Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not BenchBrothers.de's Best Aquamark Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
Radeon HD 5870
31.4 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Radeon HD 5870
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X Gulftown Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 6,807 MHz (+104.41%)
Product HyperX (classic) Cooling Air (Stock) Type 6144 MB DDR3 SDRAM PC3 19200Speed @ 972 MHz Timings CL7.0 7-7-20 1T
Model AMD Radeon HD 5870 (Cypress) Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,330 MHz (+56.47%) / 1,300 MHz (+8.33%)
really nice score my friends
killer chip!
Congrats brosthers!
Well deserved!
Hoho... how many chips did you try to select this one?
Congrats brosthers! Strong CPU and Score.
awesome cpu guys
Crazy chip !
awesome work guys ! well done !
congrats! monster chip ~~
Congrats for the gold!!!
After a loooong search you finally got the right chip - impressive results!!!
Great score guys!
Way to go mates... insane CPU. 6800 and 5050 uncore... that is sick
Congrats... AM3 WR stay in Germany
Sick!!! Nice work
Thank you all, guys.
Since GT-launch this is our 7th or 8th cpu. One died completely, one is semi-dead (only 5 cores +ht) and all others were crap. Nice to have a good one now...
But 7 or 8 cpus are nothing compared to the dozens other overclockers tested to find a decent one....
That's insane! Great score there! Awesome cpu! Nice work brothers!
what Fpo/Batch does it have?Congrats for the record.
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