Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Hicookie's Best PiFast Submission
Global Rank
Core i7 Extreme 980X
70.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 Extreme 980X
Team Power Rank
105.9 Points
Amazing... almost at the 11 mark..
this is just insane...
cpu still alive?
how does this chip stay alive is incredible lol.............i swear a fart in the wrong direction with these 980Xs and they are toast lol
Seriously amazing chip.. TinTin, I think has a killer chip too... indestructable chips..
you guys are surprised about the chip being still alive. I'm more surprised about the motherboard. Gigabyte makes badass boards
you cooled your Ram with LN2? so, why no pictures?
i'am gay... look my ass ( ).( )
Rams 2100 6-6-6-18
Good hardware
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