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Pentium E6800 3.33 GHz LGA775 BX80571E6800 SLGUE Processor - Dual-core

3.8 3.8 out of 5 stars 19 ratings

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Brand Intel
CPU Manufacturer Intel
CPU Model Pentium
CPU Speed 3.33 GHz
CPU Socket LGA 775

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Pentium E6800 3.33 GHz LGA775 BX80571E6800 SLGUE Processor - Dual-core

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Product Description

If you are looking for an ideal basic desktop system, then one built with an Intel Pentium processor is the right choice. Reliable and energy efficient with solid performance, the Intel Pentium processor continues to offer great capabilities at an economical price.

Top Brand: Intel

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Customer reviews

3.8 out of 5 stars
19 global ratings

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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2011
    Got this processor in good time .... Installed it with no trouble... Didn't us the fan that came with... I uses the Rockfish fan cause it mounts with nut and bold and not with the cheap clip set up that comes with the fan in the box. I try one time to us the fan that came with and two out of the 4 screw clip didn't hold so I broke the other two off and install the Rockfish fan...Processor works nice and fast just like its 3.20 GHz partner I also am using in another machine...
    One person found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2011
    I bought this cpu to breathe a little more life into a project build i was working on and man what a difference going from a Pentium Dual Core E2200 to this.
    I received a 2753 cpu score when i ran Passmarks Performance Test 7 64bit with the E2200 i was only getting a 1557. In games i am seeing a 15 FPS increase overall as well as Passmark reporting a 33% increase in my Geforce GT 430 Graphics Card most of that thanks to the higher Front Side Bus. Installation was a breeze though i didnt use the Heat Sink that was included i kept the stock one that was in this PC originally (HP Compaq dc5800 Microtower) as it was screwed in and not push pins like the one included with CPU (get lower temps with screw in heatsinks) Popped cpu in applied a fresh application of Arctic Silver 5 thermal paste and so far after an hour of Prime95 max temps top at 79c which is a little high but as with any OEM pc, overclocking options are disabled in BIOS so this computer as is will never be overclocked so im not really that concerned with temps. every game if thrown at this cpu its chewed right threw it (Crysis 1, Warhead. Borderlands, Mass Effect 2, Need for Speed Shift 2, Hot pursuit. COD Black Ops, Star Trek Online, EVE Online just to name a few all with graphics set to max. For those of you that say eh its not a Core 2 Duo. Actually the E6800 in games outperforms all of the Core 2 Duo line minus the E8500 and E8600 with both only having marginal increases not to mention the E8600 is 300$!(You can get a Mid Grade Core 2 Quad for 179$) for 1/3 of that price you get a CPU that gets only 1-3 less FPS in most games. a no brainer. Upgrading anything better then a Pentium Dual Core E6800 I would recommend getting a Quad Core. which this tax season i plan on upgrading this motherboard to the max cpu wise to the Core 2 Quad Q9550 and will probably upgrade GFX to a GTX 460 or higher. but never mind that this so far is a great CPU and like a said only 2 core 2 duos are better then this and barely not to mention their 3x the price!
    2 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2020
    Is amazing
  • Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2019
    Chip not working
  • Reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2019
    The product was clearly pre owned but still working great 8 months later nonetheless

Top reviews from other countries

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  • kendoc58
    5.0 out of 5 stars NEC Express5800/S70 タイプFLへの換装で問題ありません。
    Reviewed in Japan on April 10, 2011
    今更ながら、NEC Express5800/S70 タイプFLのCPUをoriginalのIntel Celeron 440 (2.0GHz)から、こちらに換装しました。
    AMIのBIOSのRelease Dateが2009/02/09の個体ですが、各ファン共に全開とはならず、処理スピードのみ改善しました。
    因みに、CPUクーラーは、NEC Express5800/S70 タイプFLに元々装着されていたCOOLER MASTER製のモノをそのまま使用しました。
    OSはWindows 7 Home Premium (64ビット)ですが、CPU換装後も問題なく立ち上がりました。
    換装後にオーバークロックを行わない状態で、SUPER_PI の104万桁は17秒でした。
    また、Windows エクスペリエンス インデックスのプロセッサ サブスコアは6.6でした。
    Celeron 440でも自分の作業環境にさほど支障はなかったのですが、こちらのCPUに換えてからは、ブラウザで同時に複数のストリーミング配信を観る場合にはCPU使用率が明らかに低下しており、スムーズな再生が得られています。
    また、クロック周波数が上がった分、デジタル画像のフィルタ処理(アンシャープマスク処理)なども短時間で済み、dual coreになった分、並行して他の作業がストレスなく行えるようになりました。
    CoreTempで表示されるプロセッサ温度は、室温15℃くらいでCPU使用率100%が続くと、60℃を少し超えるところ迄上昇しますが、作業が終わるとすぐに40℃以下に低下しますので、NEC Express5800/S70 タイプSDの筐体での使用も問題ないと思われます。
    この価格でこれだけの作業効率改善効果があれば、少し前のPC(Core Micro Architectureをサポートしているマザーボード)を持っていて、ちょっと弄って速くしてみたいという人には、コスト・パフォーマンスが高いと思います。
  • Project-D
    4.0 out of 5 stars LGA775のマザー一式余ってたので
    Reviewed in Japan on June 11, 2012





  • バルカンレイブン
    5.0 out of 5 stars 市場から消えて行ってます
    Reviewed in Japan on April 3, 2012

    自 己 責 任 でOCして4.0Ghzまで上げたら2012年現在でもハイエンドを要する
  • ありえす
    5.0 out of 5 stars 良い取引が出来ました。
    Reviewed in Japan on February 15, 2015
  • ikuomac
    5.0 out of 5 stars CP最高、速いです。
    Reviewed in Japan on January 15, 2011