Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not Christian Ney's Best CPU Frequency Submission
17.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
Intel  Pentium III E 500Mhz (s370)  Team Power Rank
2.5 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Pentium III E 500Mhz (s370) Coppermine-256 Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Temperature Load -50.0 °C Idle -50.0 °C Cores 974.49 MHz (+94.90%) REF 194 MHz


Cooling Air (Stock) Type 256 MB unknown Speed @ 194 MHz Timings CL2 2-2-7


Model NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS AGP (G71) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 510 MHz (+13.33%) / 700 MHz (+16.67%) buy on amazon


Model ASUS TUSL2-C Cooling Air (Stock) Chipset 815EP


Capacity 30 GB (IDE) Series Vertex SSD

Power Supply



Christian Ney commented on his own score:
13 year and 10 months ago – First day on Single Stage / Need to figure out how to have 2-2-2-5 instead of 2-2-2-7 / Binned CPU by myself / Handpicked memory by myself / vmod done but not really working well, this IC need at least 300k or the board simply will not boot / vCPU: 1.84v
July 30, 2011 at 12:29:28 AM UTC

too bad that the board seems to be dead during the wprime1024 run, need to fix it and maybe buy a new bios chip, damn how much water around the socket :P

July 30, 2011 at 2:27:16 PM UTC

fixed, back alive :)

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