World Series - MSI MOA 2016 Europe Qualifier - XTU

The World Series 2016 is exclusive to participants of the World Tour 2016. The local champions face off at the World Championship in Berlin at the end of the year. More information at

In partnership with MSI, the HWBOT World Tour hosts a series of events at Gamers Assembly, one the biggest eSport and PC gaming events of the year. From March 25-28 visitors will be able to enjoy the MSI OC Academy, MSI MOA 2016 Europe plus a social environment where enthusiasts, gamers and overclockers can mix and socialize while learning more about Overclocking.

Closed Since 27 Mar


  • XTU is closed since 27 March 2016



Latest Submissions for Stage XTU

Score User Hardware Cooling
1552 marks Core i7 6700K
1742 marks Core i7 6700K
1565 marks Core i7 6700K
16219 marks Core i7 6700K
1426 marks Core i7 6700K
1742 marks Core i7 6700K
1555 marks Core i7 6700K
1535 marks Core i7 6700K
1574 marks Core i7 6700K
1574 marks Core i7 6700K Liquid Nitrogen

First Position

1754 marks Xtreme Addict

World Series - MSI MOA 2016 Europe Qualifier Stages


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