Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 4 - 3DMark2001 SE

Welcome to the Old school is Best School Season 3, a contest series created specifically for overclockers that enjoy benching on very old, classic hardware. Each month-long round features five stages, each with unique hardware and benchmarks.

In Round 4 of the Old School is Best School contest we have an opportunity to go back in time and bench on the classic AMD Socket A platform (also known as Socket 462). When it comes to graphics overclockers must use an Nvidia GeForce 2 series card. Stage 1 is all about the highest CPU frequency possible (percentage OC) while Stage 2 involves benching the 3DMark01 app. Stage 3 takes us back in time to CineBench 03. Verification screenshots and system pictures are required for each stage.

Closed Since 15 Apr


  • 3DMark2001 SE is closed since 15 April 2017


  • Must use official competition background.
  • Only use videocard from the GeForce 2 series family.
  • Must use official competition background: download
  • Only use processors using A (462).


Rank Participant Points Score
1 25 pts 8526 marks
2 18 pts 7956 marks
3 16 pts 7888 marks
4 15 pts 7667 marks
5 14 pts 7642 marks
6 13 pts 7611 marks
7 12 pts 7431 marks
8 11 pts 7157 marks
9 10 pts 7033 marks
10 9 pts 6795 marks
11 8 pts 5911 marks
12 7 pts 5573 marks
13 6 pts 5478 marks
14 5 pts 5474 marks
15 4 pts 3362 marks
16 3 pts 3022 marks

Latest Submissions for Stage 3DMark2001 SE

Score Team User Hardware Cooling
6795 marks GeForce2 GTS Air (Custom)
6795 marks GeForce2 GTS Air (Custom)
8526 marks GeForce2 Ultra Liquid Nitrogen
3022 marks GeForce2 MX400 64MB DDR 64bit
8372 marks GeForce2 Ti Air (Custom)
3362 marks GeForce2 MX400 64MB Air (Stock)
3358 marks GeForce2 MX400 64MB Air (Stock)
7431 marks GeForce2 Ti Single Stage Phase Change
8000 marks GeForce2 Ti Air (Custom)
7667 marks GeForce2 Ti Water (Custom)

First Position

8526 marks Hellas Overclocking Team

Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 4 Stages


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