC

obligatory screen background? not speciffier in the rules !!

December 16, 2017 at 11:15:17 AM UTC

The background is at post 7 of the thread

December 16, 2017 at 4:03:31 PM UTC

it does not work !!

December 16, 2017 at 4:09:41 PM UTC

It does work, you copy the link adress and put it in your browser - several people checked it already

December 16, 2017 at 6:24:56 PM UTC

now yes, OK.

December 17, 2017 at 8:32:27 PM UTC

The background is at post 7 of the thread

This needs to be specified in the rules. Just found out about it now.

December 17, 2017 at 11:52:47 PM UTC

BG requirement is not stated... so it's only fair to make it optional at this point. Now that I h ave it, I'll use it for any future subs.

December 18, 2017 at 12:03:00 AM UTC


You guys have been competitive benching long enough to know that there is wallpaper required for every single comp.

Just fix your mistake. It's easier than arguing for a rule change.

December 18, 2017 at 1:26:18 AM UTC

C'mon manl - the BG didn't show up until after the comp began. No rule to change - It's not specified at this point. Read the rules, then comment.

What no comment on ES chips? :P

December 18, 2017 at 5:42:07 AM UTC

hey dopies ^^^^^, when has there ever been a comp held without a wallpaper needed ???? you know damn well what is required, even if there is a glitch with it , so stop the bull...shit talk !!!!!

December 18, 2017 at 8:58:49 AM UTC

I'm not arguing about the need for a wallpaper. Only the impractical way to hide it in the comments of a suppoort thread.

December 18, 2017 at 10:16:16 AM UTC

I'm not arguing about the need for a wallpaper. Only the impractical way to hide it in the comments of a suppoort thread.


impractical way to hide it, what a load of garbage, you think bot wants to go thru all this crap over a impractical way to hide it , jesus, ive never entered a cheapaz chips comp yet but i do know this , it requires a background, and so do you, like any other comp, were you born thick or does it just come naturally ??

December 18, 2017 at 10:21:56 AM UTC

I don't know why it is you can't have a simple discussion in these forums anymore without being called an idiot by a new user. It didn't use to be like this.


Anyway, cya guys in the competition where the results will do the talking.

December 18, 2017 at 10:38:36 AM UTC

a new user eh ??? lol, too funny, if youre an old user you know the rules already, like i do !!!!!

December 18, 2017 at 7:09:46 PM UTC

For the users whit a gigabyte 1030 oc

The voltage controller for the vcore is a up1542s.

Same chip on a msi gt 730 " mod from Lucky noob @ jagat oc "


The Mem controler and readout points i don't have fount jet


Edit 1 : I like to add foto , but option is not working


Edit 2 : I found the mem and core voltage readoud point , and i think ( not 100% sure ) the men voltage controller up8801


Vmod not working :( , card stil alive

December 18, 2017 at 7:43:55 PM UTC

I already tasked internal that the rules and the background shall be provided, I hope we can get this done :)

December 19, 2017 at 2:38:14 PM UTC

hey dopies ^^^^^, when has there ever been a comp held without a wallpaper needed ???? you know damn well what is required, even if there is a glitch with it , so stop the bull...shit talk !!!!!


And there has always been other rules in other comps... does not mean they apply to any future comp - right? Or should a user ASSUME what rules apply. Geeze.


^^ yeah, oldies. :P

December 22, 2017 at 9:44:01 PM UTC

Any particular reason the background still doesn't seem to appear on the stage pages? (I know it's in this thread)

December 23, 2017 at 9:51:18 AM UTC

I have no access to change this

December 26, 2017 at 1:47:31 PM UTC

I have no access to change this


In which case who needs to be poked? :D

December 26, 2017 at 4:16:46 PM UTC

George Storm I heard :D

December 26, 2017 at 5:07:52 PM UTC

George Storm I heard :D


If someone wants to give me access I can try :P

December 26, 2017 at 8:14:21 PM UTC

Thx for adding the background!

December 26, 2017 at 8:34:06 PM UTC

Was wonder where you can get GPUPI 3.0? I see a few people using it.

December 26, 2017 at 9:07:18 PM UTC

Was wonder where you can get GPUPI 3.0? I see a few people using it.



gpupi 3 can be found

December 26, 2017 at 9:08:23 PM UTC

new back ground?

do we need to re bench whit the new?

December 26, 2017 at 9:32:36 PM UTC

You can use both backgrounds, I found the new version with Galax sponsorship and improvized.

