Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 5 - 3DMark 99 Max

Welcome to the Old school is Best School Season 3, a contest series created specifically for overclockers that enjoy benching on very old, classic hardware. Each month-long round features five stages, each with unique hardware and benchmarks.

In Round 5 of the Old School is Best School contest is a real trip down memory lane, involving CPUs from eras including Slot 1, Slot A and the long lost but still remembered Socket 7. Only classic ATi Rage graphics cards may be used. In terms of benchmarks, Stage 1 focuses on 3DMark99, Stage 2 is all about SuperPi 1M while Stage 3 involves HWBOT Prime. Verification screenshots and system pictures are required for each stage.

Closed Since 15 May


  • 3DMark 99 Max is closed since 15 May 2017


  • Only use processors using Slot 1.
  • Only use videocard from the ATI Rage family.
  • Must use official competition background: download


Rank Participant Points Score
1 25 pts 12020 marks
2 18 pts 11927 marks
3 16 pts 10849 marks
4 15 pts 10533 marks
5 14 pts 9205 marks
6 13 pts 8654 marks
7 12 pts 8347 marks
8 11 pts 7659 marks
9 10 pts 5517 marks
10 9 pts 3742 marks
11 8 pts 2851 marks
12 7 pts 2461 marks
13 6 pts 926 marks

Latest Submissions for Stage 3DMark 99 Max

Score Team User Hardware Cooling
11927 marks Rage Fury MAXX Dry Ice
7659 marks Rage 128 Pro (128bit, 32Mb) Air (Stock)
12020 marks Rage Fury MAXX Air (Stock)
9509 marks Rage 128 Pro (128bit, 32Mb) Air (Stock)
8826 marks Rage 128 Pro (128bit, 32Mb) Air (Stock)
10849 marks Rage Fury MAXX Air (Stock)
10533 marks Rage Fury MAXX Air (Stock)
11715 marks Rage Fury MAXX Air (Stock)
926 marks 3D Rage PRO AGP
8654 marks Rage 128 Pro (64bit, 32Mb) Liquid Nitrogen

First Position

12020 marks Hellas Overclocking Team

Old School is Best School Season 3 Round 5 Stages


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