Rankings and Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Phenom II X6 1090T BE
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Phenom II X6 1090T BE Thuban (6 Cores Active) Cooling Liquid Helium Cores 6,939 MHz (+116.84%)
Technology Demonstration of http://www.LN2Cooling.com LN2 cooling evaporator with LHe conversion kit. Conversion kit combined with LN2 evaporator extended run time on LHe4 by a factor of 2. Hoping to try again with a chip that likes voltage, or a new stepping chip! (CPU-Z validation not done with floating HT glitch - easily over 7.1Ghz with glitch)
Every impressive, Aaron !
Your expertise in making Extreme Cooling products is certainly a plus
I can't wait to get one of your new products
good job on those numbers
Awesome job, Aaron. Can't wait to try LHe4 one day myself!
Fastest X6 in the world!
nice one !
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