December 26, 2017 at 10:26:44 PM UTC

Some people seem to have found a way to modify BIOS, any hints?

December 27, 2017 at 4:23:57 AM UTC

Just to make sure, GPUPI 3.0 is fine to use for the competition, right?

December 28, 2017 at 1:37:59 AM UTC

Is it too late to change to superposition medium and or require a valid link so we can see bugged runs?


Extreme is just a random number generator and throws you a nice score when you bug and run out of vram.

December 28, 2017 at 12:08:21 PM UTC

To answer some questions, GPUPI 3.0 is ok for me and we stay with extreme at superposition like agreed on the thread, too late to change this I think. The result tab shows min and max fps at least

December 28, 2017 at 2:31:50 PM UTC

I think the 8** scores are bugged, and Ikki's is more on track to what to expect. Those guys should be around 680-695 tops

December 28, 2017 at 3:59:26 PM UTC

YES! They are bugged, its not a tweak. If you don't want to change it then we need some guidelines in place to toss out the 8xx scores.


Changes need to happen, its nothing new. I recall changes made in the last weeks of a GB comp because of the raymarch test in catzilla.

December 28, 2017 at 4:31:58 PM UTC

I confirm, high 6xx without bug is possible, maybe something around 7xx, but 8xx is a bugged score with extreme preset

December 28, 2017 at 4:48:18 PM UTC

The only changes made at GA were that I removed more results, and mainly because the raymarch bug was happening more often than usual.

On the "bugged" runs, so how to see these? minimum and maximum fps are completely in line for the results. We cannot block results because of efficiency being too good if we do not have more hints. This is a quite new benchmark and it has not been run on lower end gpus much. What is even more hilarious, the community discussed the benchmark choice and hardware for months and obviously no one did in depth testing.

December 28, 2017 at 10:00:36 PM UTC

So, let s hope in honesty

December 28, 2017 at 10:59:51 PM UTC

I might exchange stage 3 if we cannot find a solution that either shows these runs are tweaked or bugged. It is always risky to use newer not much tested benchmark on rarely used hardware. This decision will be made saturday/sunday most likely because everyone will feel bad if we have to rely on chance.

December 28, 2017 at 11:25:09 PM UTC

I have to comment here because I believe in Honesty too.

I installed W10 and setup everything up and on the first run it crashed I was using the same clocks as I was with 3D03 so I lowered them a bit and it went through and gave me 851 marks so I thought beauty saved the screenshot and subbed it this was on the second day of the comp.

I wasnt thinking anything about bugged run or anything as far as I knew at the time it was good.

Later I tried the openGL API in the bench and got a very low score after going back and trying the Direct X API again I could not reproduce the score.

I have been trying for days and done 4 more complete reinstalls.

I can get 730 easily enough just tweaking with inspector and am sure I can get into the 800's with cold on the card.


As I said I believe in honesty and fairness but I am not removing the score I have not got the highest score maybe Electron Libre can come in here and tell us all how he got a score of 889 he's score appeared a few day ago and I would say he was out to beat my score so maybe he knows how to do it legally.



Michael if we change the bench I vote for heaven its in a wrapper and is the same thing basically it also meets the objective of keeping the CPU out of the bench.

December 28, 2017 at 11:35:08 PM UTC

I might exchange stage 3 if we cannot find a solution that either shows these runs are tweaked or bugged. It is always risky to use newer not much tested benchmark on rarely used hardware. This decision will be made saturday/sunday most likely because everyone will feel bad if we have to rely on chance.


I think if this needs to be done, just extend the length of the competition to make it even.

Macs, as much as I'm sure it is awesome to hit an 850+ if it cant be replicated - or even id say within 20 points I really reckon its bugged.

December 28, 2017 at 11:47:42 PM UTC

Michael if we change the bench I vote for heaven its in a wrapper and is the same thing basically it also meets the objective of keeping the CP out of the bench.


I second the motion for Heaven.

December 28, 2017 at 11:59:14 PM UTC

I think if this needs to be done, just extend the length of the competition to make it even.

Macs, as much as I'm sure it is awesome to hit an 850+ if it cant be replicated - or even id say within 20 points I really reckon its bugged.


I agree totally Matt but if Electon Libre can show up and tell us how he actually done it then I will be able to do it again and so should everyone else.

My actual choice is to change the bench.

December 29, 2017 at 12:07:59 AM UTC

heaven would be an excellent sub if we have to change benches.

December 29, 2017 at 12:23:03 AM UTC

I agree totally Matt but if Electon Libre can show up and tell us how he actually done it then I will be able to do it again and so should everyone else.

