HWBOT X St Benoît Atelier Overclocking & PC Building - Cinebench - R15

The French Federation of OverClocking (FFOC) is proud to announce its very first solo event, and the first HWBOT X event in France! This event hosted in partnership with HWBOT and Seasonic focuses on educating PC enthusiasts through open workshops.

The HWBOT X St Benoit takes place at the Gamers Assembly Halloween Ed. on Nov 12-13 in the city of St Benoit (close to Poitiers). The FFOC team will be proposing 2 types of activities to all visitors and participants of the LAN party:

  • PC Building workshop: participants learn the basic skills required to assemble a working PC
  • Overclocking workshop: the FFOC staff teaches how to max out on Air-Cooling both the CPU and the Graphics cards of the provided systems

Closed Since 13 Nov


  • Cinebench - R15 is closed since 13 November 2016
  • More info can be found on x.hwbot.org


  • Only members of may participate.
  • Only submissions made on or after 2016-11-11T00:00:00 are allowed.


Rank Participant Points Score
1 50 pts 940 cb
2 41 pts 934 cb
3 36 pts 927 cb
4 32 pts 927 cb
5 30 pts 927 cb
6 28 pts 875 cb
7 26 pts 821 cb
8 24 pts 809 cb
9 22 pts 804 cb
10 20 pts 803 cb
11 19 pts 751 cb

Latest Submissions for Stage Cinebench - R15

Score User Hardware Cooling
940 cb Core i7 4770K
803 cb FX-8370
751 cb FX-8370
875 cb Core i7 4770K
804 cb FX-8370
927 cb Core i7 4770K Air (Custom)
934 cb Core i7 4770K
821 cb FX-8370 Air (Custom)
927 cb Core i7 4770K
927 cb Core i7 4770K Air (Custom)

First Position

940 cb eMrode

HWBOT X St Benoît Atelier Overclocking & PC Building Stages


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