Novice Nimble #5 - Reference Frequency

Welcome to the Novice Nimble! Via the Rookie Rumble you’re now familiar with competitions at HWBOT and OC-ESPORTS. Now it's time to learn about team work. Find an overclocking team, motivate two other Novices and enjoy the Novice Nimble!

There are five stages in the Novice Nimble. Each of the stages requires combining 3 scores to form a team average. The team with the best average gathers the most points. In addition to the benchmarks we know from the Rookie Rumble, you will also have to compete in two 3D stages. To win, you will need good overclocking skills but most importantly a strong and cohesive team. Check out the stage tabs to find out the hardware and benchmark requirements. Good luck!

Closed Since 14 Nov


  • Reference Frequency is closed since 14 November 2015


  • Only members of the novice league may participate.


Latest Submissions for Stage Reference Frequency

Score Team User Hardware Cooling
197.48 MHz GA-Z97X-SOC Force Air (Stock)
224.97 MHz EP-MF570SLI Air (Stock)
333.01 MHz P5KPL-VM Air (Stock)
369.92 MHz Maximus VIII Impact Air (Stock)
99.87 MHz X550CC Air (Stock)
654.66 MHz Rampage Extreme Air (Custom)
460.04 MHz P5Q-E Air (Stock)
221.11 MHz P6T Deluxe V2 Air (Stock)
183.63 MHz P7H55D-M PRO Air (Stock)
4223.51 MHz P7H55D-M PRO Air (Stock)

First Position

0 MHz Team Brazil

Novice Nimble #5 Stages


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