Rankings and Points
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
2x GeForce GTX 580
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Such a fun rig to pour ln2 on. Next up is with 6 GHz CPUs, right?!
Such a fun rig to pour ln2 on. Next up is with 6 GHz CPUs, right?!
Such a fun rig to pour ln2 on. Next up is with 6 GHz CPUs, right?!
you showed you know who lol, nice run guys
Also congrats Matt, you definitely earned it
Awesome job guys, but seriously no pictures of the rig?
good job guys, keep em coming
Tek9 Fatties + Dragon F1 EE + k|ngp|n NB pot
SR-2 Rolling , congratz guys . awsome benching , keep them coming. Done The PURE Way .
Nice!!! Was looking forward to see some SR-2 real action and GPUs over 11xx core... Great work!
Very nice guys keep it coming... Lets see some pics though...
5 pot action! Awesome!
Great work guys...congrats on the global gold Matt
Awesome work you guys!
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