World Series 2016 North America Amateur Qualifier - XTU

The workshop and qualifier is exclusive to participants of Lan ETS 2016. Classes for amateurs and first timers taught by local overclockers. Learn the basics and start overclocking, then submit your XTU score. Top 4 scores qualify for the finals.

The World Series for Amateurs contests will be held during the LanETS with the OC Workshops ostensibly acting as qualification rounds. OC Workshops will be held on April 16th. All benchmarking will be on XTU with 30 minutes given for the qualification rounds and 2 x 15min swap brackets for both Semi-finals and the Final. Note: The four overclockers with the highest XTU score will qualify for the semi finals. More information at

Closed Since 17 Apr


  • XTU is closed since 17 April 2016


  • Only members of may participate.
  • Only use the Core i7 6700K processor.


Latest Submissions for Stage XTU

Score User Hardware Cooling
1332 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1419 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1420 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1455 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1425 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1434 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1412 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1437 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1431 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)
1423 marks Core i7 6700K Air (Custom)

First Position

1468 marks bergilicious

World Series 2016 North America Amateur Qualifier Stages


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