My actual choice is to change the bench.


exactly, and if he can do so, and replicate it, sure, but until he does. bugged.

December 29, 2017 at 12:35:59 AM UTC

I think Heaven's a good choice as well. Although incorporating new benches into currently running comps is nice, if bugged results are getting posted, then it really starts to become an issue. The behavior of Heaven is well known, and it's a "similar" bench(both developed by Unigine).

December 29, 2017 at 1:06:46 AM UTC

Superposition medium or high might be fine also since I think the issues lies in the limited gpu mem capacity

December 29, 2017 at 7:14:40 AM UTC

my question is this michael if you will, and im not even in the comp but watching it, i just tried to download the bench directly from bot comp link to have a look at this bench, 1275 mb, took 20 minutes, i know australias internet isnt good , bit it gets to the end of the dload and its failed ??, my main question is this, has anyone in BOT ever tested this bench, for bugs, or what ever or has it been just chucked in for a comp like so many others and hope for the best and doesnt give dramas ???, coz from what ive seen so far theres many people wasting a lot of time , money, and energy on another bench like the last XTU / realbench experiences ??


thx ozz

December 29, 2017 at 7:37:47 AM UTC

The benchmark was tested with a couple of different GPUs, but you can´t test new benchmarks on all different cards available. For this competition, hwbot did not determine the benchmarks used but the community did at a special preparations thread so you are asking the wrong person for "if this was chucked in"^^. The benchmarks we use normally are tested and bugs are known unless we make special stuff like the realbench beta comps in the past to evaluate new options

December 29, 2017 at 7:56:01 AM UTC

michael i asked you coz i know youll tell the truth, simple, my original question stands, bot did not test it, im still trying to download the bench,ark form the comps link the 2nd time, 1st time failed, got to the end within 15 seconds, the failed, oops , failed again for the second time in the same comp download option


i watched the video of it and it will be a top but hard benchmark when all is sorted , i loved the older stuff in it, a top music back ground too, and thx for the realbench of late update



The benchmarks we use normally are tested and bugs are known unless we make special stuff like the realbench beta comps in the past to evaluate new options (not really good stuff to put in a comp is it untested )


cheers ozz

December 29, 2017 at 9:02:08 AM UTC

michael, i just downloaded it off unigene website and downloaded and installed no problems, i dont have the gear installed to run it but it installed no worries, so can you tell me, everyone what the problem is with the cheapazchips comp download is please ??, i tried it twice same result..failed???

December 29, 2017 at 9:13:29 AM UTC

I do not understand the question about the download - if I click the ocesports download link at cheapazz it leads to unigine site directly for download link, so there is no difference for me. Does it lead you somewhere else?

December 29, 2017 at 10:30:08 AM UTC

I do not understand the question about the download - if I click the ocesports download link at cheapazz it leads to unigine site directly for download link, so there is no difference for me. Does it lead you somewhere else?


no michael, what i said was if i download it from the cheapazchipz comps link from bot it doesnt download properly for me, it stopped twice and didnt download, both from 2 different ( times) not stages , sorry , typo, there is the option in each stage to download each stage correct ?, stage 3 the super 1080p extreme is not downloading for me, now whether anyone else has had these issues i dont know but im wondering with the talks of a bug somewhere in which ive read of whether that bug is in the download from BOT , clearly theres a bug in it somewhere form the comments already and for me to try download it twice with the same results off BOT from the comp stage page

if i go to unigene site itself then no problems, it downloads perfectly and is installed on my pc now

December 29, 2017 at 11:17:28 AM UTC

All downloads work for me, they lead to website of piblisher or direct download at 3dm03, but I need to use the normal left click and cannot download with right click. Same as on hwbot directly, also the 03 being shown as shortened url problem is same. All works nontheless

December 29, 2017 at 11:57:35 AM UTC

i give up, all the best with it !!

December 29, 2017 at 4:47:23 PM UTC

The superposition stage will get deleted and I will add a UH Extreme stage instead. For this stage I prolong the contest to 20th of january

December 29, 2017 at 5:54:00 PM UTC

hello, for the score I made I just made changes in the NVIDIA configuration panel in other changed the speed of the frames and tested others .change the bench pad worries for me since I'm not looking not the 1st place.

And may the best win .


December 29, 2017 at 6:00:25 PM UTC

but if we change we can also say that the score of 03 are buger, I made a score of 115000 point that is not validated but well past it is necessary that the competition ends

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