Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Marco André's Best Aquamark Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
Radeon HD 5770
10.0 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Radeon HD 5770
Team Power Rank
9.9 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X Gulftown Cooling Water (Custom) Cores 4,292 MHz (+28.89%)
Model AMD Radeon HD 5770 (Juniper) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 1,030 MHz (+21.18%) / 1,525 MHz (+27.08%)
Turn off HT and get the CPU to at least 4.6 for this bench and you'll have a much better score! Tighten ram timings if you can and keep uncore over 4000 too.
Thanks linuxfan, CPU speed is the limiting factor here. I don't see any chance to reach 4.6GHz with this old and million times used chip
If you can do 4292mhz in 3dmark06 CPU test with this chip on all 12 cores can't you raise the clock and turn off HT? I know my retail 980x does close to 4.8ghz on water with a single triple radiator and 85oF ambient...
Well push it to the max whatever it is with the chip.
Good score for the clocks.
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