Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Luebke's Best wPrime - 32m Submission
Global 2 Cores CPU Rank
Pentium E5700
14.6 Points
Global 2 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Pentium E5700
Team Power Rank
4.5 Points
Hi, your Cpu appears to have same issue with showing it´s frequency, mine also showed 120mhz @ 200x6.But it´s wierd, because the test result appears to be correct for 3ghz speed, mine was correct only after i manually OC´d it.
thats because i didn´t disable cool n quiet. the screen was made in idle-mode. during the bench of course the cpu runs at 3 ghz
it´s just an office pc without any oc-options, because of that i couldn´t overclock it. >.<
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